I"ve been burned out on WoW for a while now, and even 5.2 doesn't seem to really be tweaking my interest.
I"m looking over all the options, and so many interesting games have gone F2P recently.
The Front Runners
- LOTRO: the classic F2P that I once dabbled in, and enjoyed, but got pulled away by WoW. Haven't gotten Riders of Rohan yet.
- EQ2: from what I can tell I"m 2 expansions behind on this one, though I'm nowhere near cap, so it hardly matters.
- Tera: just went F2P a few months ago, and supposedly it has a different combat system.
- Aion: I dipped my toe in this back when it went F2P, but it seemed a little too grindy. Still... things change.
Not Candidates
- DDO: Eh. Too much like D&D in some areas, not enough in others. Odd game. Not interested.
- Guld Wars 2: Bought & Bored out of my skull with it after about a month. Flaws in game design became apparent after the Launch Rush left early zones a wasteland and made the public questing tedious rather than engaging.
Just Because
- Rift: played a bit back in the day. Good game, solid, but didn't engage me. Heard Storm Legion is awesome. But between the cost of that and a monthly sub, it's not a likely win. Still, if it gets enough of an upsell, I may change my tune.
So in the year of our Lord (or Lady or Dark Master) 2013, what fantasy MMO is worth a jaded old gamer' timer now?
EDIT: Oh yeah. Important bits.
What exactly do I like in an MMO?
- Engaging World/Lore. This is really where Rift left me down back when I played it during its first few months of life. And it's what kept me into WoW long after I should have quit it.
- Well Camoflauged Questing System: WoW got this right eventually, and so does TSW and TOR. I don't mind the quest system as long as the "Collect X Bear Asses" quests are varied and mixed up with some amusment value or storytelling. It's what EQ2 and LOTRO lacked at the time I played them (this was a while ago).
- Player Housing: while this is optional, I've found a good housing system can keep me logging in, even when I'm ick of grinding.
- Varied Activities: this is something WoW and STO have that I like, and that's stuff to do besides just level. Sure, PvP is fun, but maybe I like taking time off for pet battles or duty officer missions, or a virtual CCG (*sighs* i miss SWG). I want something more than just PvE, PvP, Crafting.
- Decently paced Grind: and this is where games like FFXI lost me. I'm sorry, yes I"ve been playing since Ultima Online, and there's a reason WoW was the first game I ever made it to endgame. I'm a professional now, and I don't have the time for long, drawn out level and gear grinds that expect me to make the game my 2nd Job. I play to have fun, and meet people. But I also want a sense of achievement . I don't need the best gear. I"m nevr going to be in a Top Tier Raiding Guild. But that doesn't mean I want to raid, clear contet, and have some sweet looking gear. But if the endgame is designed for unemployed teens and 20-somethings with nothing but free time , then it's not for me.
rift is probably your best bet
although the 2 current best mmos are both scifi
I'm surprised that Age of Conan is not on your list at all. Too bloody/gritty low fantasy? It still has the best combat system and graphics imho. Atm also lots and lots of returning and new players due to recent steam release and content update.
you even get something way bigger than housing in AoC -> build a guild CITY. It's a fun team effort and gives a good feeling of achievement and benefits
btw GW2 also bored me to tears just like you, but AoC totally hooked me, go check it out it's free
Secrets of Dragon?s Spine Trailer.. !
Best MMOs ever played: Ultima, EvE, SW Galaxies, Age of Conan, The Secret World
The Return of ELITE !
... And which two are those? I'm wondering if I've been playing them recently.
Ah, honestly, I'd forgotten it existed.
2 planetside 2
I'm interested as well, OP. I don't have 8 hours a day anymore to play video games and am interested to hear some responses. I'm guessing most people will say Vangaurd or Everquest 2 since they seem to fit best with your request. Although, technically, everything out right now is sort of meh (in my opinion).
Serious death penalties makes every close call an adrenaline rush, and every minor achievement a major victory. This alternative rule-set should be in all MMORPGs.
here a little reminder )
are you in the EU? Join Fury, send me a PM, if you want I'll show you around in our guild city
Secrets of Dragon?s Spine Trailer.. !
Best MMOs ever played: Ultima, EvE, SW Galaxies, Age of Conan, The Secret World
The Return of ELITE !
An interesting question.
No, I live in the US, but I work a night schedule, so I tend to play hours that equate to Prime Time over in Great Britain.
Eh. Yeah but isn't the game a wasteland at low levels?