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Today is a big day for both fans and critics of Sony Online Entertainment's Star Wars: Galaxies. Today is the launch of the innocently named "Publish 25". Innocent in name, but at the center of a controversey that has garnered the interest of fans and non-fans alike. Publish 25 promises to bring big changes to a game that has recieved a great deal of criticism since its launch.
Publish 25 brings us all some exciting new game enhancements. For quite some time we have heard that our game is not delivering on the promise of a true Star Wars adventure. The enhancements premiering in Publish 25 take our game to an all new level of Star Wars style action making our game play experience feel more like the films and fiction; exciting, story-driven, Star Wars fun. The game plays more like a fast-paced, action-packed Star Wars adventure.
Enjoy the new adventure that lies ahead. May the Force be with you! |
To read about the changes coming in with Publish 25, click here.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
I give SWG 6 months before the "Servers shutting down" message.
Burn it down, throw it out and start again without Koster's input. Get some SW writers in there and make it in the New Jedi Order time period.
I can not believe that after teh disaster they created with combat upgrade they could so stupidly exponetially compound thier screw up with this new system.
I cancelled my three accounts a month ago - and glad I did before this insult.
Meh, I haven't played the game since launch. I'm downloading the 10-day trial right now. It will probably suck, but I have nothing better to do and I simply enjoy torchering myself far too much to let this opportunity pass me by.
Does this patch allow you to actually be a jedi "character" when you start now? Seems they have classes now instead of the generic skill based crap they had before.
If that's the case I have to say I'm happy about that. Frankly I had 0 desire to be some stupid robot mechanic or bounty hunter wanna-be... I just wanted to be a jedi I mean it's Star Wars, not Spaceship mechanic For Life.
Hush Hush
I have some great news for you guys . Got them from a buddy , just sold them to a pc mag . They come up tomorrow first page
But you are the lucky ones that get to know 'em at 23:30 cet
That game is dead.and they killed Kenny too
just looking for trouble
..anyone got a problem with that..?
All that bull$h1t spouted by SOE/Lucasarts has pretty much resulted in a huge number of vets leaving the game. As of about 6 hours ago, approximately 3,000 had already cancelled, and that was before all of the servers came back up.
From Chimaera, I can honestly say that just about every friend and associate that I've played alongside over the last couple of years has now turned their back on this game. The whole system is a joke. There is NO new content, the rewards to veterans are an insult, combat is EVEN MORE unbalanced now than at any point during the game's history.
No doubt, the PR dept at Lucasarts and SOE will portray NGE as a success and that it had minimal impact on the community. Bollocks! When you lose 3000 accounts before you've even completed the update process, something is wrong. The game forums are awash with cancellation and leaving posts, and many people leaving are taking 3, 4 and 5 accounts with them.
As people play and test this out a bit more, there'll only be more and more people leave. By the time most of the dust has settled, I wouldn't be surprised if 15 or even 20 thousand accounts have been cancelled across all servers. No doubt, that is a minor glitch to the developers behind this, since at no point during the existence of Star Wars Galaxies has there been any attempt at customer service. The one person who attempted to show some compassion and understanding of the community, Tiggs, was unceremoniously kicked out of SOE... and since then communications between them and the players have all but entirely ceased.
Well, on behalf of the dozens of people who have announced on the Chimaera forums today, and the numerous more who don't post on there... go fcuk yourself SOE and Lucasarts. May everyone involved in this revamp find themselves in the unemployment line by Christmas.
The First time I witnessed SOE throw a grenade on SWG and jump on it is when I witness the CU at Celebration 3 's SWG breakfast were I meet the newly unemployed Tiggs ( mixed blessing).
This time SOE is wearing a suicide bombers belt and taking more SWG vets with them.
Love that Jestor - SOE does not - and that is now a very good thing!
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog -
SOE pulled some dirty tricks on vets before this release with big promises w/ the toob expantion of fixing professions and adding new content, collects massive $$ on preorders then 2 days after release, announces the "nge" which removed the same professions they bragged about as the high light of the expansion. people worked hard to unlock their jedis on a massive xp grinds that can take a casual gammer 6-8 months to complete, now jedi is a starting prof??? the entire community is in an uproar and they never heard a word, the move toward taking this game to the console wrecked 2 years worth of a great game for me. they took the rpg outta mmorpg and replaced it w/ a big /yawn, mmofps. the entire interface was revamped to accomidate fps style playing. i logged for a good 30mins and logged immdeatly to cancel. LA, this was the deal breaker, i'm kicking the star wars habit, SOE i felt soo betrayed, i'll never buy another sony product again. i was there for the last combat upgrade and supported it, but i can't do that this time.
anyway, sorry for the rant, but you should be able to tell, alot of us are very upset and we hope sony can understand that now as the subsciption fees go flying out the door
Hooray, no more overpowered jedi alpha class. I resubscribed today and cant wait to play tomorrow, see you ingame!
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
Have fun!
I'll be playing COV a lot longer then SWG will be around. The NGE just isn't what I'm looking for. Too much geared toward the console crowd, combat = button mashing (mouse clicking), gas gauge skill lsystem that leaves no room for the imagination. So have fun!
Oh I had to post....I wrote a while back that the CU was bad for SWG and there was support saying that CU wasnt bad etc etc..... well so many lil fanbois are leaving too.... oh well think its hilarous that SWG is going down.
thats exactly how i felt i only logged in for about 30 mins too b4 i decided to quit...
officer and spy were the 2 professions i tried and they only had like 5 specials and most of them didnt even work like spy's conceal stuff only lasted about 3-4 seconds and it was supposed to be fixed on TC but nothing on TC was ever fixed there wasnt even time for adequit testing and fixing they just wanted to have ppl try the newb phase which was the only thing that was somewhat like star wars but its all a lie and the rest of the game is crap.......
I've been a loyal player of SWG for 2 years now and this upgrade really did the game a disservice.
I've cancelled my accounts and wish 'em the best.
Well the 15th was a sad day for SWG.. cant say much more then i have canceled my two accounts..
LA and SOE have destroyed the game, and made it a kidsgame.
I agree i been playing for 2 years apporox and I loved this game for most the time. but now well i just feel angry....For 2 years i been playing towards earning a jedi charactor I been collecting great stuff and displaying it in my house meet good people and adventured with them... now jedi is a starting profession so how can you value it as much as its supposed to be special and unique
I been playing a teris ki master for most the 2 years now its gone........ and i have to choose from 9 professions i didnt want
We were able to multclass and choose skills now thats gone
tryed using the new skills half the time they didnt seem to activate
I was constanty being killed by things 20 lvl below me
The only reason i still on is becouse my friends and I dont want to lose the work i put into this Iam praying soe comes to its senses and changes back... fat chance i guess
You can be a jedi from the start but you wont be able to use a saber in fact you'll be a wimp for about the first 50 levels.
The only satisfaction I'll have in the end will be when SOE and Lucas Arts have to pull the plug cause nobady will pay them to play such a rediculous abortion of a once potentially great game.
if you want to learn the details of what they did from an experienced gamer with high level chars on 4 servers who's mastered all 37 professions and played almost every day for 2 years since it was introduced in 2003 read on...
1. The "snappy" movement :
complaints since it's introduction caused it to be slowed down which only made it less serialistic but it was still too fast and ruined any feeling of reality in playing the char.Role playing became difficult as well as trying to make small accurate movements, I guess the corporate machine only appeased us because it knew that when NGE was introduced it would have it's fully accelerated "snappy" movements,(ludicrous speed!!) and as all corporate machines work, cared only about profits not people. I find this exceptionally funny because just this one exaggerated feature alone will keep people from paying to play this game... some how the corporate machine has mistaken what the developers ment when they said they wanted a fast paced game play to mean faster moving game pieces and not a faster moving story line with more abundant action than that which has to be generated by the players themselves.
2. The Removal of Creature Pets
A Corporate Machine obviously will never own a cat or dog, unless it's an advertisment logo, but people do. How would you feel if you woke up one morning and found you cat or dog sealed up in an acrylic case still alive but untouchable and unmovable. Can't pet it , can't feed it, can't let it get the news paper, can't do anything with it... or them if you happen to own 2 or more pets. You spent the last 2 years growing attached to this animal, used it in battle ..watched it save your life countless times and now all you can do is look at it in it's prison on your data pad. Personally I almost quit SWG when they introduced the vehicles because they made my Gurreck Cat untameable to me. I never did get over that, now my non ch gurreck cat level 10 has been rendered useless. Every CH i knew in this game has left it in disgust .
3.Level changes in Weapons
When i first started playing this game you could equip any weapon at any level with obvious penelities of course but it was fun none the less to try different ones out... the first CU did more than just take away the ability to equip certain weapons but also made the weapons you were certified for before the CU unusable. Their removal of the certification system also made it hard to find out what weapons you could use, to the point of trial and error with limited success. One would think a novice carabineer or pistolieer or rifleman would be able to equip a higher than CDEF level weapon and be attributed a reasonable combat level but such was not the case only weapons you could equip that did any reasonable damage weren't even weapons from your chosen field of expertise. Those weapons you were denied till you masterd the profession. If is wasn't for the respecs i doubt many of the people that didn't leave then would have stayed.... well rest assured they will be leaving this time .. you don't take away a master commando's title and render the weapons they have been using since novice useless to them and expect them just to accept that. Try taking food away from a hungry pit bull sometime that's about how most of the master commando's i know will be reacting to this latest development. AND STILL there is no place i can find that will tell me what weapons i CAN use!!
4. Taking away the ability to move your char using the mouse.
This is especially difficult for me because i have a broken right wrist and can't use arrow keys for long extended periods of time in a game. Everyone I know dislikes games that don't allow mouse movement but accept it for some games because they have no choice and like the game enough to put up with it's arcade style of play. After 2 years of playing a game using the mouse to move and have it change like this is not just lame it's completely unacceptable. all these new features should have been given a check box in options so people that like it could use it and those that don't could keep it the way it was in the beginning .... realistic and functional. For what it's worth i feel like i have been thrown into a saturday morning pokimon cartoon surrounded by useless items i can no longer use or enjoy
5.Persistant Game Bugs
All this hoopla over the new features and the old broken frustrating bugs havn't even been addressed in the slightest... i still can change from my dress into a pair of shorts and a top and every player looking at me will still see me in a dress unless he or she relogs .... or i can pick up a back pack with items in it and trade it to someone else and all they see is an empty pack. or items will dissappear from inventory and stay gone till the server is reset that night. or on occaison new clothes i purchase and wear will dissappear completely from the sight of other players so i am essentially running around naked and unaweare of it. God the list of bugs goes on and on and have any of them even been considered for a fix... nope.. too busy fixing the stuff that's not broken.
The only time i felt that the corporate machine had achieved it's goal of making the game "feel" like a Star Wars movie was in the new upgrades tutorial which included toons of the movie cast and their voices along with realistic scenes and cut aways if they could make the whole game or even make some of the quests more like the tutorail on the station then they'd have their money maker.. but all the corporate machine has done is taken away the best features of SWG... the ones that set it apart from other games giving it a feel of realism no other game had, and given it an unrealistic look and feel plus made it more difficult to play overall. As one of this games most loyal players I am deeply effected by the latest development as i watch the corporate machine change SWG from a good game to a bad one to a down right ugly one. I don't need a degree in business to know this games going to start losing money real fast not to mention making a joke out of what the movies have created. I would title this game more approately as SBG.... Space Balls Galaxies ... "May the Farce be with you"
Love Conquers All
I Beg you to try the 10 day game trial now, and visit the SWG forums and report on the intense outcry from the crowd on the terrible release and gameplay this has become. From veteran players to disabled players, who previously could play the game, this has hit us all hard. EVen the NGE supporters are turning.
They even fired one of their Community Relationship Managers last week.
Help!! !
Dark Jedi Night - Nikazza - SWG Flurry
Undead Mage - Andoryn - WoW
Yes you can be a jedi - but now, jedi get wiped out by other classes easily. The title jedi and actual character are n othing alike. You can be a jedi, but when you get owned by others, youll soon realize its not what its cracked up to be
Dark Jedi Night - Nikazza - SWG Flurry
Undead Mage - Andoryn - WoW
I've been a strong supporter of SWG from the beginning, even in the hard times of the combat upgrade I was still trusting the devs to finally deliver something great.
I've decided to quit yesterday, after having tried the NGE on test server, then witnessing the final result on my usual character gameplay. I don't like these changes, they are removing a lot of what used to make SWG different, the adventure is over for me, after more than 2 years. I'm feeling sad.
I had seven accounts and lots of fun. The community and friends were great, the community is dead, but I still have my friends.
I love Star Wars, but I have been so thouroughly sickened by SOE that I will now avoid ALL SONY PRODUCTS. I just bought a nice new DVR with the panasonic brand and am oh so pleased. I am also in the market for a non-SONY digital camera... You get the point.
Lucas should YANK the license. We were patient and loyal to SWG for a long time. SOE should have fixed the bugs without the Combat Fubar by hiring programmers with the skills needed instead of cloning Everquest.
While I am on my soapbox, learning to dance or play music should not preclude you from being able to fight. Having thouse skills come from the same skill pool only limits the fun you can have with your character. Fun immersive games equates to happy gamers.
Twas the night before they rolled out the NGE
As Smedley lay dreaming of revenues from increased player fees
The lights in the office marked the dawn of a new day
As developers brought the servers online for the enhanced new play
The servers hummed and they buzzed as the galaxies came live
And like stock market brokers they watched and they waited for player’s numbers rise
Creatures with babies that no one can tame
Were all that populated these servers marking the developer’s fame
Smedley ran in and demanded to know
Where are all the players and why haven’t they showed
The developers shrugged as they monitored the screens
Perhaps you should have listened to posts that we have all seen
The players are angry, angry indeed
A mass exodus is what I believe
Have no fear Smedley shouted as he pulled out his plans
PC users mark the 1% of those that are fans
We are going to make bank on the PS3
This is our future just you watch and see
Now that we have shed this dead weight we can finally be free
No more Star Wars Galaxies and this marks the death of the PC
Ravensong - Ahazi - TKM/Master Doctor Pre-CU1
Master Doctor/Master Pistoleer Post-CU1
Jedi - NGE
Gone - Post NGE
I was working towards Jedi and had 15 blocks left to train at the village. This was not a huge issue for me wanting to hurry and grind to Jedi so I took my time. Now its handed out to everyone. I left after the first CU then returned and it happened that I had alot of fun and mainly with one of my alts that was a MCH. So much for all of that to be gone so quickly with the lies of the great content for CH's with the Obi expansion and then to have it taken away with the NGE.
Logged in last night and played for awhile and actually got to use a lightsaber, oh what fun that was to try and target anything and not know what the heck you were doing with the commands since it was all just given to me. We pay for 9 accounts in my household but those will join the cancelled lists along with a lot of our other friends. To those that are having fun I say more power to you and I wish I could be there with you but things have changed to drastically.
SWG used to be so unique in their crafting abilities and the choice of hybrid professions to really make you character unique. I have been on the lookout for a replacement and nothing compares to the way that SWG used to be and unfortunately I dont see one coming anytime soon.
We have moved our accounts over to Lineage 2 and so far have been having fun. If your not happy or not having fun then by all means move on, its just a game. Good luck to everyone.