I'm shocked that some people are into this game, it looks like WoW in space, except, I think WoW has better graphics... I'm surprised a company can still get a decent rating from releasing such crap even in 2013. What do people see in this game, really?
I used to think the same thing, until I actually started looking into the game. It has some simply amazing ideas to anyone who is a fan of Sanbox games; it's kind've an introduction to Sandbox MMOs for those who haven't played one, as it has a lot of themepark elements as well.
Give it some ample research and you'll see why it's so popular.
You're subjective, to say at least.
I am too subjective, in saying that nothing makes WoW look good.
I think the cartoony grafics are much more detailed than that of wow and swtor.
Having said so...
Are you really that shallow that you will not play a game because you don't like its grafics?
I think the graphics, on a technical level, are superior to World of Warcraft's. I also think the styles are somewhat similar, but that is fine - that style is popular for a reason. Unfortunately it is going to get a lot of "WoW clone" comments due to that.
I am not a huge fan of the textures and how muted everything looks. I do not know even how to describe it, but even though they use a lot of colours, everything seems flat and blends together. It looks pretty enough, but it is not my thing.
One thing I do like is the attitude and comedy of the game; Carbine is doing well giving the characters, well, character. If I were not done with the PvE theme park thing, this would be something I'd be salivating over because it looks like it is being developed with a lot of love and time, and should end up being a pretty polished adventure.
So wait, your bash at people downvoting CU in hype for a game showing virtually nothing by voting low while you votes 10/10 (which I'm sure you voted this game a 1/10) then you come here degrading another game and insulting it without any real rhyme or reason?
Your going down a slipper slope of hypocricy thats for sure. You can't attack one game and then claim its 'unfair' when someone does it to the one you support. Thats hogwash
where have I heard that before....
Secrets of Dragon?s Spine Trailer.. !
Best MMOs ever played: Ultima, EvE, SW Galaxies, Age of Conan, The Secret World
The Return of ELITE !
Oh... yeah. Way too transparent.
Lets see, how do we counter his propaganda? Everyone! Drop a 10 on Wildstar and a 1 on Camelot!
It's time to start a hateful thread in the Camelot section and a thread that asks for people to give 10s to Wildstar in the Wildstar section. Nah, that would be really lame.
One or 2 solid answers, out of the lot, thanks guys. Anyways, yea, I get the sandbox thing, I to love a good sandbox... But man, I do seriously think WoW has better graphix, but that's just me. I highly doubt it has better gameplay (what does, really?). Still, I'm surprised game developers can produce something with this level of graphics and still have a bunch of fans... I guess there are people really like the super-stylized graphics. What can you say...
Man, lotta haters in here. A man can't ask a question? Geez. Thanks to the few people who gave reasonable answers. lol
I didn't read a single "hater" replying. You simply word your "question" so incredible negative and trolly while totally rooting for a game you know nothing of and expect that nobody will feel like you are just trying to bash the game? Honestly, watch one video in hd and compare it to wow and you will find your point non-existant.
Lol, wait, you are calling people haters when you start with, and this is a direct quote:
'I'm shocked that some people are into this game, it looks like WoW in space, except, I think WoW has better graphics... I'm surprised a company can still get a decent rating from releasing such crap even in 2013. What do people see in this game, really?'
Really? You are calling people haters when the first thing you do is bash not one but TWO games? This is what we call being a bigot. You sir, are a bigot.
Dont u start to hate fanboy behavior
Good graphics doesn't necessarily mean better game. Take TF2 for example - millions of players with those great player models. It doesn't have the super smoke explosion effects from BF3 because it simply doesn't need it.
TF2 beats the hell out of oh...all modern military shooters. And it didn't need graphics to make it better. In fact initially tf2 was designed with 'realistic' player models and they found that nobody could tell each other apart. So they went with very unique silhouettes which can instantly be recognized.
The most important thing in a game is gameplay. If you want pretty models play Scarlet Blade, my character is sooo damn fine in that.
And proof that graphics aren't everything:
Gratuitous space battles
Starcraft 1
Any popular mobile game
As a game programming student the idea that they use style and simple models so that they can work on making great content instead of eye candy is appealing. I don't care about seeing each individual hair on a monster with terrible WoW combat, I would rather see 8bit stuff which has great mechanics.
On a final note Super Adventure Box must be mentioned. Except for the people who hate jumping puzzles and have no sense of fun it is in my mind the best April Fools content of all time. Not hyperbole. 8bit in my MMO? Hells to the yes
Play for fun. Play to win. Play for perfection. Play with friends. Play in another world. Why do you play?
I used to play TFC, from pretty much the time it first came out, and that had pretty damn realistic graphix for back in '96, and I had no trouble at all telling people apart. I wanted to playTF2, but couldn't get past the ridiculous stylized graphics there either, but I agree that gameply>graphix... to a point. Over-stylized graphix just irk me to no end... I want them to at least TRY to make their graphics look good.
I think I see what you mean :P Good graphics take time is all. It doesn't come cheap either. Starcraft 2 cost from 150-300 million dollars to make. I hope you think that they are good graphics :P
Mass Effect - droooool
Just a matter of taste really. I enjoy being silly as much as I enjoy killing a boss that takes 5 hours. Graphics just rank low on my scale.
Play for fun. Play to win. Play for perfection. Play with friends. Play in another world. Why do you play?
Ok you know i am usually against the whole 'WOW clone' term because people use it even when it doesn't apply...but for first time i think it is actually fair to use this term in regards with WIldstar.
I swear when i first saw Wildstar video i thought i was watching WOW gameplay video in barrens. That is how much identical it is.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
Every devs wet dream to make a sucky game like WOW..yes that is how much it sucks...
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
Yea, same here. It might not be a WoW-clone Gameplay-wise... but sure is graphics-wise.
The graphics aren't bad; you just dislike the style they chose. There's a difference.
These graphic topics keep surprising me.
imho the gfx are not realy important.
On the other hand i sometimes think, man....what a waste, i spent a fiew 100€ on a gfx card in my new rig to play cartoon gfx?
So what i am trying to say here is that (in my case) IF the gameplay is good enough it kinda overrides the need for high res gfx for me, but most of the time that just isn't the case.
I realy can't say WStar is- or is not one of those untill i had the chance to try it out myself.
Uhm... do you seriously not see the irony of that first question? Yes, bashing a game (any game) is bashing. Just as sandwiches are still sandwiches, and hate is still hate.
While it's the 'cool' thing to do to hate WoW, it's actually generally hailed as one of the best MMOs. Not saying I agree with that, but it was a good game. It's also generally accepted that the game is a shadow of it's former self, since Blizzard started changing it to appeal more and more to the extremely casual, entitled, and anti-social demographic.
As for WildStar, everything shown so far points to it being a good game. That doesn't mean you will like it, but it does look like a solid game. You may not like the art style, but saying it's graphics are worse than WoW is extremely ignorant. I can tell you that yes, the game is using a more updated graphics engine than WoW, it has been shown to make use of certain processes you don't see in WoW, and objectively it does look better than WoW. Subjectively, that's entirely a matter of opinion.
Honestly, unless some major screw up happens with this game, I think a lot of people are going to be surprised by it. It's currently the game that people are bashing just because it's the cool thing to do. No one here has really played it afaik, they're just assuming cartoony = terrible.
Lots of really good games have cartoony graphics. And lots of really awful games have amazing graphics. I'm generally a fan of the former.
No, even with the style, I still think they don't look any better than WoW's graphix did 7 years earlier... really, they just look out of date.
I was going to link some screenshots for comparing, but the WildStar site is down - hopefully being upgraded for beta All you really have to do is type in WIldStar screenshots and WoW screenshots, and it isn't very hard to see which is superior. Probably better than SWTOR too.
You topic is just so bogus because a visual comparion doesn't hold up, and that's why the hate is present haha...
Edit: Nvm site wasn't down, just default blocked when I had something else enabled.
As a WOW player you should know that playability > uber grahics.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"