The realty is bro, you need to sack up like the rest of us and start VOTING WITH YOUR WALLET. I dont care how much you want to play that new game, tell them to eat your dick by not buying their shit until they start making it worth your money.
Ive done this with Blizzard, Bioware, and EA. And its been bloody fantastic.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
I learned, after EA bought Bioware, and released crap titles like SW:TOR and DAO 2 and to some extent MA 3, that to boycot EA. They are vulture capitalists. They buy up companies and squeze as much money from the bought up companies reputation, and at the same time destroying that reputation and IPs.
Just look at Origin, Westwood Studios and now recently Bioware. All excellent companies which are now more or less a shell of what they used to be.
Originally posted by Quizzical To the contrary, EA has learned a lot. They have learned that they can treat you horribly and you don't care. You'll just go out and buy the next game they release anyway. If you did care, you wouldn't have bought Sim City 5 in the first place, and thus would have nothing to complain about. Their latest hijinx are about what you'd expect from their track record over the course of the past two decades or so. If you were ever going to hold it against them, you would already have done so.
Exactly this.
If you don't like how a company does its business, don't support them with your wallet. By giving them money, no matter what they do, you are giving them the green light to continue. History has shown that the vocal people on the forums mean little to nothing to their business plan. That arrogance was built over time based on their successes with their customer base. Read: successes = people will keep shovelling money into their bank no matter what they do.
So, you can rage impotently, or you can support companies that sync with what you like. Its all up to you.
Originally posted by Quizzical To the contrary, EA has learned a lot. They have learned that they can treat you horribly and you don't care. You'll just go out and buy the next game they release anyway. If you did care, you wouldn't have bought Sim City 5 in the first place, and thus would have nothing to complain about. Their latest hijinx are about what you'd expect from their track record over the course of the past two decades or so. If you were ever going to hold it against them, you would already have done so.
^^this^^ EA has been doing this for many years now.......their games just plain suck the last 10 years or so, they got TOO damn greedy.....but stil people buy their all EA had learned from this is...."we can make even cheaper en worse games and those stupid mindless people out there just keep buying it......pure money in the bank".
If you realy want to hurt them, stop whining on forums and stop buying their games.
I used to be a HUGE fan of sim city series but even tough i realy love it i didnt buy the latest 2 or 3 sim city games they made....i am talking with my money....if they want me back as a customer they better produce a better game.
While EA is losing customers slowly....other indie devs are growing slightly and bringing out games that are (sometimes) almost as good as the big companies. (POE anyone?)
The free game was a pretty decent gesture, imo, especially compared to many other poor launches for games where the companies handed out nothing but apologies.
Don't get me wrong, I don't like always online DRM, but it's here to stay (unfortunately). I also am not happy with the myriad of issues that could have been taken care of with stress testing and a more open beta. I am also not happy with the blatant misrepresentation of game mechanics.
At this point though, I own the game, and I will hope that the issues are resolved. I have a belief that the game will be extremely enjoyable if they can get these issues worked out. If they don't fix the overwhelming issues though, I most likely won't purchase another Maxis/EA game (which I don't own many of to begin with).
Always online DRM is only here to stay if IDIOTS keep buying the crap.
Like I said, it's here to stay. People won't stop buying games, period. Even if a few stop buying always online DRM, there will be the vast majority who will.
Companies like EA, Blizzard / Activision design games for the masses. The masses don't have "heavy" or "deep" requirements for gaming. Take a look at Call of Duty... They take the game, re-skin a few weapons and maps, and re-release it as a new game each year. People still buy 'em.
The title of the topic should be 'Sigh, i have learned nothing'.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.' -Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid." -Luke McKinney
WAIT A MINUTE. Lets stop talking about how EA sucks and do something about it. Lets help MMORPG.COM pull some money together and have them Buy EA. Hell it cannot be as bad as EA is doing right now.
EA as a publisher sucks, but the games they put out are typically rather fun. Whenever I put money down for a game they're publishing I know what I'm getting into and I don't try to kid myself, because of this I usually end up enjoying the game and moving on. If I bought Sim City, I'd buy it knowing the problems it could have and knowing that EA wouldn't really be that helpful if I encountered one. This is the mentality you should have when buying a game from them, and if you find this mentality unacceptable you shouldn't buy games from them.
I have been ruminating on this for a bit and here are my thoughts kind.
I think the type of players who build cities and who spend hours creating are generally not MMORPGamers and will not be so forgiving. When a MMORPGamer loses progress they shrug it off but the type of people who play SIM games are not going to blithely let this go. They are going to be very ,very angry and the type of angry that unlike the MMORPGamer who is a pushover where bugs and rollbacks are concerned where they are going to do something about this.
I think EA has really done something really bad this time enough I am hoping that this creates some precedent on the type of response from gamers that actually have an impact. I am hoping they get their just desserts.
Originally posted by Quizzical To the contrary, EA has learned a lot. They have learned that they can treat you horribly and you don't care. You'll just go out and buy the next game they release anyway. If you did care, you wouldn't have bought Sim City 5 in the first place, and thus would have nothing to complain about. Their latest hijinx are about what you'd expect from their track record over the course of the past two decades or so. If you were ever going to hold it against them, you would already have done so.
Only casual gamers can be treated that way, and only to a certain point, but if the hardcore stops the word to mouth recommendation, or saying bad things about a game, much less casuals will play those games. It is happening already, EA is not doing good, Bioware is almost history etc, hence the "resignation" of Riccitello, and I think us hardcore has had enough of bullshit. I haven't bought an EA game since ME3 and that is not about to change for a long while. Im curious to see if the new CEO can turn that ship around.
And how is this any different from, oh, say, any other point in time in the last 20 years? People who were ever going to learn already did a long time ago, with only the exception of younger people who are new to gaming and have to learn the hard way not to trust EA. But I don't think that accounts for the bulk of their sales.
Originally posted by Quizzical To the contrary, EA has learned a lot. They have learned that they can treat you horribly and you don't care. You'll just go out and buy the next game they release anyway. If you did care, you wouldn't have bought Sim City 5 in the first place, and thus would have nothing to complain about. Their latest hijinx are about what you'd expect from their track record over the course of the past two decades or so. If you were ever going to hold it against them, you would already have done so.
This. Like I told SWToR fans, you can't get hyped on something if you wasn't hyped. Totally your own fault.
Originally posted by Dartmed Originally posted by SagasaintOriginally posted by QuizzicalTo the contrary, EA has learned a lot. They have learned that they can treat you horribly and you don't care. You'll just go out and buy the next game they release anyway. If you did care, you wouldn't have bought Sim City 5 in the first place, and thus would have nothing to complain about. Their latest hijinx are about what you'd expect from their track record over the course of the past two decades or so. If you were ever going to hold it against them, you would already have done so.
As I said in another EA related thread... If you're going to put your trust in the Devil don't be surprised when you end up with a pitchfork up your arse. People would save themselves a lot of grief if they just stopped buying EA games. Enough said.
EA has learned (or learnt, take your pick) nothing
EA is learning nothing
The more complex something is, the more likely something will go wrong.
Look how simple a forum thread title is, and you could not get that right.
EA communicating to their customers is just as simple, isnt it?
Sure, EA dropped the ball over the whole Sim City thing, and sure, they did the same with games prior to that, but EA's customers are equally to blame, for still being their customers.
A creative person is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others.
Originally posted by QuizzicalTo the contrary, EA has learned a lot. They have learned that they can treat you horribly and you don't care. You'll just go out and buy the next game they release anyway. If you did care, you wouldn't have bought Sim City 5 in the first place, and thus would have nothing to complain about. Their latest hijinx are about what you'd expect from their track record over the course of the past two decades or so. If you were ever going to hold it against them, you would already have done so.
Quizzical + Hammer + Nail = Thread.
Like Quizzical has said. No excuse for any person which has been gaming for awhile to spend money on any of EA's products, then turn around and bitch about the way EA conducts themselves. Only exception is to those who are brand new to gaming. Which isn't the bulk of gamers.
No this is not again about the creative mistakes EA did. Nor about how EA *always* forced games to launch way before they are ready and finished.
No, my friends, this is about COMMUNICATION.
I assume you have heard the term.
Fast backwards to 2011. Some EA bloke dropped the bomb, saying, there are no gay characters in Star Wars. You remember, the Same Gender Romance debate. No, I don't care on which side you stand. Fact was, it took EA FIVE MONTHS to finally open their damn traps and SAY something about the issue, while about 20000 posts of flamwars roared on their forum. No I am not making that number up.
FIVE MONTHS of silence while flames never ceased from both sides, supporters and protesters.
Back to the present.
Sim City is in ruins. Thousands of people (including le me) lost DAYS of progress because savegames were reset or suddenly could for ominous reasons no longer be loaded. Because Sim City was made "kinda as MMO" als Lucy Liar Bradshaw said. That woman who claimed all sims were individually calculated, HENCE the cloud was necessary, which was proven to be a big fat lie. Like most stuff they claimed about the online necessity was LIE flat into the customer faces.
As you might expect, their forums are aflame.
And what does EA tell the customers about this issue?
You guessed it, absofrigginglutely nothing. Nada. Zilch. Rien. Nichts! It the sequel: "Silence of the Developers 2" Or rather variant 10 or 20.
You see, it is human to err. I can accept and forgive, I am not that harsh. Really. But if a developer treats me as shit, staying silent and ignoring me, the paying customer, for MONTHS, then I have no respect and no understanding for a company at all. In such a crisis a company needs DAILY clear updated info about the ongoings and possible changes. DAILY!
This company so has lost it. Losing days and days of progress is certaily the most disheartning experience in games you can have. And then not even commenting, not even trying to help and give daily info about the progress is... just so bad and wrong on so many levels, that I think EA really needs to experience a FALL so these sort of arrogant game developers understand the importance of communication.
It's very simple, if you want to be treated well as a customer ....DONT BUY PRODUCTS FROM COMPANIES WHO DONT TREAT YOU WELL.
I'm sorry guy, but you are really doing this to yourself at this point.
I don't generaly buy products from EA and I'm a happy, stress free camper because of it.
You can't make EA can only make YOU change.....and that means only dealing with companies that treat you the way you want to be treated.
Originally posted by laokoko So you expect a reply such as "I'm sorry, I'm an idiot, and you deserve better?". I don't see how it helps. They'll just keep messing up anyway.
I have ZERO desire for apologies.
I want daily updates on the current state of progress. I want detailled info of their plans and what they are going to change, and how far they are listening to the many suggestions.
I want REAL DAILY INFO. I want a company which TALKS to it's customers with real info and reply to the feedback.
I don't want excuses or apologies.
So you want a daily response such as I'm an idiot and just skip the opology? That is not too much different.
If they really cared about the community they would offer an official patch to deactivate the always on DRM so people can play the game they paid for without EA's broken servers.
EA sees their customers as nothing more than cash machines. Their actions have spoken far louder than any of their empty words.
The realty is bro, you need to sack up like the rest of us and start VOTING WITH YOUR WALLET. I dont care how much you want to play that new game, tell them to eat your dick by not buying their shit until they start making it worth your money.
Ive done this with Blizzard, Bioware, and EA. And its been bloody fantastic.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
I learned, after EA bought Bioware, and released crap titles like SW:TOR and DAO 2 and to some extent MA 3, that to boycot EA. They are vulture capitalists. They buy up companies and squeze as much money from the bought up companies reputation, and at the same time destroying that reputation and IPs.
Just look at Origin, Westwood Studios and now recently Bioware. All excellent companies which are now more or less a shell of what they used to be.
My gaming blog
Exactly this.
If you don't like how a company does its business, don't support them with your wallet. By giving them money, no matter what they do, you are giving them the green light to continue. History has shown that the vocal people on the forums mean little to nothing to their business plan. That arrogance was built over time based on their successes with their customer base. Read: successes = people will keep shovelling money into their bank no matter what they do.
So, you can rage impotently, or you can support companies that sync with what you like. Its all up to you.
^^this^^ EA has been doing this for many years now.......their games just plain suck the last 10 years or so, they got TOO damn greedy.....but stil people buy their all EA had learned from this is...."we can make even cheaper en worse games and those stupid mindless people out there just keep buying it......pure money in the bank".
If you realy want to hurt them, stop whining on forums and stop buying their games.
I used to be a HUGE fan of sim city series but even tough i realy love it i didnt buy the latest 2 or 3 sim city games they made....i am talking with my money....if they want me back as a customer they better produce a better game.
While EA is losing customers slowly....other indie devs are growing slightly and bringing out games that are (sometimes) almost as good as the big companies. (POE anyone?)
Like I said, it's here to stay. People won't stop buying games, period. Even if a few stop buying always online DRM, there will be the vast majority who will.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
I have been ruminating on this for a bit and here are my thoughts kind.
I think the type of players who build cities and who spend hours creating are generally not MMORPGamers and will not be so forgiving. When a MMORPGamer loses progress they shrug it off but the type of people who play SIM games are not going to blithely let this go. They are going to be very ,very angry and the type of angry that unlike the MMORPGamer who is a pushover where bugs and rollbacks are concerned where they are going to do something about this.
I think EA has really done something really bad this time enough I am hoping that this creates some precedent on the type of response from gamers that actually have an impact. I am hoping they get their just desserts.
And how is this any different from, oh, say, any other point in time in the last 20 years? People who were ever going to learn already did a long time ago, with only the exception of younger people who are new to gaming and have to learn the hard way not to trust EA. But I don't think that accounts for the bulk of their sales.
This. Like I told SWToR fans, you can't get hyped on something if you wasn't hyped. Totally your own fault.
Philosophy of MMO Game Design
As I said in another EA related thread... If you're going to put your trust in the Devil don't be surprised when you end up with a pitchfork up your arse. People would save themselves a lot of grief if they just stopped buying EA games. Enough said.
EA has learned (or learnt, take your pick) nothing
EA is learning nothing
The more complex something is, the more likely something will go wrong.
Look how simple a forum thread title is, and you could not get that right.
EA communicating to their customers is just as simple, isnt it?
Sure, EA dropped the ball over the whole Sim City thing, and sure, they did the same with games prior to that, but EA's customers are equally to blame, for still being their customers.
A creative person is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others.
Quizzical + Hammer + Nail = Thread.
Like Quizzical has said. No excuse for any person which has been gaming for awhile to spend money on any of EA's products, then turn around and bitch about the way EA conducts themselves. Only exception is to those who are brand new to gaming. Which isn't the bulk of gamers.
It's very simple, if you want to be treated well as a customer ....DONT BUY PRODUCTS FROM COMPANIES WHO DONT TREAT YOU WELL.
I'm sorry guy, but you are really doing this to yourself at this point.
I don't generaly buy products from EA and I'm a happy, stress free camper because of it.
You can't make EA can only make YOU change.....and that means only dealing with companies that treat you the way you want to be treated.
So you want a daily response such as I'm an idiot and just skip the opology? That is not too much different.
Buying EA single player games is pretty stress free. I played Dead Space, and recent DS3. No problem at all. Good fun games.
Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!
Agreed, here is one cent, cause that's all EA is worth, actually they should be paying me!
And yet .. Simcity sold more than 1.1M copies.
I think EA has learned a lot how to sell games .. even with bad publicity and problems.
If they really cared about the community they would offer an official patch to deactivate the always on DRM so people can play the game they paid for without EA's broken servers.
EA sees their customers as nothing more than cash machines. Their actions have spoken far louder than any of their empty words.