I have been playing allot of Dark Souls latley, and quite honestly I am hooked. The level of difficulty is great and is a throwback to the early console days when you couldn't faceroll through content. I know Dark Souls has multiplayer integrated to an extent, but for those who have played it, how do you feel an MMO in this style would fare? I personally would love it, but perhaps the difficulty would turn off a large part of the MMO playerbase? Thoughts?
What would making it a MMO add?
Not every good RPG needs to become a MMO.
May be just adding some more social functions (like friend list) and persistent character & AH will be enough.
I am not implying every good RPG needs an MMO. I was asking opinions on if the difficulty would deter the MMO community if an MMO was made. Most of the features that you listed above would be standard fare I'd assume.
ah ... i think the difficulty would be prohibiting if there is no option. Different players want different difficulty. That is very clear to me, based on the success of LFR/normal/hard system, and the D3 MP system.
So I would say some difficulty option is going to be good for ANY MMO, including one based on DS.
I suggest you try Wizardry online, its pretty similer to Dark Souls with mmo elements to it.
Consider this, mmo's change over the years to follow trends and such because mmo's are investments, more so than any other genre because they require more money to invest. So if we had our dark souls mmo, it would, over time, become a parody of what it once was because every small "improvment" to make it more user friendly would slowly kill what makes it so great.
Can you picture those forums, filled with thousands of threads, all of them calling the game stupidly hard or too punishing? An mmo with this level of difficulty could never work the way I see it, and not because of the difficulty of say, combat, but rather because of the punishment you have to face for making mistakes. You die and than you sprint back to you bloodstain as usual, oh whats that? You forgot there was a cliff/enemy around the corner? Well you can kiss all those hard earned souls goodbye.
However, you know what would work really great? Bigger emphasis on multiplayer. I mean sure, we got the co-op and pvp and all that right now but its still a single player game with elements of multiplayer. I think making a spin-off or a spiritual spin-off with massive emphasis on co-op would be an interesting idea. Without removing or overhauling the core gameplay ofcoure.
The game was awkwardly easy once you realised that you could use phantoms. The only real danger was getting attacked by some invader who had spent +740 hours inside the game and gotten so bloody strong that you just had to give up. And that was rarely a problem.
So the game was a great RPG but it was super linear and for good reasons. I don't think they should try to make it an MMO. It would probably be a dreadful choice. I guess that an easily accessable CoOp would work, but it would still kind of ruin the atmosphere that the game brings.
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This makes allot of sense and I see your point. Perhaps an expanded multi-player/co-op as you say would be better to perserve the core of the game. Would be awful fun to be able to play LAN with a buddy right from the get-go. If an MMO was ever made, it would have to uphold the core of what Dark Souls is, and it would be very niche. As you say, the forums would be loaded with QQ.
Oh i would be all over that in a heartbeat. Extremely hard and unforgiving MMO. Hell yeah, bring back the old FFXI days with no hand holding and mobs that make you think twice before attacking. Screw these fast-food type easy mode games that only leave you hungry for more after the initial high.
Me too buddy, unfortunatly I doubt there is enough of us that would want something like that to justify a studio creating it. We can dream though!
You can play Diablo 3 hard core perma death on MP10. If that is not extermely hard and unforgiving, nothing is. It is not a MMO, but probably close enough.
This is very true. I am "Diablo'd out" though to be honest.
Sure. I can sympathized. D3 is not a MMO and thus has limited content, even with random dungeons. I do find that playing a different class change the game drasticly, so i am leveling up the last two class.
However, every game, no matter how good in the beginning, becomes boring at some point.
I would also suggest PoE. Not as challenging as D3 perma death MP10, but much more than most MMO leveling.
Been there, bought the t-shirt. Finished Bioshock Infnite for the first time in 1999 Mode at release. Now i am waiting again...
This is such a difficult concept mainly because I love demon souls and dark souls as much as the next game. But, its core is not something that can be translated 'well' to an MMO as you would envision it. The souls games work because the sense of abandonment and isolation, even the players you multiplayer yet have very limited means of communication which makes cooperation all that much more important and tense.
I get what you are trying to say though, you basically would like an action RPG with the same kinda risk and punishment mechanics of the souls game with player interaction in the large immersive wells and although that might make a good concept it just wouldn't suit a souls game.
I can only hope that my lust for the series is not dwindled by the concerns raising over dark souls 2 which is rumoured to be aiming at a broader audience...
"I can only hope that my lust for the series is not dwindled by the concerns raising over dark souls 2 which is rumoured to be aiming at a broader audience..."
Ugh...say it isn't so. I haven't done any research on DS2 yet, guess I better.
Yeah I think I realized that after some other good posts by folks here. We were however contemplating how an expanded co-op would be though. I like how to co-op in Boarderlands works, something similar like that for DS would be cool. Being able to hop in a friend's game at anytime would be nice.
I briefly checked out thier website, looks like a kickstarter project. Is this going to be along the lines of EVE? I love the idea of the systems in place that EVE uses, but I cannot get into the whole spaceship thing.
I second that. Try WO . It'll give an idea of what a Dark Souls MMO might be like.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
I have not heard good things about Wizardry (which means jack really) so I haven't checked it out yet, but perhaps I should. Thanks for the suggestion.
I also wanted to point out that I think there are different types of difficulty. For example:
1. I think some games are designed poorly such as controls, glitches, etc. These games are difficult/frustrating mostly because the core design of the game, not the mob AI, strength, puzzles, etc (I'm looking at you poorly designed NES games).
2. Then there are games like Dark Souls where difficulty is done "right". The controls are good, no too glitchy, core systems work, etc. Essentially the game design does not hamper you.
Regarding Wizardry, is it more like 1 or 2?
It's more like Labyrinth of Lost Souls in third person view.
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre