I guess tons of things may have changed since i last played this game back in 2009. With ff 14 comming out again and it does seem they did it right, would it be worth investing in ff11 till then. Are the servers busy or have they dwindled down. Any changes to the races stats or do you still need to make up with gear where your race does not excel at. (like galka casters)?
i did that some deal on steam. Now just to decide what race to make. may spend most of my days as a drg/whm for fun.
I`m a really old school FF XI player who started playing it at release. Now I`m also considering getting back into it till Realm Reborn´s release.
What I`m mostly wondering is about the leveling. Are you still at lv.10+ heavily dependent to get a party just for the sake of leveling. Also, are you still not able to solo the class quests?
You can easily solo now on most jobs. The xp per mob has doubled so chaining EPs - EMs from level 1-30 is pretty much standard. You can also do fields of valor or grounds of valor which give bonus xp once the objectives have been completed.
Soloing job quests could be done depending on what job you want to unlock. Anything with an NM to kill most likely not though.
The game has changed quite a bit since the abyssea expansions came out. I think you will be surprized at how quickly you can level up now.
If you play come to asura my name is kenshinayu my linkshell is a very helpful and active linkshell throw me a tell and i can get you in
Not so much haha. But people still solo through there in the 20s.
I would like to try this game, i've never played it. I went over the official website and clicked free trial but everytime I try it tells me, there are no more trial codes.... WTH??
So I dunno... does anyoen have a trial code they wouldnt mind sharing?
I rejoined a little over a year ago for a free month and didn't even last the month. I don't even understand leveling anymore. You sit in a raid with 17 other players in one area and auto attack mobs for 5 hours to get 15 or so levels, then you move on to another area to repeat, etc. Nobody enjoys it. Many people try to go afk for as much time as possible, only occassionally moving and auto attacking for a bit to make it look like they're doing something so they don't get kicked. It's altogether extraordinarily boring.
For how trivial they made levels 1-70, they didn't remove the limit breaks. So starting at level 50, you still need to go on the limit quests to raise your level cap by 5. While some of these are easier than others, due to your ultra fast leveling, you'll likely be next to naked and incredibly weak for your level. As such, you'll have to rely on making a high level friend or two to help you out. So you go from afk auto attack grinding to passive sneak and invis running through catacombs while watching high levels do all the work. Your reward for your patience is that you get to return to your 18 man group to grind out another 5 auto attack levels!
Eventually you'll get high enough level and gain entry to Abyssea. I didn't make it that far though, so I can't comment on what goes on there. And unless you have a lot of free time to dedicate to the game, chances are you won't get there in 14 days either.
Yep, that's the exact impression I've got from the current game, and I haven't even taken part in it lol - it was just from reading the accounts of other players. It's honestly the SOLE reason that, despite how much I've always liked the game, I can't bring myself to return to it. I can understand wanting to make it easier to level, and even the desire to make the game more solo friendly, but their "solution" to the leveling situation was/is probably the worst I've ever seen. I'd never feel satisfied or even remotely entertained by joining a large group of players and then essentially being power leveled while I do nothing. I mean, why even have those lower levels at all? They might as well just start all new characters at a "viable" level right at the beginning and forgo that mess completely.
Sigh, it's a shame how things have turned out for the game. It still holds a nostalgic place in my heart, and honestly, there's a lot to like about it, but the leveling aspect is an important part of any game for me, new or old, and it just doesn't feel right to shoot through all of that content without really even doing much. Sure, you could still level up the hard way I suppose, but you'd most likely be doing it completely alone, and it would probably take you a month or two to reach a point that took most everyone else only a few days.