My characters: Quutauk, Groucoon and Deefipac. I haven't decided wich one will be my main. Contact me in game, if you want. GMT+1 here, usually playing 14-15/18-20/21-22...
My FFXIV ARR referral code for new EU accounts: 5JPF7ZQ3 Step into the amazing world of Eorzea! Use this reference code on a new account and we'll both get goodies for it!
Hey Dwarfzzz I probably wont be able to play till Friday maybe Thursday but my character's name will be Warbiird I think. Hope we can find some more people to join us!
My FFXIV ARR referral code for new EU accounts: 5JPF7ZQ3 Step into the amazing world of Eorzea! Use this reference code on a new account and we'll both get goodies for it!
Hi, I'm also starting fresh on Freeport.
My characters: Quutauk, Groucoon and Deefipac. I haven't decided wich one will be my main. Contact me in game, if you want. GMT+1 here, usually playing 14-15/18-20/21-22...
My FFXIV ARR referral code for new EU accounts: 5JPF7ZQ3
Step into the amazing world of Eorzea! Use this reference code on a new account and we'll both get goodies for it!
My FFXIV ARR referral code for new EU accounts: 5JPF7ZQ3
Step into the amazing world of Eorzea! Use this reference code on a new account and we'll both get goodies for it!
I feel like I just entered a time warp and went back 12 years..................
All Will Be Well.....
I have MANY players,so if you need help to run dungeons or do HQ [Heritage Quests] quests,give me a shout.
My newest low level player is Forcedejour on Freeport,he is a Sk,but i do have healers,all INQuisitors to also tag along.
I have a pretty good grasp of the entire game so,i can also answer questions,if you need help with something.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
you can quest in any area regardless of being good/evil
darklight woods is the only starting area where you need to be careful of guards if you are good
- but anyone can quest there
EQ2 fan sites