Awesome video! The atmopshere is the reason it is my favorite mmo. Love the storylines and characters. If only you could hear some of the great voice-overs.
I saw this video linked on TSW official forums and it's incredible.
Funcom should hire this person and put them to work creating compelling promo videos for the game.
So true. Heck, I bet they could get better videos from fans than they can make themselves. If they held a contest once a month for bonus points or something they'd never have to make a promo video again.
It's always cool to see what players can do when they make their own videos. I'm glad he/she didn't have any shots with a slow rotation around their character along with the "shaky" camera. That type of camera movement is hard to pull of right with most in-game tools. Nice and clean with good transitions in between the various clips.
Woah... REALLY cool! I like it, well done
Secrets of Dragon?s Spine Trailer.. !
Best MMOs ever played: Ultima, EvE, SW Galaxies, Age of Conan, The Secret World
The Return of ELITE !
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
I like that one too, music fits well to the Indiana Jones type atmosphere in Egypt
Secrets of Dragon?s Spine Trailer.. !
Best MMOs ever played: Ultima, EvE, SW Galaxies, Age of Conan, The Secret World
The Return of ELITE !
I saw this video linked on TSW official forums and it's incredible.
Funcom should hire this person and put them to work creating compelling promo videos for the game.
So true. Heck, I bet they could get better videos from fans than they can make themselves. If they held a contest once a month for bonus points or something they'd never have to make a promo video again.
"If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor