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Aight, sitting at my computer with my mind desided on the fact that im going to buy 1 new game finally.
While i find it easy to flip a coin and make my decision on wich of my 2 remaining choices i´m going to buy,
i thought i´d throw out the question and see what some of you fellow gamers say. Im going to chose between
TSW and Defiance... wich one would suit me if i like an interesting storyline, good comunity(preferably somewhat aged since im no youth myself) and hopefully a couple hundred hours of semifun gameplay.
Appriciate inputs.
If you're in it for story, TSW by a mile, the voice acting and writing and heads and tails above Defiance. TSW is more a traditional MMO, Tank, healer, 3 dps groups, while defiance well, an open world shooter with loot drops.
Defiance is good if you like shooty fun, but it does get a bit stale after a while. It also needs some more time to mature and the bugs to be worked out. There is also, no real chat to speak of, its all local chat, and most people dont use it.
Also dont forget Neverwinter is stating open beta (basically release) at the end of the month, F2P game by cryptic/Perfect world. Might want to give that a shot before plunking down money on a game, although TSW is fairly cheap right now and its B2P
I do not yet own Defiance but do own TSW. I do however plan to purchase Defiance in the future and have kept my eye on it as its gone live.
At this time if story and community are strong intrest of yours I would say go with TSW it has an intresting storyline if you find modern Horror to your taste. You can find it at a resonable price and only pay for any future content that intrest you.
As for Defiance my understanding is that it's 3rd person shooter mechanices are quite fun (for many). It lacks polish and has some significant bugs at this time. One being the voice chat software (Not sure if this has been patched up yet but was a concern). Another area of difference was that in Defiance you had many things to do but no real direction. What I mean by that there wasnt an over arching meta story expect survival and advancing your charecter. Like TSW there is no sub price so you would simply have the game and pay for any future content that was to your liking.
I do plan on purchasing Defiance but wish to give it a little more time to shake out and get patched up a bit more. The time letting it settle down would also allow it to come down in price or at least catch it on sale somewhere. So in summary TSW has the better story (IMO so far) and is cheaper and after numerous patchs more stable.
Again these are only my thoughts. I wish you well in your purchase (whichever) and hope you enjoy your time in game!
Group content is your traditional dungeon 5 man groups (tank, healer, 3 dps), 3 difficulties for each dungeon, with increasing quality of loot drops.
There are also a few raid type instances.
Community is fairly good/helpful, can be a bit elitiest when trying to run Nightmare dungeons (the hardest difficulty)
TSW is mmoRPG,Defiance is mmoTPS(MMO-SHOOTER),they are diferent games,
I playing both,TSW more active,as main primary game ,Defiance as casual main shooter mmo
go for TSW if you're looking for story but combat is clunky and boring
cant tell for defiance
can't compare both since they are diferently
TSW have puzzles and combat are normal MMo tab target use skills
defiance direct combat 3rth person shooter,
gear is also diferent since one still ahve some gear progression (tsw)
then the even a better grade gear would help make no much diference (defiance)
its up to your taste for what you like more
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
Yeah, bought it oddly enough.. played to lvl6 before i gave up. Dont even know why.
But anyways, thanks for your toughts ladies and gentlemen.. TSW it is.
I got Defiance and TSW. After playing maybe 12-14 hours of defiance, I uninstalled the game. Boring, repetitive, lack of dept.
On the other hand, I restarted playing TSW a few weeks ago with my girlfriend and man I love that game.
Story wise, it's pretty good, but some people don't like the cut scene and lack of interaction with your character (he will never say a single word).
Regarding the group play, TSW is kinda lacking unless you are in a very active Cabal (guild/clan). The looking for group system is not as good as WoW or Rift (automatic), but it's fonctional if you don't mind paying attention to the LFG channel. I've heard of a third party mod that gives more option and is sync with the default LFG menu, but never tried it.
For the price (got it for less than 30$ with a 25% discount price on funcom website), no monthly fee and no need to invest $ in the cash shop unless quite far in the game to unlock some additional mission (which you can unlock anyway when you buy the game with some free funcom point).
Combat animation isn't the greatest in TSW.
You can enable a combat reticule trying to copy Tera online, but it felt buggy (when using the world map at least). The regular tab targetting method works well.
The character progression is great and you can respec anytime as long as you are out of combat.
forget defiance, TSW is much better.
By your post of wanting something different but still old school enjoyment I'd heavily advise TSW between the two.
It's far more mmorpg and interesting world than Defiance.
For what you are looking for , especially for a main game , id say TSW for sure.
i own both...
TSW surely has a good atmosphere with good quests overall. sure there is the 0815 mmo style a lot also like every mmo but in between there is decent puzzle quests that make you actually think. i had quite a few sheets filled up with hints, numbers and what not - still most just would google for the clue :P the story is also decent, pvp was kinda boring from what i could tell.
BUT i find the combat system real bad, i mean it's boring beyong beflief for me it's the big reason i stopped playing TSW - but i am also kinda done with the boring mmo combat systems and want something fresh...i mean we got to fight 99% of the time in mmos and for years it's one combat system after the other all being bad...
combat is where defiance shines if you ask's just fun when you fight your way into an enemy fortress or bunker or whatever with thinning out enemiey with the rifle first while storming in fpr whats left with the shotgun after or driving in with your "mount-car" trashing what you can and killing off the rest with your gun
the storyline is still quite good in my opinion (bosses are real fun with the combat system :P) with sidequests that all are 0815 mmo quests except the combat is still the most fun i had in a long time.
there is also time trial racing where you can match with other players and the very rift like "dynamic" arc falls ... BG pvp is kinda like quake but with stealth...kinda fun but kinda odd as well. the open pvp is said to be way more fun but so far i didn't try it out as it does not open a lot atm due to most just pveing i guess.
so well if you like action combat defiance is the way to go and i got a few friends that are not so much into fps combat normally but still like the combat in defiance. well if not TSW will surely offer more content with a longer time to get to the max as of now with defiance being freshly released
also defiance is no item grinder with epic loot from epic bosses so your "end game" is more about keep on leveling to unlock new passive and active abilities that make you more versatile as you can just use a few at the same time but got more to choose for your builds. so basically it doesn't matter what you do ingame as everything give XP.
tsw is a mix of both with dungeons/raids with epic loot as far as i know....mind you i stopped before getting to the max and just did a few dungeon while leveling.
TSW offers a much more immersive storytelling experience and has some depth. Defiance is much more.. jump in and have almost instant, yet repetitive and kind of brainless, action. Where TSW is a themepark.. Defiance is a carnival. Not as much on offer in choice and scale, but it can be more convenient and can still be a lot of fun.
I would play TSW before Defiance any day. Depends what sort of game you are looking for really.
I don't get al lthe TSW love here....I agree the combat and animations were horrific...I guess if its just a story yo uwant out of the game then yeah TSW is OK if you can stomach constant cutscenes and voice acting.
Constant cutscenes and voice acting make telling the story so much more fun. I'd much rather that then being forced to read quest text. It helps with the immersion so much. So for me that is a big plus.
For the OP:
TSW is a slow-paced game. This is something very important to keep in mind when you hop into it. It's not like your traditional MMO questing model where you can pick up 10 quests at one hub and do them all at once, kill a bunch of mobs, turn in, and move on. You are limited in the amount of quests you can have at any given time and you are limited by quest type as well. And some of the quests will take you quite a long time to finish. You need to be ready to sit back and take it slow both as far as enjoying the story and the quests. Your goal should not be to "gain a level", but more so to take in the content from the start as if it were the endgame because the leveling content is a big portion of the game. TSW starts at "level 1" so to speak, unlike other games that really only get going at max. And it's more challenging in many ways so it requires patience. It's much more enjoyable if you're willing to take it slow.