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The Blizzard Entertainment community team has sent out a great resource for World of Warcraft players looking for all the inside information about yesterday's deployment of patch v5.2, The Thunder King. In addition to giving great advice for the current version, there are even a few hints of things to come.
We hope you enjoy all of the new content that came out today. It’s a big patch and we’re stoked that it’s finally out the door! Knowledge is power, baby! The patch 5.2 round-up blog is our living compendium of all things 5.2 with further updates coming—for example, the Throne of Thunder raid schedule and part one of the class reviews were added to it within the last 24 hours.
Find out more at the links above.
Nope, you just haven't played in two years. You are out of the loop with whats going on MoP has been a good expansion so far, the story is great.
Any examples you can site of this? Just asking cause that's me in a nutshell and I haven't played in a long time (even though I did beta test MoP).
It's a little early, but MoP might actually be better than TBC (my favorite expansion, imho oc). The raids are hard in normal and really really hard in heroic, but you can still do them every week easily with LFR. I know some that think doing LFR raiding is stupid, but I kind of enjoy it. It always gives me a good laugh when some idiot falls in Elegon's pit, or becomes food for the empress, or stands outside the holy V against the Sha of Fear.
I like the new area in 5.2 as well. It's spooky, fun, and has alot of things to do other than dailies.
5.2 is looking to be a good update and Pandaria is a good expansion but I feel its being held back because Blizzard is afraid of what happened with 4.3 Dragon Soul.
Blizzard seems to deal only with extremes now, either too far one way or the other.
Throne of the Thunder King is pretty much just a new raid, and pretty hard one at that, so that will keep the raiders occupied.
I have to take breaks from WOW from time to time, but I would probably come back for a bit to play the new stuff.
Hmmm....You left WoW, 2 years ago...MoP wasn't even released then...
On topic, It is great to see new raid to arrive, altho the massive amounts of dailies in MoP ruined it for me,,logged today went to the island, and saw the dailies and decided to hearthstone away.
Have no problems with that but in any case I do not care nor for pvp nor for end game. Game is usually (with few exceptions in past) fun only as long I have something fun to do with all my possible alts in pve. Then will move to another game.
So far games that it looks i will be always returning are only: wow, swtor, gw2.
In past, maybe even 3-5 years ago, when wow was - imo of course - only game worth regular playing I have been spending much more time in wow and in end game, but now I have other options what to play when need break or waiting next expansion.
I took a break during Cata and came back in MoP. I've played since BC was released. The game is not what it was in 2006 , and neither am I the type of gamer I was back in those days. That being said, WoW has always had something that other MMO's have missed the mark on, and it's the grand diversity.
MoP has been creative, and dynamic ,however, I am not viewing it as the hard core 25 man, 4 nights a week progression raider thtat I use to be. My biggest regret is the lack of 25 man team enviromnent and guild leadership that meant something special back in the day. I've always loved the team mindset that raiding provided. But I digress --- It changed.. I'm over it.
Now , Wow is just plain FUN. When I log in, I can do what I want to do, not what I am forced to do in more linear style MMO's.. If I want to just PvP that day, I can. If I want to quest, I can.. cook and craft, well, I can. The best thing is when I make a new character - my starting zone and lore is unique to the race. I can travel that toon from say Teldrassil, and quest at my level in Red Ridge or where ever. No other MMO has given me the freedom and expansive world that Blizzard has created. You have to agree there if you have played other MMO's and alpha/beta tested as much as I have in my lifetime.
Come back, look at it with new eyes and you might find yourself having fun. I'm in my 40's and I approve this message :-P Lighten up and enjoy!
Yes, they are.
This sentement to me is weird. Sure the talent tree revamp changed how talents are done But most of the skills are still the same. This expac story wise despite using pandas to tell it. is about horde vs alliance. Thats the whole story. And how that war is killing pandaria
Its about how the war between the horde and alliance is destorying azeroth and how we are to caught up in out own petty greivances to see it.
Its a godo expansion with plenty to do and actually story wise goes back to what was the origional premise of wow which is horde and alliance fightint each other.