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Sorry we havnt posted in a few months but we have been really busy here reworking the physics engine of our game. We have gone from the normal tactical point and click style gameplay to a more fast paced twitch style combat. Simply put for magic and long distance weapons you need to aim before you hit. It also gives players the opertunity to be able to dodge attacks. This has been used in other games but the way we beleive we are different is that we have different "conection" points on the body of the player or mob for melee and long distance weaps. Depending on were each wep hits there will be different graphics and dmg used. For instance if i hit someone on the arm it may hurt a little but if i hit someone on the head it would hurt alot. Each part of the body is also "killable" For instance if the left arms takes enough dmg to destroy the armour on that arm then the arm will start to take dmg and eventually will be "killed2 which will mean your characters graphics will change to show your injured arm and you will be unable to use anything that arm uses. So if you have a sheild on that arm you will drop it or put it in your backpack. Same goes for if your sword arm is damaged you will have to unequip your sheild and equip your sword to the uninjured arm. This is where weapon skill progression comes into it because when you train up weapon skill it only works for the arm you trained(2 handed weapons are different) so you may need to train up a specific weapon in both hands.
As some people know we were unsure wether togo with a lvling system or a skill system we decided on a skill/lvl system but after about 2 weeks of discussions with another team working on a different MMORPG we decided to scrap that and go with an all out skill system(like ultima) We also decided togo with body loot on death, but to make it a bit of a twist there is a skill ingame that allows you to put a trace spell on some of your items so if you die and someone gets a special item of yours you can hunt them down and get it back...if your strong enough.
When we first gave some information about this game we couldnt give alot out because we were in the process of arranging a deal with a publisher in the USA to publish it in the states(we are a UK company) now that is all ironed out we can tell you anything you want to know. For now ill tell you that the name of the game is War of The Gods. We have something new to our game that i have never seen in a game before which is called God Points(This may change on release) Each character starts the game worshiping a god, there are 12 to choose from. Each god represents something different and each god will give special bonus's to the player that folows them. The more "things" you do for your god the more powerfull they become. The more land you control in the name of your god the stronger they become. The more "sacrifices" you do to your god the stronger they become. The gods do have allainces with the other gods but as people knowe alliances can change. Each god is trying to become the High God, ruler of all. Each week the two strongest gods will battle along with any of its followers that wish to help their god. The winning god will bestow special abilities onto all of its followers. I know some people wont like this and will think it will be easy to cheat, everyone may go to one god for example but this is where our system is dynamic, as i said earlier gods have alliances and if they see one god become stronger than the rest to easily some of the gods may band together and when the God battle comes the god with the huge amount of followers may find himself faceing a group of 8 gods instead of just 1. The polotics of the gods arnt always what you beleive them tobe.
Also it is possible to change your allegiance to which ever god you follow but todo this you will have to sacrafice somethign meaningful for a period of time..maybe your arm for a week?
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
The website will be up shortly and alpha testing will begin after xmas...we still need a few testers so message me here if you are interested leave you system spec and what you think qualifies you as a good tester.
T.G Enterprises. Bringing you the next Great MMORPG.
never heard of this game before..huh...
Hi! My name is paper. Nerf scissors, rock is fine.
MMORPG = Mostly Men Online Roleplaying Girls
what other games have you released or is this your 1st game?
sounds like a pretty ambitious game.
I would be willing to beta test your game.
hmmm sounds interesting.... really interesting...
I'd love to help you make this a great game...
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
Just did a big post with some backstory but it seems to of disspeared for some reason >.<
To answer the question if we have developed other games. As a team we havnt no but 50% of us have worked on other games that have been published and succesful(some not so succesful) The company is maninly friends and family but theres a few people we didnt know till they joined our team but we now think of them as family.
The game will have 15 different playable races. The most exciting race i think is the Arachnid race. Ive never seen one in another game before and the look of ours is amazing.
Feel free to ask anything you want:)
Website should be up this saturday or sunday.
T.G Enterprises. Bringing you the next Great MMORPG.