LOL someone is really really stretching looking for a silver lining. More KOTOR in SWTOR huh? musta missed that in the article, might have been buried in the store items shilling portion of article.
Me thinks the author needs an intervention, your trying to hard dude.
There is this one part when you take a ship to one of the nearby stations in the Fleet via space. You can zoom in/out on the ship, rotate around it during your "taxi" flight to one of the stations. Seeing the stations, ships and planets around you during that flight. You can clearly exit and enter the stations from space in one go. No load screens.
Just that one little moment is jaw-dropping.
Give us an open space that shares that idea and you will bring in loads of new & old players alike. No joke.
Agreed. The time it takes to make cosmetic items could have been used to make actual content. This is unfortunately what makes f2p games fail.
Not even remotely true. Fluff is significantly easier to make than actual content. Recolor a robe here, reskin a mob there and shrink it for a pet, EQ2 even takes existing zones and lets you use em for ahouse.
However all those people they had to fire because of a lousy game, they could have been used to make content.
what do you guys expect its EA doing what they do best . Just dont play it if you hate it there are better free to play games out there if you are worried about not spending a dime of money. To a subscriber I can easily see why none of this really bothers them including Mike B. You get 500 cartel coins a month to spend on whatever you like and there really isnt much to spend on but some boosts and cartel packs. One is 380 the other is 180 so you can basically get two a month for free with your sub fee and not any money needed. I know back when I played I used my cartel coins they gave us and my sub 500 which was well over 1000 to buy some gambling packs and I left my toon with about 1000k credits from selling stuff and even ended up with a pay to win +41 endurence level 10 pink light saber crystal.
People pay for novalty and Im not really sure how any of this is pay to win or shady considering wow does the exact same thing in their cash shop with mounts and pets . Hell I remember wows stupid black lion flying mount selling over 2 million dollars worth in less than 24 hours when it first released , the golden king.
At least WOW had plenty content added AS WELL. SWTOR is becoming all about the Cartel Market and paying more money.
SWG had a TCG too which is like cartel packs but it did not take over my gameplay, and there was enough to do get from within the game without touching the TCG, and I even forgot the TCG existed most of the time.
Tera has a great F2P model, but I think that it's Tera that might need to take some pointers from SWTOR. I mean let's face it, you strip away the combat system and you've got a really, REALLY empty game.
Also, I would argue that success is being able to maintain one of the top 10 populations of an MMORPG while still having a cash shop that seems to want to make you open your wallet at every turn.
Sometimes I think that people need to have someone pry their wallet open for them so they can provide a good game. Otherwise, nobody EVER would and the game simply dies a slow and painful death.
You can easily play SWTOR from 0-50 on $0. Toss $15 or $20 into the pot and you'll even get have an easier time getting there. Not sure why people continually complain about that. Have you ever bought a brand new console game for less than that? Probably not, and for $$$ vs playtime you'd be hard pressed to find a better value. Plus the story is actually present, oh and there are also distinct stories for each class (minus side quests) so that's also refreshing. I still fail to see the problem people have with cash shops, apart from those who take F2P in the literal sense.
Well, what I have to say to this is going to be easy and simple. First off, yes one of the only features going for Tera is combat, True! But the worst part about swtor really is its f2p model. I played sub for the first 6 months, but quit not to long after due to no content coming out that kept me in the game.
After which, their f2p model came out so I figured I would give it a try. You can only pvp a few times a "Week" lol what a joke. When you are starting out a character and do a dungeon "O hey an epic item" Wait, I can't use because I have to have that unlocked since I am not subbing? Really? That is really stupid. Allow the game to be "Actually" F2P and not just some crap trial thing. The F2P players aren't staying because of the stupid restrictions. I never said Swtor was a bad game or it didnt have anything going for it. I loved swtor, the pvp, endgame, etc. I am just speaking about the F2P model aspects and restrictions.
Also, for the cash shop deal, it seems like they want to focus more time into that to make money than progress the game, since they aren't being paid for it. Content will be slower and slower now that they have to make their money from the cash shop, so 90% of development will be through that, vs game content.
I see there no mention of them implemting a cash shop reputation can gain rep by buying from the cash shop,and then buy items in game only obtainable through said cash shop rep.
Yeah this game has gone down the hole big time. And would never recommend this to any one out there , until EA stops publishing this game. So much potential, so much fail.
I still think any content is a good thing, and for a game that was supposed be sunk by now, it's not too bad. I personally don't think they have the server resources to handle Teras type of F2P, but they have pretty good MMO if they can start moving away from everything being based on cartel market. As one poster said they really need to get free form flight in for space. you know because all those movies can't be wrong, and of course it would just be 'wars' with out the 'stars'..
"Not even a cray super computer can make this game run well. Thats what happens when you code an MMO in pascal. " - miglor
I'm just surprised that people accept this and see it as a good update when EA are just fleecing them for more money every chance they get. When you look at games like RiFT you get twice this in a hotfix and it’s all included, ok you have to pay a sub but it’s much better value than the cartel packs or whatever they call there sub these days. A reputation system for spending cash in the store, absolutely ridiculous.
I'm not a huge fan of gamble boxes but I understand they are a necessary evil to pay the bills. I really don't mind too much because the few things I want from packs I can just save up the credits and buy it on the GTN. Also buying packs and selling them unopened on GTN has helped me get some credits built up on a new server. Not much else to spend my free coins on as a subscriber.
I'm definitely going to save up for one of them skiffs. So cool! It will be interesting to see what the new rep tokens sell for on the GTN as well. I wouldn't mind getting access to the vendor with the older stuff on it.
What annoys me so much is I have his game on my pc iv spent since I hit 50 she it as p2p 0 hours maybe 20min at most. The whole f2p was sounding sweet ok few action bars ill live but limiting pvp ok. Then saying o FYI u can't hold x money is stupid why play if you can't get break 300k. Who is the tenuous hat thought players would want to keep playing I by know he items on he market were 350k or 400k. Besides his and paying for expansions and what not just makes me gag, why don't they look at really successful f2p from Korea or the USA. Sadly i won't be going back to my sub lord any time soon or for any reason until they fix their massive issues sorry Bioware ou got me then hurt me like a bad lover.
LOL someone is really really stretching looking for a silver lining. More KOTOR in SWTOR huh? musta missed that in the article, might have been buried in the store items shilling portion of article.
Me thinks the author needs an intervention, your trying to hard dude.
There is this one part when you take a ship to one of the nearby stations in the Fleet via space. You can zoom in/out on the ship, rotate around it during your "taxi" flight to one of the stations. Seeing the stations, ships and planets around you during that flight. You can clearly exit and enter the stations from space in one go. No load screens.
Just that one little moment is jaw-dropping.
Give us an open space that shares that idea and you will bring in loads of new & old players alike. No joke.
Build it and we will come.
I agree, unfortunately EA is not interested in building, only in selling and charging.
Not even remotely true. Fluff is significantly easier to make than actual content. Recolor a robe here, reskin a mob there and shrink it for a pet, EQ2 even takes existing zones and lets you use em for ahouse.
However all those people they had to fire because of a lousy game, they could have been used to make content.
At least WOW had plenty content added AS WELL. SWTOR is becoming all about the Cartel Market and paying more money.
SWG had a TCG too which is like cartel packs but it did not take over my gameplay, and there was enough to do get from within the game without touching the TCG, and I even forgot the TCG existed most of the time.
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Well, what I have to say to this is going to be easy and simple. First off, yes one of the only features going for Tera is combat, True! But the worst part about swtor really is its f2p model. I played sub for the first 6 months, but quit not to long after due to no content coming out that kept me in the game.
After which, their f2p model came out so I figured I would give it a try. You can only pvp a few times a "Week" lol what a joke. When you are starting out a character and do a dungeon "O hey an epic item" Wait, I can't use because I have to have that unlocked since I am not subbing? Really? That is really stupid. Allow the game to be "Actually" F2P and not just some crap trial thing. The F2P players aren't staying because of the stupid restrictions. I never said Swtor was a bad game or it didnt have anything going for it. I loved swtor, the pvp, endgame, etc. I am just speaking about the F2P model aspects and restrictions.
Also, for the cash shop deal, it seems like they want to focus more time into that to make money than progress the game, since they aren't being paid for it. Content will be slower and slower now that they have to make their money from the cash shop, so 90% of development will be through that, vs game content.
"No big deal, as far as I'm concerned." - Mike B.
At what point does it become a big deal? Where is the Rubicon, or if the Rubicon is passed do we say, "Well it's not like they crosed the Tiber."
I see there no mention of them implemting a cash shop reputation can gain rep by buying from the cash shop,and then buy items in game only obtainable through said cash shop rep.
Yeah this game has gone down the hole big time. And would never recommend this to any one out there , until EA stops publishing this game. So much potential, so much fail.
"Not even a cray super computer can make this game run well. Thats what happens when you code an MMO in pascal. " - miglor
I'm just surprised that people accept this and see it as a good update when EA are just fleecing them for more money every chance they get. When you look at games like RiFT you get twice this in a hotfix and it’s all included, ok you have to pay a sub but it’s much better value than the cartel packs or whatever they call there sub these days. A reputation system for spending cash in the store, absolutely ridiculous.
I'm definitely going to save up for one of them skiffs. So cool! It will be interesting to see what the new rep tokens sell for on the GTN as well. I wouldn't mind getting access to the vendor with the older stuff on it.
I want to fly my spaceship from planet to planet, not just zone in
"The Society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."
Currently: Games Audio Engineer, you didn't hear what I heard, you heard what I wanted you to hear.
even that train has left the station, looking at Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous coming up
Secrets of Dragon?s Spine Trailer.. !
Best MMOs ever played: Ultima, EvE, SW Galaxies, Age of Conan, The Secret World
The Return of ELITE !