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Probably not everyone check reddit. So here you have some new info:
"The community of want to share with this subreddit the english version of the Q&A with CSE. You can also find the french version here.
You said you wanted CU to be a class-oriented RPG, but it seems like there'll be skills upgrading when you use them. How will you cope with macro lovers?
Skills that upgrade through use will do so in situations where macroing won’t be helpful and/or through the use of time-limited gains. For example, swinging a sword against a tree will not help you learn how to use the sword better or improve your strength. OTOH, fighting a more difficult opponent will allow you to gain skill and strength. In terms of crafting, each item will take time to create and have multiple steps along the way so having a macro to create 1000 arrows wouldn’t work. As part of the system, we may also limit the amount a skill/stat can increase in a certain amount of time without resting/recovery as an additional safeguard against macroing or our own mistakes.
We're all aware a MMORPG needs to evolve and give players some new content once in a while. CU being a RvR game, what can we expect when it comes to add-ons? And if the KS campaign is a success (>2M) ? New races and classes? New maps?
In terms of stretch goals, new races and classes are absolutely some of our goals as are other additions to the game. In terms of expansions for the game, we plan to have a constant stream of updates as CU evolves over time. When I was the CEO of Mythic Entertainment, Dark Age of Camelot was updated constantly both with paid and free expansions and I am proud of the effort we made back then. I hope to do even better in terms of updates and additions to the game this time.
You mentioned quite a lot the holy trinity (tank, heal, dps), but it seems a bit simplistic. In DAoC, we had more specific roles, such as Ccers, nukers, healers, supports (buffs/shear), real tough tanks and even interrupters, etc. Can we expect some CU classes to fit these roles? Or maybe through specialization?
The holy trinity might seem simplistic but it is a good starting point for this game. While plan on having many roles/classes in the game, we need to get the HT right before we move on to the other roles/classes. After all, if we cannot build out the core classes based on the HT, we should not be worrying about specialization and/or additional roles/classes yet.
Towards which kind of gameplay is CU heading ? Something quick and nervous, mostly based on reflexes, or something with a tiny bit more inertia but bringing more strategy to the table?
Definitely more strategic rather than reflex-based. We want our players to think about their actions/reactions rather than just running around the battle spamming buttons.
Can we expect some sort of realm-scale objectives, like relics? And if so, what kind of bonuses will they provide? Crafting bonuses? Combat bonuses?
Given that the entire game is based on RvR, it is of paramount importance to have a wide selection of interesting goals and objectives for the players to reward them for succeeding in RvR. All I can say for now is that we plan to take the concept of RvR objectives to the next level.
I know we can't really talk in terms of miles or kilometers, but any clue on how big the map(s) will be ? For instance, how long to cross it from one edge to the other?
Still too early to talk about that. As almost the entire game occurs in the RvR areas, the map will be huge and you will not be able to move across it instantly.
CU being this niche game, do we have to expect high requirements in order to play it in decent conditions?
No, not at all. This game is not about trying to put up the prettiest pictures in RvR-battles, it is about having more people engage in these battles than other RvR-based games. Unfortunately, this means that the game will not look as good as something done with Crytek’s amazing engine but it will support a lot more people on the screen. That is what I think will matter most to our supporters/players.
Do you think the beloved « group XP bonus » will make a come back in CU?
Watch your next answer… Will be /hood added to the game ?!
I certainly hope so.
Can you tell us more about interrupting and how is it going to weight on the gameplay?
Interrupts will play a role in the game but other than that, no comment for now.
You mentioned specific crafting opportunities going along with defending/capturing a keep. But beside that, what influence will taking over a keep have on the map?
Taking “Points of Interest” will effect the map, depending on the POI and what the players do after taking the POI.
Can we expect reactionary and positional styles? It gave this very nice flavour to melee gameplay…
Some good info, hopefully hoods make it in, wonder whta races will be stretch goals though, guess we'll have to wait and see.
Seems like a loaded questiont to me, the interview straight up implies that having a more action oriented/reflex combat is less "Strategical" then an older school style mmo combat system,. "spamming butons" is not dependent on twitch based combat or not, it depends on how the combat system itself is designed.
To me, these are some extremely exciting answers
It just confirms that Mark will go his own way with this concept, and really stick with a lot of the concepts from DAoC.
Everything might change before release of course, but it's nice to see that he has a clear vision (something that's lacking in the game industry these days)
yup i loved that Q&A.
Bowbow (kob hunter) Infecto (kob cave shammy) and Thurka (troll warrior) on Merlin/Midgard DAoC
Thurka on WAR
Great interview. I'm thrilled the action/twitch based players have just been slain with this post. Now, we need to officially bury the collision detection horse and the children will be out of things to troll one another about on the forums.
Very pleased with this interview's answers.
This also means the kiddos from WoW that bunny hop won't be present in CU! /joy
Nor the GW2 fanboi's who go on and on about how the trinity is "archaic". People that drank that kool-aid can happily stay over there, imho.
I'm so looking forward to this. However, it looks like I will be playing TESO until CU comes out. That's not a bad thing, by the look of it. At least TESO is aiming for the DAoC crowd as well.
Eh? It was a bunch of none answers and things we already knew.
None of which says the game is going to be DAoC2.
I don't want it to be DAoC2. I want it to take the good parts and enhance from it.
I think in all honesty MJ cant say "Im making DAOC2" for Legal Reasons and because he wouldnt want to scare off potential customers, however thats not to say he can make something very like DAOC with alot of similar concepts that he himself introduced / helped introduce etc.
So i think we will get alot of whats familiar with many DAOC players, and alot thats familiar with alot of the newer games thats come after, cherry picking the best ideas that fit the mold of a game concept that he is comfortable with working, he knows this type of game inside out and knows what will and wont work, you only have to look at its history and see the things people loved and loathed. Im guessing MJ will pickup on what was good and leave out what was generally thought of as bad.
Sure alot of this QA was probably known, but its still good to hear the man say it, i love the fact we will get reactional combat styles again, im guessing a form of Endurance too for them.
Overall it sounds good to me, the future is promising
Isn't that kind of the point of making a sequel? :P
Well its not DAOC2... for starters there is no PVE..
Also he probably dont have the right to use certain terms in the game, like Realm Abilities. having to use the 3 new realm names might be because he cant use Midgard, Albion and Hibernia. So there is alot of technical issues that he has to work around. probably the same with some of the classes that he created. Warrior, hunter, wizard are of public terms, but a few others he probably can't use the same names. Even names of combat styles, and spells have to be different.
So no it'll never be DAoC 2 legally speaking, plus, knowing EA, he has to be also very careful about what he does and how he does it.
Its like that in pretty much every domain now, but all the big ones wanna eat alive the small ones...
Bowbow (kob hunter) Infecto (kob cave shammy) and Thurka (troll warrior) on Merlin/Midgard DAoC
Thurka on WAR
You can't copyright things like that . . .
The name is probably the only thing he couldn't use, everything else is pretty much a historical reference.
I think you might be surprised what a company can sue for given enough similarities.
He can use all the classes if he wanted, doubt he will as to make it a more stand alone game of his own, but wether he calls them Midgard Albion or Hibernia or not, I think a lot of people will
Ozek - DAOC
Niix - Other games that sucked
Oh I'm sure you DAoC diehards will, seen that kinda things in a lot of games. They never stick though unless they are similar whatevers new, guess people get tired of explaining what they mean to new players and just go with what works. The path of least resistance is human nature after all.
Albion, Hibernia, and Midgard are all real names. That would be like someone copyrighting "America" and such.
Albion = oldest name of the Island of Great Britian
Midgard = Realm in old norse mythology
Hibernia = Latin name for Ireland.