Loved this game for the past 2 years. I even enjoyed the CU but LA/SOE have gone too far this time. They turned a complex and enjoyable mmorpg into a dumbed-down mmofps console game. I'm really going to miss the good days of SWG but I look forward to a new Star Wars MMORPG that's out of the hands of SOE. After the NGE I do doubt LA as well but RotS makes up for it a little.
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
This is the first time i have contributed to a forum in all the time i have been playing PC/Online games but i feel i need to say something about the SWG publish 25. I have played SWG for almost 2 years and have absorbed all the changes, some of which did improve the gameplay etc. But this new down grade (because that is what it is) is complete rubbish. The UI is utter rubbish, the combat system was supposed to be improved well if you call that an improvement i am dumbfounded, and the proffessions, well what can i say. They have more bugs in Pub 25 than your average leper colony. My guild which had 62+ members is almost a wasteland of empty houses. I just logged off when there was just 3 of us online, usually 4 times that number, i was so dissapointed i actually cancelled my second account. I guess the biggest thing that is annoying me is the way that SOE and Lucas arts decieved all the players into buying the new addon with the promises on revamps to the then current proffessions all the while they had this in the wings. Another thing i find reprehensable is that with the new publish, if you havent the add on it appears you cant earn xp to level up. That is almost commercial piracy. So now i am in here looking for a game that i can transition too, so any reccomendations for agame for a jaded ex SWG dude i would appreciate it.
Like most people here, I have played for about 2 years. Survived the first CU, hated it at first because of the issues that they didn't addressed compared to the ones that they did. But I finally got used to the changes. I knew who and what I could and could not fight. I was a mid level Jedi, full temp, but the Jedi that came out before the village usually had better equipment than I, so death was usually quick. I loved having BH's come for me, even though Miriam and Maura powned me like a small dog. It was still fun IMHO to have that part of the game. I was a TKM/MCH long before I was a Jedi, and had a special place for both of those professions. The ranger revamp that was supposed to be on the way I was looking forward to, my BH alt was going to pick this up just for a new thing to play. With all of the professions and things that made SWG by far my favorite game gone, it was more than enough to make me start down the canceling path. But I figured I was adapt to the NGE just like I did the CU
Then the NGE hit, or the FVP (frig veteran players) as I call it now. How much damage that can be done in one publish was amazing. I could list everything that I hated but you would get bored reading that much complaining in one post. So I'll list what I did like. Hmm... lets see.... Well it was funny seeing everyone jump when trying to talk in chat. Even though jump does nothing for getting you over anything. Well that is it for what I liked.
As far as all of you saying that now you play because you can start out as a Jedi, I have this to say. You don't start off as a Jedi, your Force Sensitive. I doubt that you will like it when/if you get to CL 80 and go out to a natural spawn of CL 40ish NPC's to practice your new skills, and then get powned. I can say that cause it happened to me. CL 40? I figured ok, 2 or 3 hits at the most and they will be dead, good place to practice and get my skills down. lol, cloning was real fun, as always. Ok, lets get on my BH and do a mission and see how that goes. Ok, my mark runs like a crackhead to the corner when he gets a few bucks, can't target him, do a minimal damage, can follow him with reticle to get a hit. I attack him for 10 seconds before he reacts or I even see any damage, my snare and specials don't seem to have an effect. Ok, well this sucks. Let me try my crafter. SWEET MOTHER OF GOD, where are the new clothes that I was supposed to get for my Tailor? Oh they are loots and can't be crafted. great. Oh I still need BE components to make Foods? But there are no BE's in the game anymore. Well lets see if a Doctor can make them. Guess I'll have to respec myself to see, since everyone and the brother respec'd to Jedi since they don't have to do anything for it, and BH's are no longer a concern.
Instead of addressing issues like making the GCW viable, or making the 32 professions that were in game more fun, they decided to have us Beta test for PS3 and Xbox 360 version for when it hits later. I don't know if they will have access to the current galaxies or have their own. But the ones that are in game now will be ghost towns of empty house's, including mine outside of Flame's Hold on Talus. Starsider Server, Just to let ya know. Even though I know it would never happen. But if they offered a PRE-NGE server, I would stay/come back to the game. I loved this game and played anytime I wasn't riding my motorcycle, or had other RL things that were available. Well at least my wife will get a lot more attention. Hope she is ready for it. Oh she played as well, Kimberly on Sunrunner. But we are out, SOE can ..... well you know what they can do....
"Welcome to the New Game Enhancement center here we can show you all the chan......<<<STATIC.....HISS>>>
HELP!!! S.O.S. HELP US SOMEBODY!!!! I am aboard the online game of STAR WARS GALAXIES and something is attacking us and doing devistating damage!!! All our characters are suddenly going from stopped to full boar running to stopped again in a totally unrealistic fashion!!!! and all our normal command buttons have been turned into some alien control interface!!! No one unerstands what's happening have to help us ...people are running around like headless chickens on steroids and jumping out air locks just to excape this unwarrented invasion of our virtual world.... The force has abandoned us and is being controlled by and even stronger force of some corporate mon.......<<<HISS CRACKLE........STATIC>>> ...chine!!! PLEASE HELP US ..... !!!! and HUR...<<<STATIC ....HISS>>>.................
.....njoy the new changes we have made, Thank you.
Originally posted by Aenea "Welcome to the New Game Enhancement center here we can show you all the chan......<<<STATIC.....HISS>>><<<TRANSMISSION INTERUPTION>>>HELP!!! S.O.S. HELP US SOMEBODY!!!! I am aboard the online game of STAR WARS GALAXIES and something is attacking us and doing devistating damage!!! All our characters are suddenly going from stopped to full boar running to stopped again in a totally unrealistic fashion!!!! and all our normal command buttons have been turned into some alien control interface!!! No one unerstands what's happening have to help us ...people are running around like headless chickens on steroids and jumping out air locks just to excape this unwarrented invasion of our virtual world.... The force has abandoned us and is being controlled by and even stronger force of some corporate mon.......<<<HISS CRACKLE........STATIC>>> ...chine!!! PLEASE HELP US ..... !!!! and HUR...<<<STATIC ....HISS>>>.................<<<TRANSMISSION RESTORED TO NORMAL>>> .....njoy the new changes we have made, Thank you.-The Management
*laughing hard* and an even better second post. I am on the second day of the NGE with my real toon that I HAD to convert and quite honestly there is nothing improving about this update. Its blatently obvious that this change was ONLY to get console gaming into it. I have to hit twice as many keys and work the mouse way more to accomplish the same things as before. Using specials is honestly just annoying at this point and I don't even bother with most of them because they last of about 5 seconds, half have no animation, or the wrong animation. And having to sit and chase stuff to keep you cursor on it in an MMO is just rediculous. There is nothing faster about the combat, if this is faster combat then I can take an action movie and put it in the fast forward and say it was twice as action packed.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
i started this post 3 times and i still havent found a proper way to say the things i have to say i will not say that sony has killed the game cause its a new game. "yea right" you will say but other then the fact that you have your own house and your own vehicle as before the nge nothing else has stayed the same:( Community? after the big blow up( the first Combat upgrade) many vets left the game in search for another meaning of their online personas. But even then, many of us came back and played the game cause it becase as it should be from the beginning...more group oriented(if i wanted to play solo i would prefer kotor) But then came the nge and this great game was no longer the game that i loved playing most of my online friends have already gone to other online games and i will soon follow them, and from those that were left behind and i asked if they had seen new players, the remarks i got were mostly the community is dead Quests? although sony claims that there are about 130 new quests, where do high lvl players get them from? the test center was all about the starting place, where you begun as cl1 and through quests you got much more xp than just by killing mobs(and i liked that idea, cause i was one of the many players that had completed the force sensitive quests and it was the time for the endless grinding for xp), but unfortunately from what i have heard from the official forums of the game, these 130 quests were mostly up to cl 30...from 30-90 where were the quests we were promised? but i guess we werent promised any quests...they were only a bait for newcomers ...that is up until they have driven all vets away so there would be noone around to tell the new guys how the game was supposed to be.
Items? many of us had spent 100's of hours taking missions, gathering money, getting better armor, better weapons, better everything , in an endless affort to customize our characters and although it was a LONG process it was very fun and also very rewarding. as i was one of the vets that had started their main char before the first combat upgrade, i was a little dissapointed from the fact that the cu seemed as a very sloppy work, in terms of converting items before the cu to a new system, but i coped with it. But now with this NGE, whats the fun it taking items and trying to upgrade them, when in the end all characters would be the same?(but i am ahead of myself here). anyway most of my armors are now worthless, my most prized item(an anti decay kit), which was a veteran reward, is reduced to a respec kit and my uber weapon was total crap.
Characters and their classes One of the great things about this game and in every game that respects itself, was the ability to customize your own character. and i dont mean just the way your char looks or stands or what is he/she wearing, but with the addition of several skills you could make your char trully unique and instead of playing a predetermined way of playing, you could adjust the gamepley to your own way. for example as a squad leader, (my example) , my main function was to help the group i was in, with general and specific buffs. now with the addition of another ranged profession like a rifleman i could be trully be formidable as i could do 3k+ dmg to a monster of my own lvl. but sony had again the idiotic idea that this was too confusing for us, like we were all 12 or something. The new idea sony had, was to make all chars similar to each other. there would be jedi, bounty hunters, medics, and other professions that although they had everything to do with the Star Wars Galaxy, they had nothing to do with the game. I mean its ok for a smuggler to be a starting character, but as the char would evolve, there could be other skills that would make evasion from imperial forces more easily. instead of that they made all chars the same. go figure.
and because i am pretty tired and upset writing all these i must conclude that the stronger problem with sony was THE COMPLETE LACK OF CUSTOMER RELATIONS. i really never understood what was my part as a sony customer. was my role in this game to shut up and just give them my money? did they know that there are some things like "customer satisfaction", "company responsibility"? what really pains me is that they must think we are stupid or something. even I with my elementary understanding about business i could understand that this game is about to collapse. where have you heard other companies rushing an expansion that went along the current gameplay, and in 1-2 months after it was published(and they had already gathered the pre-ordering money), they would change the face of the game completely? i mean do they really really think we are stupid? dont they understand that their own credibility has received a blow from their actions? half an hour ago i received a newsletter from this site, and there i saw that sony would be the producer of matrix online. as much as i like the idea of being an Agent(hehe ) i will not make the mistake ever again and give more money to sony.
well thanks for reading this post
As an afterthought i would like to congratulate Mr George Lucas that has let the online community that star wars galaxies created around his vision to go down the drain...way to go time stick to movies cause as it turned out you dont know shit about making a game:(
Chattuc: Absolutely. I logged in after the first CU one(1) time. I was so devastated I shut down both subscriptions.
SWG: In the first CU, you alienated the playerbase and lost a lot of players. Yes new players came in, but as you said they left again. In this second CU, you are losing the rest of the original players and half the players you aquired after the first CU.
You have created a situation where any new players you would have wooed with this NGE, have already played and quit.
Seriously, a lot of players would come back if you put the original engine back in and simply did some decent marketing. The old game was extremely engaging. I was hooked from the first day I played it. I had a master weaponsmith and a village jedi. I remember when the tusken raiders invaded Bestine and Tusken's bane on Chilastra and there were sooo many players that the lag was so bad it took 5-30 seconds for your move to kick in. When being a TKM was BAD ASSED if for nothing other than the graphics. The game was simply the best I had ever played, and still is, prior to original CU. It broke my heart when you destroyed my favorite game.
Players with a short attention span, that want a heroic experience should not be playing an mmorpg, they need to be playing battlefront 2, jedi academy (online) or KOTOR. Instant jedi... You are going for a market that's not even interested in an mmorpg, the ones that are won't play NGE because it stinks. It's not deep enough. You definitely won't get the players back that spent a year building their jedi.
My 2 cents for what it's worth. I need to get back to eve-online. A real mmorpg where the players matter, no matter how many of us there are. This is the first time I've seen a company ruin a perfectly good game just to attract more subscribers to the wrong game.
Originally posted by fatgato Oh I had to post....I wrote a while back that the CU was bad for SWG and there was support saying that CU wasnt bad etc etc..... well so many lil fanbois are leaving too.... oh well think its hilarous that SWG is going down.
/signed I'm glad I quit the day after the first CU went live. That's when the game really died. It started dying at patch 9, when the holocron system was nixed.
Originally posted by Celestian Does this patch allow you to actually be a jedi "character" when you start now? Seems they have classes now instead of the generic skill based crap they had before.If that's the case I have to say I'm happy about that. Frankly I had 0 desire to be some stupid robot mechanic or bounty hunter wanna-be... I just wanted to be a jedi I mean it's Star Wars, not Spaceship mechanic For Life.
And so... why don't you play jedi academy? that game already exists, and it's multiplayer online... Instant Jedi Master!
; ; don't even go there. I used to play SWG for like over a year, and then I quit for 6 months or so because I moved away for work. Then I bought i new computer, and started telling a few of my buddies how awsome the game was, and that we should all get it. So we did...on Nov 8th,2005.
After logging in, wondering why my server (which used to have 1000's of people on it) is almost empty. Then i find out, that they are changing the game with the NGE. Now what convinced my friends to buy SWG was the many different job classes and how you could completely customize your character's skills from the different jobs. Well, we had a few days fun till they changed the game on us. Now we HAVE to be an iconic profession.... I WANT TO COMPLETELY ENVELOPE MYSELF IN AN MMORPG...AS MYSELF! not as luke skywalker, or any other characters from the universe.... I wanna make my own char. And now jedi, which used to be hard to get, and hard to beat, is a regualer job, and powered down to equal out to the other jobs.
You wanted a more Star wars like experience, well a jedi is supposed to be more powerful that most people. One on one, a jedi is supposed to be more or less the winner. Getting jedi could take months of playing, but it was worth it....not now. Now your just a jedi running around with everyone else, who can also be jedi if they so choose. Your not special, your work to get the classes an patience is un-noticed, and why bother hiding the fact that your a jedi, if there is no secrecy to it.
Needless to say, 6 copies of Star Wars: The total Experience went in the garbage, me and my friends all switched to Final Fantasy online, and though our wallets and pride are hurt, at least now we are having fun again.
SWG used to tower over FFxi for me (even tho I'm a huge FF fan) but now it doesn't hold a candle up too it. Such a let down. If SWG ever goes back before the inconic professions, and before NGE, then I'll even buy the copy of the game again, and start over, but unless that happens. FFxi online is taming our gaming instincts just fine now. Thank you Square/Enix, I knew I was loyal to square since the original final fantasy for nes for something. They just kicked SWG's ass and proved it.
Peace, and my condolances to all those who feel similiar to me
The world needs to start focusing on Space exploration. Why? Because I think it's cool ^_^
I keep hearing ppl say that they want new players, that's the reason for the NGE....
I have no degree in marketing, but isn't "word of mouth" the number one advertising tool? Seems they have done the real Death Blow to this game as i can find NO good thing anywhere (no matter the online game you hear negative SWG feedback there)
Word of Mouth........
They can't trick us with a new package on the outside and new commercials pretending it's something new......blah....
SOE destroyed the best game ever!
A great first post Aenea, thank you for sharing.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
This is the first time i have contributed to a forum in all the time i have been playing PC/Online games but i feel i need to say something about the SWG publish 25. I have played SWG for almost 2 years and have absorbed all the changes, some of which did improve the gameplay etc. But this new down grade (because that is what it is) is complete rubbish. The UI is utter rubbish, the combat system was supposed to be improved well if you call that an improvement i am dumbfounded, and the proffessions, well what can i say. They have more bugs in Pub 25 than your average leper colony. My guild which had 62+ members is almost a wasteland of empty houses. I just logged off when there was just 3 of us online, usually 4 times that number, i was so dissapointed i actually cancelled my second account. I guess the biggest thing that is annoying me is the way that SOE and Lucas arts decieved all the players into buying the new addon with the promises on revamps to the then current proffessions all the while they had this in the wings. Another thing i find reprehensable is that with the new publish, if you havent the add on it appears you cant earn xp to level up. That is almost commercial piracy. So now i am in here looking for a game that i can transition too, so any reccomendations for agame for a jaded ex SWG dude i would appreciate it.
Cheers All
Like most people here, I have played for about 2 years. Survived the first CU, hated it at first because of the issues that they didn't addressed compared to the ones that they did. But I finally got used to the changes. I knew who and what I could and could not fight. I was a mid level Jedi, full temp, but the Jedi that came out before the village usually had better equipment than I, so death was usually quick. I loved having BH's come for me, even though Miriam and Maura powned me like a small dog. It was still fun IMHO to have that part of the game. I was a TKM/MCH long before I was a Jedi, and had a special place for both of those professions. The ranger revamp that was supposed to be on the way I was looking forward to, my BH alt was going to pick this up just for a new thing to play. With all of the professions and things that made SWG by far my favorite game gone, it was more than enough to make me start down the canceling path. But I figured I was adapt to the NGE just like I did the CU
Then the NGE hit, or the FVP (frig veteran players) as I call it now. How much damage that can be done in one publish was amazing. I could list everything that I hated but you would get bored reading that much complaining in one post. So I'll list what I did like. Hmm... lets see.... Well it was funny seeing everyone jump when trying to talk in chat. Even though jump does nothing for getting you over anything. Well that is it for what I liked.
As far as all of you saying that now you play because you can start out as a Jedi, I have this to say. You don't start off as a Jedi, your Force Sensitive. I doubt that you will like it when/if you get to CL 80 and go out to a natural spawn of CL 40ish NPC's to practice your new skills, and then get powned. I can say that cause it happened to me. CL 40? I figured ok, 2 or 3 hits at the most and they will be dead, good place to practice and get my skills down. lol, cloning was real fun, as always. Ok, lets get on my BH and do a mission and see how that goes. Ok, my mark runs like a crackhead to the corner when he gets a few bucks, can't target him, do a minimal damage, can follow him with reticle to get a hit. I attack him for 10 seconds before he reacts or I even see any damage, my snare and specials don't seem to have an effect. Ok, well this sucks. Let me try my crafter. SWEET MOTHER OF GOD, where are the new clothes that I was supposed to get for my Tailor? Oh they are loots and can't be crafted. great. Oh I still need BE components to make Foods? But there are no BE's in the game anymore. Well lets see if a Doctor can make them. Guess I'll have to respec myself to see, since everyone and the brother respec'd to Jedi since they don't have to do anything for it, and BH's are no longer a concern.
Instead of addressing issues like making the GCW viable, or making the 32 professions that were in game more fun, they decided to have us Beta test for PS3 and Xbox 360 version for when it hits later. I don't know if they will have access to the current galaxies or have their own. But the ones that are in game now will be ghost towns of empty house's, including mine outside of Flame's Hold on Talus. Starsider Server, Just to let ya know. Even though I know it would never happen. But if they offered a PRE-NGE server, I would stay/come back to the game. I loved this game and played anytime I wasn't riding my motorcycle, or had other RL things that were available. Well at least my wife will get a lot more attention. Hope she is ready for it. Oh she played as well, Kimberly on Sunrunner. But we are out, SOE can ..... well you know what they can do....
Balrok, Starsider
"Welcome to the New Game Enhancement center here we can show you all the chan......<<<STATIC.....HISS>>>
I am aboard the online game of STAR WARS GALAXIES and something is attacking us and doing devistating damage!!!
All our characters are suddenly going from stopped to full boar running to stopped again in a totally unrealistic fashion!!!! and all our normal command buttons have been turned into some alien control interface!!! No one unerstands what's happening have to help us ...people are running around like headless chickens on steroids and jumping out air locks just to excape this unwarrented invasion of our virtual world.... The force has abandoned us and is being controlled by and even stronger force of some corporate mon.......<<<HISS CRACKLE........STATIC>>> ...chine!!! PLEASE HELP US ..... !!!! and HUR...<<<STATIC ....HISS>>>.................
.....njoy the new changes we have made, Thank you.
-The Management
Love Conquers All
*laughing hard* and an even better second post. I am on the second day of the NGE with my real toon that I HAD to convert and quite honestly there is nothing improving about this update. Its blatently obvious that this change was ONLY to get console gaming into it. I have to hit twice as many keys and work the mouse way more to accomplish the same things as before. Using specials is honestly just annoying at this point and I don't even bother with most of them because they last of about 5 seconds, half have no animation, or the wrong animation. And having to sit and chase stuff to keep you cursor on it in an MMO is just rediculous. There is nothing faster about the combat, if this is faster combat then I can take an action movie and put it in the fast forward and say it was twice as action packed.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
i started this post 3 times and i still havent found a proper way to say the things i have to say
i will not say that sony has killed the game cause its a new game. "yea right" you will say but other then the fact that you have your own house and your own vehicle as before the nge nothing else has stayed the same:(
Community? after the big blow up( the first Combat upgrade) many vets left the game in search for another meaning of their online personas. But even then, many of us came back and played the game cause it becase as it should be from the beginning...more group oriented(if i wanted to play solo i would prefer kotor)
But then came the nge and this great game was no longer the game that i loved playing
most of my online friends have already gone to other online games and i will soon follow them, and from those that were left behind and i asked if they had seen new players, the remarks i got were mostly the community is dead
Quests? although sony claims that there are about 130 new quests, where do high lvl players get them from?
the test center was all about the starting place, where you begun as cl1 and through quests you got much more xp than just by killing mobs(and i liked that idea, cause i was one of the many players that had completed the force sensitive quests and it was the time for the endless grinding for xp), but unfortunately from what i have heard from the official forums of the game, these 130 quests were mostly up to cl 30...from 30-90 where were the quests we were promised? but i guess we werent promised any quests...they were only a bait for newcomers ...that is up until they have driven all vets away so there would be noone around to tell the new guys how the game was supposed to be.
Items? many of us had spent 100's of hours taking missions, gathering money, getting better armor, better weapons, better everything , in an endless affort to customize our characters and although it was a LONG process it was very fun and also very rewarding. as i was one of the vets that had started their main char before the first combat upgrade, i was a little dissapointed from the fact that the cu seemed as a very sloppy work, in terms of converting items before the cu to a new system, but i coped with it. But now with this NGE, whats the fun it taking items and trying to upgrade them, when in the end all characters would be the same?(but i am ahead of myself here). anyway most of my armors are now worthless, my most prized item(an anti decay kit), which was a veteran reward, is reduced to a respec kit and my uber weapon was total crap.
Characters and their classes
One of the great things about this game and in every game that respects itself, was the ability to customize your own character. and i dont mean just the way your char looks or stands or what is he/she wearing, but with the addition of several skills you could make your char trully unique and instead of playing a predetermined way of playing, you could adjust the gamepley to your own way. for example as a squad leader, (my example) , my main function was to help the group i was in, with general and specific buffs. now with the addition of another ranged profession like a rifleman i could be trully be formidable as i could do 3k+ dmg to a monster of my own lvl. but sony had again the idiotic idea that this was too confusing for us, like we were all 12 or something. The new idea sony had, was to make all chars similar to each other. there would be jedi, bounty hunters, medics, and other professions that although they had everything to do with the Star Wars Galaxy, they had nothing to do with the game. I mean its ok for a smuggler to be a starting character, but as the char would evolve, there could be other skills that would make evasion from imperial forces more easily. instead of that they made all chars the same. go figure.
and because i am pretty tired and upset writing all these i must conclude that the stronger problem with sony was THE COMPLETE LACK OF CUSTOMER RELATIONS.
i really never understood what was my part as a sony customer. was my role in this game to shut up and just give them my money? did they know that there are some things like "customer satisfaction", "company responsibility"? what really pains me is that they must think we are stupid or something. even I with my elementary understanding about business i could understand that this game is about to collapse.
where have you heard other companies rushing an expansion that went along the current gameplay, and in 1-2 months after it was published(and they had already gathered the pre-ordering money), they would change the face of the game completely? i mean do they really really think we are stupid? dont they understand that their own credibility has received a blow from their actions? half an hour ago i received a newsletter from this site, and there i saw that sony would be the producer of matrix online. as much as i like the idea of being an Agent(hehe ) i will not make the mistake ever again and give more money to sony.
well thanks for reading this post
As an afterthought i would like to congratulate Mr George Lucas that has let the online community that star wars galaxies created around his vision to go down the drain...way to go time stick to movies cause as it turned out you dont know shit about making a game:(
Absolutely. I logged in after the first CU one(1) time. I was so devastated I shut down both subscriptions.
In the first CU, you alienated the playerbase and lost a lot of players.
Yes new players came in, but as you said they left again.
In this second CU, you are losing the rest of the original players and half the players you aquired after the first CU.
You have created a situation where any new players you would have wooed with this NGE, have already played and quit.
Seriously, a lot of players would come back if you put the original engine back in and simply did some decent marketing. The old game was extremely engaging. I was hooked from the first day I played it. I had a master weaponsmith and a village jedi. I remember when the tusken raiders invaded Bestine and Tusken's bane on Chilastra and there were sooo many players that the lag was so bad it took 5-30 seconds for your move to kick in. When being a TKM was BAD ASSED if for nothing other than the graphics. The game was simply the best I had ever played, and still is, prior to original CU. It broke my heart when you destroyed my favorite game.
Players with a short attention span, that want a heroic experience should not be playing an mmorpg, they need to be playing battlefront 2, jedi academy (online) or KOTOR. Instant jedi... You are going for a market that's not even interested in an mmorpg, the ones that are won't play NGE because it stinks. It's not deep enough. You definitely won't get the players back that spent a year building their jedi.
My 2 cents for what it's worth. I need to get back to eve-online. A real mmorpg where the players matter, no matter how many of us there are. This is the first time I've seen a company ruin a perfectly good game just to attract more subscribers to the wrong game.
I'm glad I quit the day after the first CU went live. That's when the game really died. It started dying at patch 9, when the holocron system was nixed.
No grind
No worries
No subscription fee
deleted double post
; ; don't even go there. I used to play SWG for like over a year, and then I quit for 6 months or so because I moved away for work. Then I bought i new computer, and started telling a few of my buddies how awsome the game was, and that we should all get it. So we did...on Nov 8th,2005.
After logging in, wondering why my server (which used to have 1000's of people on it) is almost empty. Then i find out, that they are changing the game with the NGE. Now what convinced my friends to buy SWG was the many different job classes and how you could completely customize your character's skills from the different jobs. Well, we had a few days fun till they changed the game on us. Now we HAVE to be an iconic profession.... I WANT TO COMPLETELY ENVELOPE MYSELF IN AN MMORPG...AS MYSELF! not as luke skywalker, or any other characters from the universe.... I wanna make my own char. And now jedi, which used to be hard to get, and hard to beat, is a regualer job, and powered down to equal out to the other jobs.
You wanted a more Star wars like experience, well a jedi is supposed to be more powerful that most people. One on one, a jedi is supposed to be more or less the winner. Getting jedi could take months of playing, but it was worth it....not now. Now your just a jedi running around with everyone else, who can also be jedi if they so choose. Your not special, your work to get the classes an patience is un-noticed, and why bother hiding the fact that your a jedi, if there is no secrecy to it.
Needless to say, 6 copies of Star Wars: The total Experience went in the garbage, me and my friends all switched to Final Fantasy online, and though our wallets and pride are hurt, at least now we are having fun again.
SWG used to tower over FFxi for me (even tho I'm a huge FF fan) but now it doesn't hold a candle up too it. Such a let down. If SWG ever goes back before the inconic professions, and before NGE, then I'll even buy the copy of the game again, and start over, but unless that happens. FFxi online is taming our gaming instincts just fine now. Thank you Square/Enix, I knew I was loyal to square since the original final fantasy for nes for something. They just kicked SWG's ass and proved it.
Peace, and my condolances to all those who feel similiar to me
The world needs to start focusing on Space exploration. Why? Because I think it's cool ^_^
I keep hearing ppl say that they want new players, that's the reason for the NGE....
I have no degree in marketing, but isn't "word of mouth" the number one advertising tool? Seems they have done the real Death Blow to this game as i can find NO good thing anywhere (no matter the online game you hear negative SWG feedback there)
Word of Mouth........
They can't trick us with a new package on the outside and new commercials pretending it's something new......blah....