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Well I am going to start playing WoW again. EQ2 takes too much time to become good, and while I love the game I have little time to hit end game content. So I am going to play the one game that I have bashed so much. Anyways, I have a couple questions.
Last time I played I had a level 50 mage, I enjoyed playing him, but this time I want to try something new. I need some recommendations on what to play. I would enjoy any class except druid and warlock, just not my type of gameplay. I have been playing mmo's for quite some time now, so Im not at the stage of "playing what is fun", my style is "play what is good". Im looking for...
Good DPS.
Very good at PvP.
Decent to good soloability.
Alliance class.
Again, very good at PvP.
I would prefer playing melee but if I keep that is a requirement, then that really only leaves me with rogue and warrior. So I am open to any style of gameplay. Any sugesstions would be most appreciated.
im a rogue...their the highest DPS class available but they have low armor and not many healing choices. They are easy to kill but they also kill easily, im not really high enough to be PVPing alot but in battlegrounds rogues are always the one with the most kills and honor.
Pallys are AWESOME PvE but not so good PvP if thats wat your looking for, their a weak priest and a strong warrior combined into thats your choice
hope hthis helps
Lifes like a million dollars
You think its alot untill its all gone
Ive been considering a rogue but im still undecided. Most likely I will choose from a rogue or a warrior. Warriors seemed so boring when I played them, but I only got mine to around 15.
get a hunter for soloability, best lvler ingame atm, nice pvp, pve is nice, (farming GREAT!!) get a pet cat thats the best dps(sort of rogue) combine it with your bow/gun and then you got best dps in game.. also got mail in 40 so nice defence !
I have to agree, Hunter is probably what would suit your style best. Other than it's ranged. Good DPS, great PVP, great soloability (though I'd go with a nice tanking pet like a bear or croc), and it's Alliance.
Course if you weren't so set on Alliance, Shaman would be good for you meets all the requirements except the whole Alliance poo. Maybe give Horde a try? I did after playing Alliance and got myself a new main toon.
i really want to play an mmorpg again. i keep thinking of going back to wow, aalready did it once after the 1st time i quit, but i know as soon as i start playing again i'm going to either hate it immediately or after playing for a little while, i'm going to just start thinking about why i quit originaly and ask myself why go through it again?
someone needs to release a new good mmorpg now!
I had an undead mage, so I wanted to try alliance. All my friends are alliance anyways.
I ended up going warrior, im only level 14. I have been meaning to play more but I had to make up so much absent homework.
These are some good questions on which class to paly for solo or pvp. Let me give you my opinions on this. I have been playing for the past year and I rolled a priest to start my adventures off. If you love keeping people alive, not being a tank, then this class is for you. They are descent soloers but not the best imo. For pvp they are one of the best though. My priest is currently level 58. I heard warlocks and hunters are the best for solo play. I however have not played a warlock but have played a hunter to level 10. I liked the hunter but did not get into them very much. There are so many hunters in WoW on my server now though. I rolled a warrior after my priest. Talk about two ends of the spectrum. I liked the fact that with my warrior I could wear any armor and use about any weapon I wanted. I enjoy being a tank and that is what I am sticking with as my main right now. I have played a pally which is a great soloer as well but everyone says they are boring. I dont think they are boring but they are the class that is kinda in the middle stuck between tank and something else. They can do it all though, heal, tank, rez, free mount, etc. I played a rogue, and mage as well but to be honest I like my warrior. You do rely on people to heal you in an instance but for solo play, which is what I like to do, I love the warrior. There is nothing like charging into a fight with deul weilding ready to tear apart some enemy. It is a breath of fresh air from casting spells. Solo - Warlock, hunter. PvP - priest (im not too familiar with pvp but priests do get the top spot imo for pvp)
I hope this helps with what you are looking to do. There is so much more to talk about but you will have to find things out for yourself. Goodplaying.