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Like GW2's Dynamic Events, like WAR's Public Quests, FFXIV:ARR (really need to shorten that) will have FATEs. An event or more will begin in a zone and whomever's in the zone can go to the area where the FATE is taking place and participate. I have some questions about this system.
1. If you are a high level player in a lower level zone, and a FATE begins, will you be scaled down to the FATE's level automatically? Scaled down to the zone's level automatically? Both? Neither?
2. If you are a high level player in a lower level zone, and a FATE begins, and you participate, will you be able to receive rewards from the FATE for participating?
3. What kind of rewards do FATEs have? Money? Gear? Crafting items? Other? A combination?
4. Do FATEs keep track of how much you participated in them and reward you accordingly? I.E. A single hit on a boss-fight type of FATE vs being very active throughout the fight.
4a. What if you're a dedicated healer, and register 0 damage on the boss fight because you spent the entire fight keeping people alive? Will you still be rewarded appropriately as if you were a very active participant?
5. What kind of FATEs are there? I.E. Kill x mobs, kill x boss(es), protect x, escort x, find x amount of y, etc.
6. Do FATEs scale dynamically as people join in or leave midway?
6a. If so, do rewards scale as FATEs scale?
That's all I could think of for now. Any other info you may think I may not know based on these questions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
To answer your questions as best I can (only got one char to 10 so far do to time conflicts).
(lots of deleted typing went here)
And then I remembered the NDA >.< Really sorry cant say anything about them.
1 & 2 sort of tie in together. There will be a level sync system implemented so that you can join on a high level class and still get rewards. Players that are too high level will not be rewarded. - This information was confirmed by various media outlets that attended the recent media events that SE put on.
4. Rewards are based on participation. - This has been mentioned in various Yoshi-P interviews and I believe the last Letter from the Producer live.
5. Without going into much detail, it's been said that you'll be able to fight certain NMs. He also showcased a FATE during the last Live Letter showing taking over some kind of fort and then NPCs attacking it and you have to defend against them. I'm sure there'll be a bit of variety.
The rest really can't be answered due to NDA.
7. Can a FATE be failed? What happens if you fail it? An example would be appreciated.
We don't know if they scale up, but in the last live letter Yoshi confirmed that a minimum number of players is required and that the F.A.T.E. simply won't happen if there aren't enough players nearby.
You won't be doing any solo, that's for sure.
The only case I can think of failing a FATE is with that example of the NPCs trying to retake the fort. There could be an instance of where there's not enough people around to participate and the NPCs manage to take it over. That could be considered a failure.
I was a little shocked at the fact they are using rift systems of all things, that sorry exuse for a MMO is one of the msot blatent wow clones around. I always loved FFXI because it was not a wow style game, you had to actually think an use your hear brain to play it.
I was very sad to see that FFXIV is being.....dumbed down, for the mass market. Even thoguh I understand why.
Wont stop me playing it, but I "really" hope it isnt so badly diluted as to be more clone than FF gaming.
EXP loss, level loss, Community, crafting economy, Whm's charging for portals, etc, pirates on ferrys all that sort of thing, the things that made FFXI a really good MMO. (Some people didnt like exp an level loss, personally I found it refreshign that you had to think for yourself, an not jsut blast through to level cap because that is all that is important to todays gamers.
Please don't let nostalgia cloud your judgment. This reboot is sure to have plenty of good features that don't punish the players.
That is kind of my point mate , it really wasnt "punishment" it was a maechanic in place to stop the wow style game of blasting through content in a day to get level cap, because a generation of gamers think that is what MMOs are about.
I have done some reading an it seems there is no DP (death penality)in FFXIV at all, that is sad to say least. As I said I am dieing to play the game, I just dont want to see FF ruined because of the ... "mass market" gamers who are used to the shallow simplistic gameplay of a few other games .
You get a 10% hit to your durability and a weakened status everytime you die.
Also, it's not fair to call it a mechanic to curb the WoW style of leveling since WoW wasn't even out when FFXI came around. All games in that generation were purposefully designed to be grindy because it was the norm, and being that there were only a handful of MMORPGs then, it was acceptable since they all did it. WoW changed all of that, and unsurprisingly, it attracted a lot of players, even those who played the grindfest games of yore.
That's exactly why ARR needs to adopt more modern conventions, else it'll sink a second time and not get resuscitated.
Trouble with that is you just end up with another wow clone, an christ knows theres enough of that purile pos on the market without adding more. To me personally, FF has always been above the level of the wow style games where you have no risk, no need to think, an all you do si jsut shovel loads of shinys every day. that isnt gaming, its mindless... anyway I am getting off topic, point is, FFXI is/was one of the best mature MMO's around because you really had to be responsible for yourself. Unlike today where if something is "unfair cos little timmy has somethign you dont/wont get, then demand devs give it to you, or remove it from little timmy an keep spamming the demands till they are met.
I can only hope FFXIV has some form of maturity in it an doesnt fall to the same dross levels of rift an wow. Because I am dieing to play a good FF MMO again.
This seems like the most troll type of comment. WoW clone these days means that a game has modern mechanics. Does ARR have moderm mechanics? Absolutely. Will there be a ton of people complaining about it being a WoW clone? Yes! Will it be immensly better than 1.0? Hell Yes!
People need to get over their "WoW Clone" high horse. Especially since this litteraly means "Modern UI, standardized quests and normal dungeons" Hell, there is even a huge group of people that says GW2 is a WoW clone, even though that game is significantly different than WoW.
In case you ddint know, the MMO market is about taking what is succesful in games and incorperating it into your own. Its been this way since well before WoW came out. Hey, I got a great idea! Lets go back to no AH's! it clearly worked so well in 1.0! And Hey! WoW had an AH! THEY ARE COPYING!!!!!!
The reality is, WoW just incorperated a bunch of mechanics that already existed and streamline the game.
Sorry mate I dont troll, can we leave the blizzard forum insults where th ey belong ok?....GW2 IS WOW 2.0 but thats besides the point, those games are of no conciquence to me an I am only here for FFXIV nothign els. WOW sucseeded because it dod one thing an one thing only, it pandered to the young an greedy, mass shinys, fast an in copious amounts... puddle shallow gameplay an Zero diversity.
For me, I dont rate it as anythign els. So, with that said, can we please drop all that crap? I would sell my family for Beta access right now:).... dieing to see the game. Have watched every video every dev blog etc etc that I can find.
After leaving FFXI many years ago, it was hard to find a decent proper MMO, as they are few an far between (I think EVE is the last of them), dso I am hoping agaisnt hope Square-Inix dont forget what made them good, an incorperate as much of FFXI as they deem fit:).
Well, I don't want to discourage, because I love the game so far.
But if you honestly think GW2 is WoW 2.0, you are going to absolutely hate this game.
If you are looking for a FFXI 2.0, this game is absolutely not for you.
SO it doesnt have any of the magic of FFXI ?.... thats a worry....(Granted FFXI had its issues) race hate between NA/JP, 5 hour waits for a group in dunes (an I was a Whm) god knows what it was like for a Redmage or something...Anywho, I am still looking forward to playing it, an will still prorder the second I see it up ....
But it's nice to be forwarned as expectations can really let you down if you over compensate. So being warned ahead of time means I dont have to expect the best, an be disapointed.
Of coarse I would hate it if FF has been reduced to the likes of GW2, but I get why, you have to pay the bills so I get it. Jsut dont like it.
It's not been reduced to the likes of GW2, don't worry. GW2 is probably the shallowest MMO on the market at the moment and ARR is arguably one of the deepest to be released in quite some time.
They've made it 'easier' and more accesible to appeal to the modern MMO audience but there's still a lot in there to appeal to FF fans and older MMO fans. It depends on specifically what you liked of XI but for me ARR hits all the right notes to give me the same feeling.
Good to know cheers mate, Sadly I never played 1.0 because day I went to buy it, I heard thast it was apparently unplayable, so I held off, an then forgot about it. But for me, in FFXI
The most fun things were
Playing with JP power groups, really friendly great guys.
My Summn I loved my ltitle pet spammer.
My Beast tamer?(I cant rememebr his name) but he was dynamite in dunes soloing.
Crafting, crafting in FFXI was insane, an alot of fun.
Fishing on the ferry, always fun
So yeah, I am hoping it has some of the fun from FFXI but I understand they cant use oldschool mechanics of "Hell levels" and"EXP loss/level loss, today. As playerbases have changed (not for the better) an most wouldnt tolerate going from 75 to 70 in 1 day lol
(god that was a bad day)
little tip for you prospective paliden types
When your Wym says says "Benidiction 5-4-3-2-1" PLEASE donot say "whats benidiction ?".... we get killed because of you
I dont know if ARR has same system for healers, an their pet tanks but I hope so.
Well to be honest the only elements of XI that are being lost are the slow levelling speed and forced grouping for majority of content.
You can still form xp parties for xp chains (and you'll likely need to to level your last few jobs).
Summoner is returning for ARR, though it's likely a little different to XI's version as they have a specific role now.
Crafting is a unique gameplay style unto itself; it's a proper system that takes strategy to maximise quality whilst still reaching 100% progress with limited resources.
Fishing is still available.
The game uses the trinity so the healer/tank relationship remains unchanged, though the skills aren't the same.
For me personally the return of housing and the Summoner were what sealed the deal.
Well the information released so far on Arcanist/Summoner is as follows:
oh that sounds good, See as much as I dispize the wow/rift style games, being FF game I can overlook it, simply because FFXI was such an amazing game (issues aside), The crafting system looks so good, it will be nice to finally get a good crafting system again. it's quite similar to the Vanguard one I noticed.
I remember Summ in FFXI was very weak till he got into 70s, an then... oh man could easily equal BLM in power.
The Gems for Summ were how you got your pets. You had ot kill NM's from memory, or something like it, an the drop rate was I think about 1%.... it was brutal.
As for the Tamer, hehe would be so good to have him again, we were univerisaly hated by everyone because we were only ones could solo everytihng non NM related. But we were utterly useless in groups, so we got shunned basically.
There was a gem needed for the intial quest to unlock the job but it was from random leech mobs if I recall. Beyond that the other avatars were unlocked by obtaining their crystals by fighting them in special instances (no randomness involved). I dunno if maybe they'd changed it prior to me playing though...
You shouldn't need to worry about jobs being shunned in the way that BST and a few others were in XI though. I don't think we'll ever see classes so useless in group situations again.