and actually 2 of 3 of the main cc classes didnt had any real dmg a pac healer wasnt even able to kill a mob 2 lvl below him
Eldritch, empath, spiritmaster, sorcerer, theurgist. They all have at least 2 control, including a mezz or a stun (only cabalist, wizard, runemaster, enchanter didn't, before they put new classes). They may not have a 50sec control but they don't need it either.
Concerning sorc, many of them used to boost body spec higher than the mezz spec and had a powerful lifesteal (with a yellow mezz)
Please note, none of the added classes got stuns or mezz, proof they understood their mistake.
MAIN cc classes ... everything u named were classes with a 20 sec ae mezz wich wasnt only irrelevant for grpgameplay most of the time if one of these classes mezzed with these minimum cc they got insulted by the grp for giving the enemy 1min immunity timer
and most sorcs got this spec sure ... but they still didnt used the ll most of the times (only on hard targets wich needed to die in times when there wasnt any rupt or cc by the sorc needed)
btw whats an empath ? O_o
and this "Please note, none of the added classes got stuns or mezz, proof they understood their mistake." classes like the enchanter got more cc ... nearly every caster with only 1 kind of cc got at least a ae version of that kind of cc some even a scnd kind of cc so they didnt learned anything eh ?
MAIN cc classes ... everything u named were classes with a 20 sec ae mezz wich wasnt only irrelevant for grpgameplay most of the time if one of these classes mezzed with these minimum cc they got insulted by the grp for giving the enemy 1min immunity timer
and most sorcs got this spec sure ... but they still didnt used the ll most of the times (only on hard targets wich needed to die in times when there wasnt any rupt or cc by the sorc needed)
btw whats an empath ? O_o
and this "Please note, none of the added classes got stuns or mezz, proof they understood their mistake." classes like the enchanter got more cc ... nearly every caster with only 1 kind of cc got at least a ae version of that kind of cc some even a scnd kind of cc so they didnt learned anything eh ?