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what will you be?

i have decided to be in the elf race and take on as a fighter/ranger/red magician will see where it leads too :-)


  • ErikWErikW Member Posts: 59
    Did you know you can only have 1 job and 1 subjob active at a time?

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  • LexingtonLexington Member Posts: 73

    Hey Samusic i got a question for you.  Well really im just going to tell me a lil of what i know and i was hoping you could correct the parts that are wrong.  Its Job/class related.

    When you start off you get to pick your Primary job.  Which you can change at anytime you want.  then after you level up your primary job a lil you can then get a secondary job.  One your high level and start doing the Advanced job quests, you can then have a 3'rd class of Advanced jobs available to your character.


    I'm not assuming anything, above is just what ive compiled together from what i heard, if you could bring some light on the subject that would be great, and please don't leave anything out if i missed it.


    In the end can you have 3 different classes activated at one time?(primary, secondary, Advanced)


  • ErikWErikW Member Posts: 59
    From what I have read, the advanced job takes the place of the primary job or sub job.  I believe this to be correct.

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    (c) 2001-2003 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. Title Design by Yoshitaka Amano. FINAL FANTASY, TETRA MASTER and VANA'DIEL are registered trademarks of Square Enix Co., Ltd. SQUARE ENIX, PLAYONLINE and the PlayOnline logo are trademarks of Square Enix Co., Ltd.

  • SamusicSamusic Member CommonPosts: 466
    At level 18 you can do a quest that allows you to have a support job. You're support job is half of your main job. At level 30 you can do the quests for each advanced job you want. You have to change to this job in your mog house. You can only have a main job and a support job. You cannot be three jobs at once.



  • LexingtonLexington Member Posts: 73

    ok So let them run this by you real quick...

    Once you pick your Primary job, you cant change it untill youve made some advanced job's available to your character at level 30?


    Do the support jobs only consist of the jobs you could choose when starting your character?


  • SamusicSamusic Member CommonPosts: 466
    No, you can switch your jobs at any time. You can pick any support job available to you. Obviously, if you do the quest at 18 and then pick a support job right away you won't be able to have an advanced job as a support job, but you can have an advanced job as a support job once you are level 30 and you do the corresponding quest. I'm kind of a purist, in that I only leveled a job I saw my character as and that I would really, actually play. So I leveled white mage to level 30 then started ranger. I haven't done anything else.



  • LexingtonLexington Member Posts: 73

    ok, so on you can change your primary job anytime you want, but it can only be changed to the LIST of jobs available to your character when creating it?


    And your sub job can be changed to any of those also and it can also be changed to the advanced jobs, but only when available, right?


  • SamusicSamusic Member CommonPosts: 466
    Yes. You can change your job to any job the character has avaliable at the time - not just the ones that were avaliable when creating it. Otherwise, you couldn't have an advanced job.



  • LexingtonLexington Member Posts: 73
    can you make a double classed character? in Monk Monk, or Warrior Warrior?  or do both classes need to be different?


  • SamusicSamusic Member CommonPosts: 466
    No, they have to be different. What in the world would be the point? You wouldn't gain any new abilities.



  • ZoharZohar Member Posts: 673

    I'm just curious (and I appologize for asking this if it has been asked already) but are you only allowed to have two or three jobs? Here's what I understasnd and I'm not sure if it's right or not:

    You can have 3 jobs BUT only two may be active at a time, your main job is always active and then you may chose to make either of your support jobs active at a mog house.

    Am I right or am I misunderstanding something? =)


  • ZhanghiaZhanghia Member UncommonPosts: 1,312
    From what I understand, you can be any jobs but only one will be the primary and the other will be the secondary. The primary will be able to be advanced but not the secondary.


    As some things can be right and useless, can't some things be wrong and priceless? -Viktor Suikoden I

  • SamusicSamusic Member CommonPosts: 466
    No, you can have an advanced job as a support job. I plan on doing ranger/samurai because of samurais control of TP. Rangers do a huge amount of damage as it is, but if they were able to store their TP and get skills related to that they'd always be pulling off weapon skills. So, you can have as many jobs as you want, but only two at a time - a primary and a secondary. The secondary is half the level of your main job, and you can have an advanced job as your support job.



  • ZieoZieo Member Posts: 3

    Alright, I'll put this in terms that a monkey with downs can figure it out:


    Darek starts to play FFXI. Darek makes a Mithra character named Billy. He makes Billy a Red Mage to start out.

    He plays for a bit, and levels up his Red Mage class to about 5, but decides that he wants to switch jobs.

    So he switches from Red Mage to Monk. he is now level one again.

    He sticks with Monk, and levels all the way up to 18. :O He's high enough to do the support job quest! He heads to Selbina with the 3 items that he needs to do the quest, completes it, and now has the ability to use a support job!


    He goes back his mog house to assign a sub job.

    Wait a minute... Remember when he leveled his RDM to 5?! :O

    He assigns Red mage as his support.

    Billy is now a 18MNK/5RDM

    He plays for a bit, and thinks to himself. "Hm... there must be a way to better my self at this point."

    Why yes, you're right!

    So he goes back to his mog house and assigns RDM as his main job, so that will level.

    He builds and build it up until his Red mage is lvl 11.

    "That should be enough," he says.


    He then reassigns MNK as his main, and RDM as his support again. he checks himself out, only to realize that he's an 18MNK/9RDM.


    No Billy, you forgot about the fact that your support job can be no higer than half of your main job. But don't worry, it's still technically 11, but not at the moment.

    Time passes, and Billy finally reached level 30! TA DA!

    He asks someone from his linkshell to help him get the Paladin job.

    After he finishes the quest to get PLD, he goes back to his mog house, and finds a neat little surprise. PLD is now a selectable job!

    Billy's current jobs: WAR,MNK,THF,BLM,WHM,RDM,PLD

    So he decides to test out his new devine power of Paladin.

    He makes PLD his main job, and MNK his support.

    WHAT'S THIS?! LVL 1?!

    Gee Billy, what a shame... Looks like you forgot that you still need to level up your Paladin before it's any good.

    So Billy lvls up to 5 with PLD.

    His current lvls are: 11RDM, 30MNK, 5PLD, and 1Everything else. But with the jobs he currsntly has on, he's a 5PLD/2MNK.

    (MNK is only 2, because the halved job is rounded down)


    There we go, clear enough for everyone?


  • jbvegetajbvegeta Member Posts: 109

    ok my question is once you reach lvl 30 and pick a pld job at 5 and your munk job back to 2   do you have to lvl back up your munk job ? as a sub ?


  • ZieoZieo Member Posts: 3

    "No Billy, you forgot about the fact that your support job can be no higer than half of your main job. But don't worry, it's still technically 11, but not at the moment."

    So no, you don't. The monk would still be lvl 30.



  • ZoharZohar Member Posts: 673
    Thanks for the clarification on the whole class thing. For some reason I couldn't access the link to the other thread earlier so I was somewhat befuddled. From what I understand, the whole job class concept is difficult to grasp unless you've personally dealt with it.


  • SamusicSamusic Member CommonPosts: 466, it isn't. It's simple. You level up your job, and it stays at that level. You never have to start over again. Support job=half of your main job.



  • KorrganKorrgan Member Posts: 20
    Human, Yuna-ish Red Mage.  Is it possible to be both a Summoner and Red Mage?  Sorry, but I know nothing about this game, but really want to play it due to loving FF.

    I'm nothing if not your memories, your heartbreak, please let me be
    your joy and your pain. Let me be all the words that you'd unsay.

    I'm nothing if not your memories, your heartbreak, please let me be
    your joy and your pain. Let me be all the words that you'd unsay.

  • ZoharZohar Member Posts: 673
    I understood that part Samusic, it was the whole changing jobs part that confused me. This brings me to another question though, do you need to chose an advanced job to be successful or are the basic jobs good enough on their own?


  • SamusicSamusic Member CommonPosts: 466
    Well, if everybody thought that way then we wouldn't have any black or white mages, warriors to provoke things off of people, thieves to help when treasure hunting and when everybody needs to run.



  • ErikWErikW Member Posts: 59

    to translate:

    Yes, teh basic classes are good enough on thier own.


    Samusic, if a lvl 20 whitemage were to change primary class to lvl 30 blackmage:  would the char still know the level 16-20 whitemage spells?

    -Bringing you up to date FFXI info since 10/23/03-

    (c) 2001-2003 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. Title Design by Yoshitaka Amano. FINAL FANTASY, TETRA MASTER and VANA'DIEL are registered trademarks of Square Enix Co., Ltd. SQUARE ENIX, PLAYONLINE and the PlayOnline logo are trademarks of Square Enix Co., Ltd.

  • ZieoZieo Member Posts: 3

    I got this one....


    What you're getting at is that going from a lvl 20 WHM to a 30 BLM/WHM. Meaning that the WHM would then be 15, right?

    The WHM would not FORGET the spells, and they would still be there. Just unavailible at the time that it's subbed.

    Now, I havn't experienced this first hand, so Sam can correct me if I'm wrong.



  • SamusicSamusic Member CommonPosts: 466
    You're right. It sucks not having sneak.



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