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This is a landmark revolution in gaming as far as i'm concerned, its kind of awesome. (edit: a game being released alongside a matching tv show I mean)
So far we got a chance to play the tutorial level, explore around, fought mutants and hellbugs. We found a major arkfall from a Votan ship. We dug around the tech tree/ego grid to see what is available to our class. This is all in the first hour. We can't wait to play more.
What has your experience been so far?
Defiance review with commentary:
We are always looking to have a good time with good games. Enlist in the Geeks With Games Army today:
Short answer - I liked it. Game looks simple, but for some strange reason I had fun playing it. Can log in, shoot some mutants for few mins, do few tasks, log out.
I also think you might find more gold bars in garbage can, then "landmark revolution" in Defiance
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
So far it looks like a high quality game (there seems to be alot of attention to detail, even if its a bit off at times). Mechanics are more mmorpg like than FPS. Yes you have to aim, yes there appear to be head shot bonus damage...yes you need to reload and watch ammo. However it still feels and plays like a RPG. Which is strange considering combat is very FPS style (well third person shooting at least). There is melee but it seem to take a back seat, though im not sure if theres more perks to focus on that, and im not sure you would even want to or if its even viable in a world of guns.
Theres a perk system which are passive bonuses. You select your starting location (its like a big grid of perks with 4 large starting point perks in the center) it looks like you can wander about the perk system can only choose perks touching perks you already have. Theres not a ton of perks but it looks like you might have the ability later on to start on one side and make it to the other, so there might be some hybrid options. Some seem weapon based, other seem overall role based (like damage and defense)
You get grenades on a cool down, and one skill (not sure if you can bring more than one). On the surface this dissapointed me but it seems to draw the focus away from "magic" skills as the focal point of combat, which works in this system
The look and feel of the game is great, it looks really good, feels a bit laggy, some of the mobs (those little alien spiders at least) were rubberbanding, expected with a high profile beta, im sure it will get fixed with greater capacity (and may already be fixed i havent been able to play most the afternoon)
Quests seem to be radioed in. Which i like more than the back and forth style typically found in themeparks. I never had to return to a hub i just kinda kept going.
Run animation was iffy, not a big deal but looks unnatural. The over the shoulder and close third person view wiht crosshairs took some getting use to. I felt too close to the character and the crosshairs seem oddly placed over the shoulder. Not sure if settings can fix that, i would have preferd to be further away with the crosshairs more centerd i guess. Crosshairs change with weapon type to reflect damage area.
Overal, its nothing groundbreaking, nothing revolutionary, its fun, as are most starts to new games. I will say it was very enjoyable, more than i thought it would be. The future of the game rests on mid to end game however, and i dont think we get to see that yet.
Keep an eye on this game if your looking for a mmorpg with a TPS style combat. It certainly looks feels and plays well enough and with a different flavor than were all use to, which is a good thing. Dont expect this game to kill any other games, or be the greatest game ever. It seem to be what im comming to expect from trion, which is a very safe take on mmropgs, everything well done but done with a very safe approach to how its done. This means no crazy unique systems or mechanics, but what they do offer is done well. At least so far.
Im pleased with what im seeing right now, but again, easy to make a fun start for a new game, hard to maintain that all the way through then offer a good replay value at endgame. Thats going to be the big test.
Defiance review with commentary:
We are always looking to have a good time with good games. Enlist in the Geeks With Games Army today:
Defiance review with commentary:
We are always looking to have a good time with good games. Enlist in the Geeks With Games Army today:
Defiance review with commentary:
We are always looking to have a good time with good games. Enlist in the Geeks With Games Army today:
Defiance review with commentary:
We are always looking to have a good time with good games. Enlist in the Geeks With Games Army today:
So far I'm enjoying the game. Its what I was hoping firefall would be.
- Good -
Arkfalls - They took rifts from Rift and turned them into something I like. I liked the concepts of rifts but the implementation was boring and a bit bland. Arkfalls are refined rifts, Trion did well here imo.
Weak Points - Standing there firing at will isn't going to do you a whole lot of good on some of the stuff in game. I like the glowing weak points on some crystals and mobs. It makes it a little bit more strategic.
Visuals - The game looks good, I like the style.
Combat - Fast paced Shooter, I like it.
Free Form Themepark - It's not a sandbox by any means, but I feel like I have a bit of freedom in where I go and what I do. The Arkfalls help this along even more. I can break away from the main mission and still have stuff to do.
- Bad -
ATV Sound - Ok, this isn't that bad but it gets irritating after awhile. It screeches and its high pitched. Its often enough that it bothers me. The crash sound is awful as well.
UI/Controls - Only issue I really have here is that esc does not open a main menu with the important stuff there. The menus are broken up into different key bindings. You can't exit game from the menu that pops up after hitting esc, you can't changes settings, etc. They'e assigned to different F keys.
Secondly I hate the Alt key for dodging. I wish run (Since it doesn't consume stamina or break stealth or anything) was an always on/toggle thing and shift was used to dodge instead. Or the tried and true double tap of directional keys. Either would be better than having dodged set to Alt. Thankfully I have a Razer Naga so I can rebind it to a usable key, but still.
Camera Placement - I feel like my characters to far to the left. Its a little awkward. I feel like I'm running beside him and in the begining I was over compensating with my aim. I have adapted but it still feels awkward.
We definitely aren't seeing everything yet, I certainly hope not at least. Character Customizations I hope come later and I really hope we aren't stuck with just the two races. All in all though I really like the game, definitely a much better game than Firefall. Haven't tried PvP yet though... so, final judgement will come later :P
To the game maker you sould not have messed with esc as a menu button. The level were log off is hidden borders on something a sadist would make. Shame on you are you what were you thinking ? Did none of your testers tell you how dumb that is to hide log off from players ? No money for you bad monkeys End rant
Stupid game.
All you do is run around and shoot stuff. No depth to it at all. Worse than some random asian grinder. What's the point of the game?
It's sad when people think this is a good game. MMO's lately have gotten worse and worse.
As a concept I think it's a great idea. In the execution, it's not so good. For xbox and PS players it's probably a huge step forward but for PC MMO players it's not working out so well.
The UI is blatantly a console UI. PC gamers, and MMO players especially, will be disappointed with the UI. We have an abundance of keys at our disposal, so a nice, functional UI, that can be modded, is something we expect from our MMO's. Defiance fails to deliver that. While the UI is perfectly normal for consoles it's nothing more than a bad port for the PC.
That's my biggest problem, but not the only one. The animations are clunky, but the models look quite good. The FPS play feels solid enough, but sniping is a bit off, given that the mobs have a tendancy to jerk around a bit as they move, poor animations again.
PvP will be a nightmare of bunny hopping on steroids. Have you SEEN how high you can jump in this game? It's freaking amazing. You can jump clear over a players head with room to spare. I have never in 20 years seen jumps this high in any game.
My other "big" problem is the absolutely disgusting practice of delivering a full game but making half of it available only as DLC that many games devs and publishers are moving towards. DO NOT BUY DLC EVER if you want to stop this pratice in the future. The only way to get the message across to the devs is to NOT BUY DLC EVER. Make them give us the FULL game. I don't mind so much for a game that's been out a while, say a few months at least. But DLC just after release is an abomination and only we can stop them by NOT BUYING DLC EVER!
Sorry about that rant, I just have a bit of a thing about DLC at or shortly after release. It's a blatant rip off and I find it amazing that anyone lets the bastards get away with it.
Anyway, in conclusion: a bad console port to PC and over half the races only available as DLC, jacking the price of the box from £35 to over £50 for the season pass. Nah. Too many problems for a PC game, and compared to other B2P or F2P games it's just not polished enough.
This is why i wouldnt buy the game for more then 9,99.
I hope the game goes down to where it belongs with this shady business stunt they pull.
Welcome to reality. A wonderful place where a game which is labeled as an MMO Third Person SHOOTER conists of running around shooting stuff.
Whats the "point" of any game? Running around killing stuff. Finding stuff. Crafting stuff. It all revolves around running around doing something with some stuff. There is no real "point" to any game. Theyre entertainment, not the purpose of life.
So do you think that last expansion for whatever game youre into that you bought just popped up out of nowhere? Like the devs created any and everything they could think of and put it into the original game, then a few months later said "Oh no. We need to come up with some brand new ideas for our expansion we are supposed to release next month". Do you think they didnt already have plans for that stuff and decided to hold off on putting it in so they had something to fill up their expansion that theyre charging you for and then claim it as brand new?
Same goes with "free" content updates (which arent truly free since you have to pay a sub to play it). You think they didnt hold off on putting something in the game just so they could turn around and say "Keep paying us for a few more months. Eventually we will give you some of this new stuff".
Sub model milks you for just as much money as any other model, if not more, since you are constantly charged a fee to even play a game you already paid for on top of being expected to buy expansions pretty regularly. You dont really have a choice in the matter. Either pay or dont play at all even though you already shelled out $60 and possibly another $100-200 in subs to play it for awhile. The second you stop paying more, youre cut off completely.
Damn. You guys are right. That sure sounds a whole lot less shady than games with no forced sub that offer you optional DLC that you can pick and choose wether or not to download and allow you to still keep playing the stuff youve bought even if you dont buy anything else later on.
There's a difference in an expansion coming out 1 or 2 years after release, and the milking of cash for DLC just after release to unlock things you'd normally expect to be in the game at release. Like 3 of the 5 alien races, instead of including 6 races in the initial box price. Instead we get 2, and have to pay to unlock the others. I bought many expansions for EQ, DAoC, WoW etc. I have never paid for DLC, nor will I. If more people adompted this attitude we'd get more "expansions" worth the price and less DLC which is just the suits cashing in on the mugs willing to pay.
Look at Mass Effect 3 and it's DLC on day 1. Seriously? That's just blatant money grabbing imho.
If you're prepared to put up with it then that's up to you.
I am enjoying it. I will be buying it but I wont be buying it at full price.
My Dodge Chalenger Vroooooooooooom! Looks totally Mad Max Badass
The Setting - Post apocalyptic teraformed Earth with some new Alien housemates.
The skill system - Not revolutionary but novel and inresting.
Loot boxes - Adicted to them
Plays out the box good clean fun.
Arc Falls - First few times I did them I was really into them, about 3-4 times in I was "Oh what this again?" They need to be much more varied and less often. Make them speacial not a 50000 time an hour ocourance.
Grouping/chat/freind finder system - Needs some work but this is beta so hoping they are working on this to make it not a piece of shit.
UI - Functional but unintuitive. Seems built for our console brothers.
On the whole though this is an ambitious project. I think it's going to apeal to a more shooter kind of audience than your a-typical mmorpg fan if there is one (I always inagine a bitter SWG vet sitting under a rain cloud) But, to give Trion their dues I think they have handled it with style and some verve. Not everybodys cup of tea but a well polished piece of pick up and play fun. Should be cheaper.
Like our community im critiical of games & my good opinion is not easily earned.
That said-so far (1.5 hours in as an outlaw) I love it.
Immersive and the specail skills (arch skills?) are awesome and the customzation is realy good on the level of an MMO (*Although i see this game as more of an FPS) Many people talked about the UI fort PC's being a problem, i liked it and im happy to know if i want to play this on my PS3 in the living room on a 45 inch LED i can do that to and the UI should be the same as im used to on my PC.
Overall high quality, immersive, resposive & all around fun game. For my first 1.5 hours i loved it and cant wait for the show.
I'm enjoying it, its nice just driving around sometimes, doing some events or encounters, or just doing jumps. Definately wouldnt be getting it if it had a sub though.
Not the greatest game in the world, but better than alot of other $60 games out there.
Amusing thing about this: Up until a couple of weeks ago, the Log Out button was hidden way way down, requiring a several menu traverses to get to. The positioning now is way way better than before. Funny, hunh?
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
I don't think you've gotten to San Francisico yet. Good luck on the Golden Gate Bridge, too.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
As a guy that has been playing Defiance for several months now, I will say it has come a long ways but still has a way to go. They have made excellent progress overall regarding my playing experience and time in the game.
I find the game fun overall if you like this type of game. My only complaint would be the UI. Although they have made various changed and tweaks to it over these few months, I do not think all of them were for the better. The UI feel sloppily put together. It can be very confusing at times and hard to make out.
Nope, still not tired of making accounts.
The last expansion i bought was just that.. an "expansion".
Thats a little bit different than taking a full AAA price and releasing DLCs on top of it or trying to milk the customer with "season passes" right after.