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Infernum Games has announced that closed beta for the EU version of Dragon's Prophet will begin on March 19th. Sony Online Entertainment has also indicated that the NA version of Dragon's Prophet will begin testing the same day. Beta testers will be able to check out four of the game's zones and provide feedback to developers.
From Infernum Games:
For Closed Beta, the doors of Auratia, the world of Dragon’s Prophet, will be opened to a limited number of participants. However, there will be further opportunities to play the game during upcoming stress tests, granting a wider pool of access to allow Infernum to test the stability and performance of its European servers. Feedback from players on the official forum will also be an important factor for our Game Improvement team, helping to ensure that the next steps for Dragon’s Prophet are as smooth as possible. These special operations will be announced early enough to give Dragon’s Prophet enthusiasts enough time to prepare themselves.
From Sony Online Entertainment:
Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE) announced that the Closed Beta testing period for free-to-play, online virtual world Dragon’s Prophet is scheduled to begin in North America on Tuesday, March 19, 2013. Beta players will soon be able to battle with and against hundreds of distinct dragons, as they adventure through the vast, diverse realm of Auratia.
Find out more on the Dragon's Prophet EU site or the Dragon's Prophet NA site.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
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Do they have Panda's? /chuckle
RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.
Currently Playing EVE, ESO
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.
Dwight D Eisenhower
My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.
Henry Rollins
Yes please I would luv a key.
I signed up for the NA beta event but as of yet, have not received a beta key, and when I sign into the account, it doesn't state or specify how to check on your account status on the beta.
I hate SoE for their annoying page layout, but I hate them even more for making me want to play this to the point I'm checking emails every hour to see if anything has changed. ~.~
A key would be very nice. :-)
"Whats That Mr. Death Knocking At Your Door, Who's Gonna Die Tonight?"