Originally posted by Betakodo Having to play with 39 people I don't know for a DKP chance of getting the loot I want? No thanks. I think the 4 man dungeons are superior, I don't have to deal with any huge ego guild leader and I can pretty much form a group any time I want.
you don't use a dkp system when playing with people you don't know. the only way that system works is when you're playing with the same 39 other people.
furthermore, WoW has long since abandoned 40 man raids. so try 24 or even better, 9 other people if you wanted to actually be a successful troll instead of just making yourself look like an idiot.
don't like a huge ego guild leader? leave and join a better guild.
4 man dungeons? What game do you play that has 4 man dungeons? Every game is almost universally 5 man dungeons. You can also pick up huge ego pricks in 5 man dungeons who will bitch and complain about you needing to go faster, heal more, tank more, do more dmg, use right talents, etc.
Oh man, I'm not up to date with the MMO raid numbers so a man named Sephiroth thinks I've made a fool of myself! The shame!
Anyways, I was talking about DKP in relation to being in a guild. How many people want the raid goods and just join any guild that's open? The problem with raids are you are stuck trying to find a guild that actually has space and on top of that, you don't wanna leave because you'll lose your DKP. Finding a "Good" guild is part luck, it's not easy getting the stars aligned so that you get a decent leader, an active guild, people who aren't _____, etc.
With 4 man dungeons, or even 5, you're not stuck hoping to find a good guild. The number's small enough to be able to find a pick up a group and not be gimped because you didn't become a slave to a guild. You can weed out the douches with a simple blacklist/block and friends list the nice players.
You both are so full of crap. No wonder you think his post is 'best evah'. How the hell did you even arrive to conclusion that it is about jealousy? i couldn't give a damn about raiding and what purple shit you run around in. It doesn't effect my gameplay. But what does effect my gameplay is when that is all there is in the end. Once a MMO becomes raid centeric there are no other alternatives to do things at level cap. And it has been shown many times that only very few percentage of players actually pariticpate in end game raiding.
People here are more concerned about 'raid or die' kind of end game. If devs decide to implement raids they should also make sure that those who don't enjoy raids also have other ways of progressing their characters. But that is something never happens in themepark MMOS.
Moreover this is ES title. The whole raiding bullshi* doesn't fit into it anywhere. ES games have always been about rich world, exploration, lore and adventure and not about hitting a pinata till it bursts open and drops loot for angry people with sticks.
If you don't give a damn about raids, why you bother? You will have different character progression, you will get best gear from crafting. "Once a MMO becomes raid centeric there are no other alternatives to do things at level cap." - that means people done all content and alternatives and progressed their character to maximum. You're either join raids or wait for new expansion/content. For raideres in TESO without raids that means - this game sux, content done in 2 months, kthxbai.
When asked about his vision for raids and PvE endgame in ESO he explained the controversial IGN quote by recognizing that World of Warcraft is the best in the business at constructing competitive progression raiding. ZeniMax doesn’t want to become embroiled in a struggle to out-do WoW at it’s own game, and would rather develop it’s own brand of large group PvE which fits the Elder Scrolls context. Most WoW-style raids involve 20+ players hacking away gleefully at the ankles of a much larger foe, when Matt Firor claimed “That’s not Elder Scrolls” it was this type of confrontation in particular to which he was referring. The developers at ZeniMax would rather pit a group of players against a much larger force of threatening NPCs to emphasize that heroic feel which is latent throughout the Elder Scrolls series. While nothing explicit is confirmed, it does sound like adventure zones are definitely penciled in as post-launch content. Hopefully there is at least one such epic endgame PvE encounter in the original launch version of the game, but if not, I hope we can look forward to adventure zones shortly after launch as a good compromise for players which crave large group PvE endgame. We should have a better opportunity to talk to Matt further tomorrow afternoon, so I’m hopeful that we can get more juicy details then!
You both are so full of crap. No wonder you think his post is 'best evah'. How the hell did you even arrive to conclusion that it is about jealousy? i couldn't give a damn about raiding and what purple shit you run around in. It doesn't effect my gameplay. But what does effect my gameplay is when that is all there is in the end. Once a MMO becomes raid centeric there are no other alternatives to do things at level cap. And it has been shown many times that only very few percentage of players actually pariticpate in end game raiding.
People here are more concerned about 'raid or die' kind of end game. If devs decide to implement raids they should also make sure that those who don't enjoy raids also have other ways of progressing their characters. But that is something never happens in themepark MMOS.
Moreover this is ES title. The whole raiding bullshi* doesn't fit into it anywhere. ES games have always been about rich world, exploration, lore and adventure and not about hitting a pinata till it bursts open and drops loot for angry people with sticks.
If you don't give a damn about raids, why you bother? You will have different character progression, you will get best gear from crafting. "Once a MMO becomes raid centeric there are no other alternatives to do things at level cap." - that means people done all content and alternatives and progressed their character to maximum. You're either join raids or wait for new expansion/content. For raideres in TESO without raids that means - this game sux, content done in 2 months, kthxbai.
Don't quote me again if you don't even bother to read what i said. I clealry mentioned that i don't give a damn about the raid but i do care when that is all there is. Raiders are not special snowflake that entire end game has to be weaved around them. I suggest get over yourself.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.' -Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid." -Luke McKinney
Fine. We get our piece of cake, you get your piece of cake. Everyone happy. Don't like raids, don't do them. There will be thousand other options for progress. For us who like challenge, give raids. For those who want best gear without hours of doing challenge boss encounters - you have crafting. I don't mind if people would have best gear without single skill used or kill, but I like to have something that requires skills, not bloody farming mats to have best gear.
From where you are getting there will be thousand other options for end game non raiders? and by challenge if you mean hitting on a boss with couple of million HP till it dies yes sure it is chellenging.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.' -Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid." -Luke McKinney
Firor goes on to describe the game as potentially “the most socially connected MMO game ever.” The Elder Scrolls Online will offer the standard fare of raids and instanced dungeons (available in both group and heroic difficulty levels) but in addition ZeniMax is bringing back the tradition of public dungeons which haven’t been seen in an MMO for several years. These public dungeons will be shared content with no instancing.
Oh man, I'm not up to date with the MMO raid numbers so a man named Sephiroth thinks I've made a fool of myself! The shame!
Anyways, I was talking about DKP in relation to being in a guild. How many people want the raid goods and just join any guild that's open? The problem with raids are you are stuck trying to find a guild that actually has space and on top of that, you don't wanna leave because you'll lose your DKP. Finding a "Good" guild is part luck, it's not easy getting the stars aligned so that you get a decent leader, an active guild, people who aren't _____, etc.
With 4 man dungeons, or even 5, you're not stuck hoping to find a good guild. The number's small enough to be able to find a pick up a group and not be gimped because you didn't become a slave to a guild. You can weed out the douches with a simple blacklist/block and friends list the nice players.
This completely selfish attitude is what many dislike about current game design. Things like lfr/lfd reinforce this behavior and does not force people to learn how to work well with others.
Originally posted by Torvaldr If they do add traditional raiding, it will be interesting to see how they try and balance loot. Raiders won't stand for anyone else having equal drops or progression. You can tell by their attitude in this thread that they already value themselves and their activity above others - using words like baddie and such. I want to see how they'll work themselves out of this one or if the'll cave and just itemize the best stuff behind the raids.
ya I mean. Raider are just people. Non raider are just people too.
You are not bothered because they are raider. You are bothered because they sound like assal.
Let me put it this way, when I "did" actually play wow. That was like 5 years ago. The forum are full of post by non raider complaining they can't get good loot. It's the same for everyone. Raider or non raider, they can't stand other people have better loot.
Originally posted by Torvaldr If they do add traditional raiding, it will be interesting to see how they try and balance loot. Raiders won't stand for anyone else having equal drops or progression. You can tell by their attitude in this thread that they already value themselves and their activity above others - using words like baddie and such. I want to see how they'll work themselves out of this one or if the'll cave and just itemize the best stuff behind the raids.
Oh poor Torvaldr, where did the raider touch you? While the argument can be made that raiding has always been about gear, even in its inception, its much more about being rewarded for effort. Pretty much every time the complaints have started in earnest its been due to poor rewards. During Burning Crusade for example when Karazhan was dropping the same ilvl as heroics, but required much more effort in both time and skill to be able to obtain, especially with how poorly itemized so much of Karazhans loot was. Also, if you really want to go into elitism, then you need to look at your own pvp segment, afterall it is where most of those terms originated.
Misrepresentation aside, it is a rather valid question. Itemization is going to be key, especially with as wide open a system as they have displayed. I have the feeling that gear in general is going to have to either be very easy to get or so bland it will not matter a great deal, especially when you consider how they plan on balancing pvp and the like.
Me personally I just think Elder scroll "can't" have raid because of the combat and profession design dont' allow them to do it.
It is kind of like GW2, I just think GW2 can't have raid because their combat system dont' enable them to design raid content.
That being said, if you don't like raid, you dont' ahve to raid. I dont' understand how it bothers people that don't like to raid to have raid in the game. Especially for a game that have like 300 million budget.
Actually I will disagree greatly here.
You can have raid content with open classes. Asherons Call had massive boss mobs that took several groups to down, and GW2 has open world events that require 15+ to take down, a few that require 25+.
While it is HARDER for the players, because they actually have to LEARN their role instead of being TOLD what it is, it can still be done.
Personally I would have NO ISSUES AT ALL WITH RAIDS in a game, if raiders could ever tear themselves away from the idea that raiding requires uber loot that are ultra shiney that causes game imabalances on every level.
Raiding "to me" isn't about how many people they are. I mean people keep saying GW2 have raiding because there are open world boss, but even the GW2 developer says their game don't have raiding.
What I meant is raiding content which is actually difficult. And when you want to design difficult conent it usually have to revolve around min/maxer. Now when you look at all those games with more "open" roles, it become very clear that the class is very unbalance in pve.
It is not that those games can't design "difficult raid". The problem is they can't balance those class or build in specific for raiding.
Being a raider in WoW, Rift, and that star wars game....I can live with no raiding in this game, it does get repetitive even if you are downing bosses. I think they do need some kind of large scale PvE though, doesn't necessarily have to be instanced raids.
With hearing you are able to make craftable items just as good as dungeon/pvp loot, there still needs to be some sort of grind to make your character better than the next person. Sadly this is what happens in gaming, not by everyone but you would be surprised how many players want to be better than the next.
Balance is another key as someone else mentioned. They seem to working on that with dungeons already. With many of the combinations of characters you are able to build I see less balance problems then of a game with specific classes and tree's.
Still sounds like a very fun game either way, NEED GAMEPLAY VIDS (and beta)
Why no raids? Because raids are freaking boring. They exist simply to addict the gamer to the game with a regular dopamine hit and extend a games life by adding boring content you have to do a hundred times over to get your 'l33t g34r!' Kill me now!
There are several successful MMOGs around now that don't have raids. It's my hope they die a horrible death.
I second this. For the life of me I don't get what players see in RAIDs. They are interesting the first time through, but that's it. I'd rather pull teeth than do that over and over again.
I dont think it's about harm dude.I think it's about time.
Time is money and guess what companies care only for your money and not what you want.
Once they get all your money they dont care.
1st person may be more easy to be implemented than raids which means less time which again means MORE MONEY FOR THEM!!
They got time for voice acting worth bs but not raids... perfect example of bad prioritzation agian.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Raiding doesn't have to be like it is in WoW. I have played DDO for 7 years. Raiding there is quite fun. The gear is some of the best but the raid only takes 15 mins to 1 hour to complete. They are instanced encounters with many many mechanics other than just beat down the bad guy handle mobs. No tier gear in fact there is a weapon I got in a raid that is still one the best in game and 4 raids have came it since . Also a mix of the gear you get from questing on the hardest diffuclty and raids is what you strive for. You craft to make them stronger. The raids are absolutly the best part of the game. 80-90% of the populations does them and their is a great comunity becuase of it.
DDO is showing it age now and alot of my friends are looking for another game. I hope ESO takes a look of what is out there and not just the WoW modle of tier gear becuase it makes previous gear worthless.
Oh man, I'm not up to date with the MMO raid numbers so a man named Sephiroth thinks I've made a fool of myself! The shame!
Anyways, I was talking about DKP in relation to being in a guild. How many people want the raid goods and just join any guild that's open? The problem with raids are you are stuck trying to find a guild that actually has space and on top of that, you don't wanna leave because you'll lose your DKP. Finding a "Good" guild is part luck, it's not easy getting the stars aligned so that you get a decent leader, an active guild, people who aren't _____, etc.
With 4 man dungeons, or even 5, you're not stuck hoping to find a good guild. The number's small enough to be able to find a pick up a group and not be gimped because you didn't become a slave to a guild. You can weed out the douches with a simple blacklist/block and friends list the nice players.
If you don't give a damn about raids, why you bother? You will have different character progression, you will get best gear from crafting. "Once a MMO becomes raid centeric there are no other alternatives to do things at level cap." - that means people done all content and alternatives and progressed their character to maximum. You're either join raids or wait for new expansion/content. For raideres in TESO without raids that means - this game sux, content done in 2 months, kthxbai.
Here is your answer:
When asked about his vision for raids and PvE endgame in ESO he explained the controversial IGN quote by recognizing that World of Warcraft is the best in the business at constructing competitive progression raiding. ZeniMax doesn’t want to become embroiled in a struggle to out-do WoW at it’s own game, and would rather develop it’s own brand of large group PvE which fits the Elder Scrolls context. Most WoW-style raids involve 20+ players hacking away gleefully at the ankles of a much larger foe, when Matt Firor claimed “That’s not Elder Scrolls” it was this type of confrontation in particular to which he was referring. The developers at ZeniMax would rather pit a group of players against a much larger force of threatening NPCs to emphasize that heroic feel which is latent throughout the Elder Scrolls series. While nothing explicit is confirmed, it does sound like adventure zones are definitely penciled in as post-launch content. Hopefully there is at least one such epic endgame PvE encounter in the original launch version of the game, but if not, I hope we can look forward to adventure zones shortly after launch as a good compromise for players which crave large group PvE endgame. We should have a better opportunity to talk to Matt further tomorrow afternoon, so I’m hopeful that we can get more juicy details then!
Don't quote me again if you don't even bother to read what i said. I clealry mentioned that i don't give a damn about the raid but i do care when that is all there is. Raiders are not special snowflake that entire end game has to be weaved around them. I suggest get over yourself.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
From where you are getting there will be thousand other options for end game non raiders? and by challenge if you mean hitting on a boss with couple of million HP till it dies yes sure it is chellenging.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
IGN miss reported and misinterpreted Matt Firor's Comments, Raids are in. Wait for more info coming throughout PAXeast.
RAIDS ARE IN. Dont have to believe me you'll see soon enough.
16-20 man content.
Firor goes on to describe the game as potentially “the most socially connected MMO game ever.” The Elder Scrolls Online will offer the standard fare of raids and instanced dungeons (available in both group and heroic difficulty levels) but in addition ZeniMax is bringing back the tradition of public dungeons which haven’t been seen in an MMO for several years. These public dungeons will be shared content with no instancing.
This completely selfish attitude is what many dislike about current game design. Things like lfr/lfd reinforce this behavior and does not force people to learn how to work well with others.
ya I mean. Raider are just people. Non raider are just people too.
You are not bothered because they are raider. You are bothered because they sound like assal.
Let me put it this way, when I "did" actually play wow. That was like 5 years ago. The forum are full of post by non raider complaining they can't get good loot. It's the same for everyone. Raider or non raider, they can't stand other people have better loot.
Oh poor Torvaldr, where did the raider touch you? While the argument can be made that raiding has always been about gear, even in its inception, its much more about being rewarded for effort. Pretty much every time the complaints have started in earnest its been due to poor rewards. During Burning Crusade for example when Karazhan was dropping the same ilvl as heroics, but required much more effort in both time and skill to be able to obtain, especially with how poorly itemized so much of Karazhans loot was. Also, if you really want to go into elitism, then you need to look at your own pvp segment, afterall it is where most of those terms originated.
Misrepresentation aside, it is a rather valid question. Itemization is going to be key, especially with as wide open a system as they have displayed. I have the feeling that gear in general is going to have to either be very easy to get or so bland it will not matter a great deal, especially when you consider how they plan on balancing pvp and the like.
Raiding "to me" isn't about how many people they are. I mean people keep saying GW2 have raiding because there are open world boss, but even the GW2 developer says their game don't have raiding.
What I meant is raiding content which is actually difficult. And when you want to design difficult conent it usually have to revolve around min/maxer. Now when you look at all those games with more "open" roles, it become very clear that the class is very unbalance in pve.
It is not that those games can't design "difficult raid". The problem is they can't balance those class or build in specific for raiding.
Being a raider in WoW, Rift, and that star wars game....I can live with no raiding in this game, it does get repetitive even if you are downing bosses. I think they do need some kind of large scale PvE though, doesn't necessarily have to be instanced raids.
With hearing you are able to make craftable items just as good as dungeon/pvp loot, there still needs to be some sort of grind to make your character better than the next person. Sadly this is what happens in gaming, not by everyone but you would be surprised how many players want to be better than the next.
Balance is another key as someone else mentioned. They seem to working on that with dungeons already. With many of the combinations of characters you are able to build I see less balance problems then of a game with specific classes and tree's.
Still sounds like a very fun game either way, NEED GAMEPLAY VIDS (and beta)
No bitchers.
I second this. For the life of me I don't get what players see in RAIDs. They are interesting the first time through, but that's it. I'd rather pull teeth than do that over and over again.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
They got time for voice acting worth bs but not raids... perfect example of bad prioritzation agian.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Raiding doesn't have to be like it is in WoW. I have played DDO for 7 years. Raiding there is quite fun. The gear is some of the best but the raid only takes 15 mins to 1 hour to complete. They are instanced encounters with many many mechanics other than just beat down the bad guy handle mobs. No tier gear in fact there is a weapon I got in a raid that is still one the best in game and 4 raids have came it since . Also a mix of the gear you get from questing on the hardest diffuclty and raids is what you strive for. You craft to make them stronger. The raids are absolutly the best part of the game. 80-90% of the populations does them and their is a great comunity becuase of it.
DDO is showing it age now and alot of my friends are looking for another game. I hope ESO takes a look of what is out there and not just the WoW modle of tier gear becuase it makes previous gear worthless.