no wipes once open beta starts.. so its pretty much a launch
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Originally posted by Blathian they going to wipe the servers after open beta i assume? anyone know? when is the "official" launch date?
Open beta doesn't mean what it use to mean. It's a soft launch with the hopes that people will forgive anything that goes wrong because you know it's still beta except any money you spend is real and anything you do sticks. At least NW is going into open beta in what looks like solid shape. Some games like MechWarrior Online did this when many of the games basic features where not even finished amounting to little more than a pay them to finish writting the game model.
Originally posted by Blathian they going to wipe the servers after open beta i assume? anyone know? when is the "official" launch date?
Open beta doesn't mean what it use to mean. It's a soft launch with the hopes that people will forgive anything that goes wrong because you know it's still beta except any money you spend is real and anything you do sticks. At least NW is going into open beta in what looks like solid shape. Some games like MechWarrior Online did this when many of the games basic features where not even finished amounting to little more than a pay them to finish writting the game model.
in defense of mwo, its still fun. but ya we are still missing the meta game battle for the galaxy, which is supposed to start going live this summer.
Why would I play this game knowing that when it first becomes available to play I am months behind all you kids who don't work?
I was looking to buy the Founders Pack, but what is the point? I can't get in early to get name I want or be "special" in any way right?
Am I being a lil bitch? F2P has to "earn my money" and this is not the way to do it. I work for a living and am willing to pay for fun when I'm not working, but if F2P caters to the unemployed, then more power to them if they can make $ doing it.
Why would I play this game knowing that when it first becomes available to play I am months behind all you kids who don't work?
I was looking to buy the Founders Pack, but what is the point? I can't get in early to get name I want or be "special" in any way right?
Am I being a lil bitch? F2P has to "earn my money" and this is not the way to do it. I work for a living and am willing to pay for fun when I'm not working, but if F2P caters to the unemployed, then more power to them if they can make $ doing it.
Eh founder that got the 200$ pack get a whopping 5 days headstart and guardians that paid 60 geta 3 day head start. lol
Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.
Why would I play this game knowing that when it first becomes available to play I am months behind all you kids who don't work?
I was looking to buy the Founders Pack, but what is the point? I can't get in early to get name I want or be "special" in any way right?
Am I being a lil bitch? F2P has to "earn my money" and this is not the way to do it. I work for a living and am willing to pay for fun when I'm not working, but if F2P caters to the unemployed, then more power to them if they can make $ doing it.
What are you talking about? The game goes live, free, for everyone on April 30th. No wipes after that. If you buy the $200 pack you can start playing on Thursday and if you buy the $60 pack you can start playing on Saturday. So at most you are a few days behind people which in the grand scheme of things doesn't matter.
Personally I'll start on Saturday because $200 is a stupid amount to spend on a new game and I work during the week anyway. And now I have things to take care of during the day on Saturday so I likely won't have a chance to log in until later in the day. Still worth it to me and I'm excited to start playing.
For MMO's Open Beta = Launch in almost all cases, there is no difference except word choice. Like another poster said they call it "open beta" as an excuse for missing features (I'm not talking about Neverwinter specifically, this is all MMO's) but it is 100% launched, absolutely no different.
In other words, since Open Beta = Launch, no there will be no wipes once Open Beta starts.
Why would I play this game knowing that when it first becomes available to play I am months behind all you kids who don't work?
I was looking to buy the Founders Pack, but what is the point? I can't get in early to get name I want or be "special" in any way right?
Am I being a lil bitch? F2P has to "earn my money" and this is not the way to do it. I work for a living and am willing to pay for fun when I'm not working, but if F2P caters to the unemployed, then more power to them if they can make $ doing it.
You can pick whatever name you want whenever you start, because like other Cryptic games it is your account name that gets used to be unique, not your character name. There can be 1000 Daenarys' running around, because you invite people based on the @account name. Not the character name.
The F2P doesnt cater to the unemployed at all. It is taking the higher ground and basing the shop on convenience and cosmetics, rather than nickle and diming on gameplay features like Bioware and SoE. Not sure how you can fault them for that?
If you want to feel special by blowing some cash, go buy a fancy car and drive around like a poser. Keep it out of our games, thanks.
Why would I play this game knowing that when it first becomes available to play I am months behind all you kids who don't work?
I was looking to buy the Founders Pack, but what is the point? I can't get in early to get name I want or be "special" in any way right?
Am I being a lil bitch? F2P has to "earn my money" and this is not the way to do it. I work for a living and am willing to pay for fun when I'm not working, but if F2P caters to the unemployed, then more power to them if they can make $ doing it.
true dat.
active closed beta testers who actually focus repairing the game with devs reporting every single bug and every single thing thats bothering them and succestions for change of things that is in the game should be rewarded otherwise . and no one should have already months playe characters to be saved when lauch begins. i think it is enough of upperhand for those testers they no what to do wich way to proceed than those who just buy the game and havent tested.
for those closed beta tester who just wanna rush as far as they can without any means of bug reporting just to shine in empty throne of whatever man. should not be rewarded in any way.
Why would I play this game knowing that when it first becomes available to play I am months behind all you kids who don't work?
I was looking to buy the Founders Pack, but what is the point? I can't get in early to get name I want or be "special" in any way right?
Am I being a lil bitch? F2P has to "earn my money" and this is not the way to do it. I work for a living and am willing to pay for fun when I'm not working, but if F2P caters to the unemployed, then more power to them if they can make $ doing it.
true dat.
active closed beta testers who actually focus repairing the game with devs reporting every single bug and every single thing thats bothering them and succestions for change of things that is in the game should be rewarded otherwise . and no one should have already months playe characters to be saved when lauch begins. i think it is enough of upperhand for those testers they no what to do wich way to proceed than those who just buy the game and havent tested.
for those closed beta tester who just wanna rush as far as they can without any means of bug reporting just to shine in empty throne of whatever man. should not be rewarded in any way.
What are you talking about? No one has months worth of playtime on their characters. No one has any characters at this point. No one can make any toons until Thursday and then it opens to everyone on Tuesday. That's a whopping 5 days of playtime they have on you. Not months.
I still think this is a lousy decision on Cryptic's/PWE's part. If it were your typical f2p MMO that generated only minimal interest from players outside of the f2p playerbase, then sure I suppose. If they're used to a duck being called a moose then there's no real problem. But a D&D game will attract players from well outside that base, players who know little to nothing about f2p or even MMOs in general.
And in the larger gaming world "open beta" still invokes thoughts of character wipes, limited access, potentially frequent crashing and rollbacks, as well as a less stable game with plenty of bugs. Which is very different from what the marketers would seem to want people to think, playable game with maybe more bugs and missing features than you'd expect from launch but you'll be more forgiving because it's called "beta", even though you're paying for it. Personally this kind of mislabeling con game leaves a bad taste in my mouth, much in the same way as the "gently-used" trend.
That being said, I found Neverwinter to be in a very playable state, and fun, even during beta 3 and I will be playing it come "open beta".
This same topic comes up everytime a game enters into open beta. For f2p games (majority, not all), open beta means soft launch. For p2p games open beta has meant either anyone can play (stress test, marketing), and/or everyone playing can be 'open' and talk about their experiences. In the p2p versions it was typically followed by a wipe, rarely has a f2p game gone from open beta to launch and had a wipe. This has been standard practice for f2p for awhile now, it's just that f2p games have been relatively small in the west and are just recently picking up steam in the west.
Cryptic games have always been easy to jump into at anytime since they do not use your ingame name as unique handle. So you can name yourself whatever you want, whenever you want (within their naming policy guidelines). Founder's get 3-5 days headstart that they paid for, and honestly I would not say it is much of an advantage for a game that has tiered instance pvp and is pve focused with no raids.
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
Don't understand why casual gamers think they should be equally rewarded as someone that plays 10 times as much as them. Since you're working so hard, obviously you understand the basic concept of capitalism, where the one who works the hardest is supposed to be the most rewarded?
Why would I play this game knowing that when it first becomes available to play I am months behind all you kids who don't work?
I was looking to buy the Founders Pack, but what is the point? I can't get in early to get name I want or be "special" in any way right?
Am I being a lil bitch? F2P has to "earn my money" and this is not the way to do it. I work for a living and am willing to pay for fun when I'm not working, but if F2P caters to the unemployed, then more power to them if they can make $ doing it.
Why does playing an MMO have to be a competition? I am sure there will be tons of people who don't power level straight through. Just enjoy the game.
James T. Kirk: All she's got isn't good enough! What else ya got?
Why would I play this game knowing that when it first becomes available to play I am months behind all you kids who don't work?
I was looking to buy the Founders Pack, but what is the point? I can't get in early to get name I want or be "special" in any way right?
Am I being a lil bitch? F2P has to "earn my money" and this is not the way to do it. I work for a living and am willing to pay for fun when I'm not working, but if F2P caters to the unemployed, then more power to them if they can make $ doing it.
What are you talking about? You can start playing on the 30th, without paying any money at all. Whats this talk about months? I'm sure there will be plenty of others starting on the 30th as well.
Play and dont spend any money.
And for the OP, no wipes after the 25th, the game is essencially launched
Why would I play this game knowing that when it first becomes available to play I am months behind all you kids who don't work?
I was looking to buy the Founders Pack, but what is the point? I can't get in early to get name I want or be "special" in any way right?
Am I being a lil bitch? F2P has to "earn my money" and this is not the way to do it. I work for a living and am willing to pay for fun when I'm not working, but if F2P caters to the unemployed, then more power to them if they can make $ doing it.
Just shut up. Boo hoo, you work. So do most people. Stop crying about it.
Why would I play this game knowing that when it first becomes available to play I am months behind all you kids who don't work?
I was looking to buy the Founders Pack, but what is the point? I can't get in early to get name I want or be "special" in any way right?
Am I being a lil bitch? F2P has to "earn my money" and this is not the way to do it. I work for a living and am willing to pay for fun when I'm not working, but if F2P caters to the unemployed, then more power to them if they can make $ doing it.
Why does playing an MMO have to be a competition? I am sure there will be tons of people who don't power level straight through. Just enjoy the game.
Why would I play this game knowing that when it first becomes available to play I am months behind all you kids who don't work?
I was looking to buy the Founders Pack, but what is the point? I can't get in early to get name I want or be "special" in any way right?
Am I being a lil bitch? F2P has to "earn my money" and this is not the way to do it. I work for a living and am willing to pay for fun when I'm not working, but if F2P caters to the unemployed, then more power to them if they can make $ doing it.
Why does playing an MMO have to be a competition? I am sure there will be tons of people who don't power level straight through. Just enjoy the game.
I don't get it either. Why worry about someone having a couple day headstart on you? You will all end up in the same place eventually. It's days, not years or even months.
Why would I play this game knowing that when it first becomes available to play I am months behind all you kids who don't work?
I was looking to buy the Founders Pack, but what is the point? I can't get in early to get name I want or be "special" in any way right?
Am I being a lil bitch? F2P has to "earn my money" and this is not the way to do it. I work for a living and am willing to pay for fun when I'm not working, but if F2P caters to the unemployed, then more power to them if they can make $ doing it.
Why would I play this game knowing that when it first becomes available to play I am months behind all you kids who don't work?
I was looking to buy the Founders Pack, but what is the point? I can't get in early to get name I want or be "special" in any way right?
Am I being a lil bitch? F2P has to "earn my money" and this is not the way to do it. I work for a living and am willing to pay for fun when I'm not working, but if F2P caters to the unemployed, then more power to them if they can make $ doing it.
true dat.
active closed beta testers who actually focus repairing the game with devs reporting every single bug and every single thing thats bothering them and succestions for change of things that is in the game should be rewarded otherwise . and no one should have already months playe characters to be saved when lauch begins. i think it is enough of upperhand for those testers they no what to do wich way to proceed than those who just buy the game and havent tested.
for those closed beta tester who just wanna rush as far as they can without any means of bug reporting just to shine in empty throne of whatever man. should not be rewarded in any way.
What are you talking about? No one has months worth of playtime on their characters. No one has any characters at this point. No one can make any toons until Thursday and then it opens to everyone on Tuesday. That's a whopping 5 days of playtime they have on you. Not months.
what am i talking about in general about beta testers wich was quite ovious , dont have any clue about what going to happen with your fanboys dreamed neverwinter title. i might try it myself but as i said i was generally stating my opinion about deleting or not deleting in any game beta characters, read carefully before attack dood.
Why would I play this game knowing that when it first becomes available to play I am months behind all you kids who don't work?
I was looking to buy the Founders Pack, but what is the point? I can't get in early to get name I want or be "special" in any way right?
Am I being a lil bitch? F2P has to "earn my money" and this is not the way to do it. I work for a living and am willing to pay for fun when I'm not working, but if F2P caters to the unemployed, then more power to them if they can make $ doing it.
true dat.
active closed beta testers who actually focus repairing the game with devs reporting every single bug and every single thing thats bothering them and succestions for change of things that is in the game should be rewarded otherwise . and no one should have already months playe characters to be saved when lauch begins. i think it is enough of upperhand for those testers they no what to do wich way to proceed than those who just buy the game and havent tested.
for those closed beta tester who just wanna rush as far as they can without any means of bug reporting just to shine in empty throne of whatever man. should not be rewarded in any way.
What are you talking about? No one has months worth of playtime on their characters. No one has any characters at this point. No one can make any toons until Thursday and then it opens to everyone on Tuesday. That's a whopping 5 days of playtime they have on you. Not months.
what am i talking about in general about beta testers wich was quite ovious , dont have any clue about what going to happen with your fanboys dreamed neverwinter title. i might try it myself but as i said i was generally stating my opinion about deleting or not deleting in any game beta characters, read carefully before attack dood.
Its kind of hard to understand what your point was when it was so poorly written. I read it a few times and still don't really know what it is you're talking about.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Open beta doesn't mean what it use to mean. It's a soft launch with the hopes that people will forgive anything that goes wrong because you know it's still beta except any money you spend is real and anything you do sticks. At least NW is going into open beta in what looks like solid shape. Some games like MechWarrior Online did this when many of the games basic features where not even finished amounting to little more than a pay them to finish writting the game model.
in defense of mwo, its still fun. but ya we are still missing the meta game battle for the galaxy, which is supposed to start going live this summer.
Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.
Why would I play this game knowing that when it first becomes available to play I am months behind all you kids who don't work?
I was looking to buy the Founders Pack, but what is the point? I can't get in early to get name I want or be "special" in any way right?
Am I being a lil bitch? F2P has to "earn my money" and this is not the way to do it. I work for a living and am willing to pay for fun when I'm not working, but if F2P caters to the unemployed, then more power to them if they can make $ doing it.
Eh founder that got the 200$ pack get a whopping 5 days headstart and guardians that paid 60 geta 3 day head start. lol
Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.
What are you talking about? The game goes live, free, for everyone on April 30th. No wipes after that. If you buy the $200 pack you can start playing on Thursday and if you buy the $60 pack you can start playing on Saturday. So at most you are a few days behind people which in the grand scheme of things doesn't matter.
Personally I'll start on Saturday because $200 is a stupid amount to spend on a new game and I work during the week anyway. And now I have things to take care of during the day on Saturday so I likely won't have a chance to log in until later in the day. Still worth it to me and I'm excited to start playing.
For MMO's Open Beta = Launch in almost all cases, there is no difference except word choice. Like another poster said they call it "open beta" as an excuse for missing features (I'm not talking about Neverwinter specifically, this is all MMO's) but it is 100% launched, absolutely no different.
In other words, since Open Beta = Launch, no there will be no wipes once Open Beta starts.
You can pick whatever name you want whenever you start, because like other Cryptic games it is your account name that gets used to be unique, not your character name. There can be 1000 Daenarys' running around, because you invite people based on the @account name. Not the character name.
The F2P doesnt cater to the unemployed at all. It is taking the higher ground and basing the shop on convenience and cosmetics, rather than nickle and diming on gameplay features like Bioware and SoE. Not sure how you can fault them for that?
If you want to feel special by blowing some cash, go buy a fancy car and drive around like a poser. Keep it out of our games, thanks.
true dat.
active closed beta testers who actually focus repairing the game with devs reporting every single bug and every single thing thats bothering them and succestions for change of things that is in the game should be rewarded otherwise . and no one should have already months playe characters to be saved when lauch begins. i think it is enough of upperhand for those testers they no what to do wich way to proceed than those who just buy the game and havent tested.
for those closed beta tester who just wanna rush as far as they can without any means of bug reporting just to shine in empty throne of whatever man. should not be rewarded in any way.
What are you talking about? No one has months worth of playtime on their characters. No one has any characters at this point. No one can make any toons until Thursday and then it opens to everyone on Tuesday. That's a whopping 5 days of playtime they have on you. Not months.
I still think this is a lousy decision on Cryptic's/PWE's part. If it were your typical f2p MMO that generated only minimal interest from players outside of the f2p playerbase, then sure I suppose. If they're used to a duck being called a moose then there's no real problem. But a D&D game will attract players from well outside that base, players who know little to nothing about f2p or even MMOs in general.
And in the larger gaming world "open beta" still invokes thoughts of character wipes, limited access, potentially frequent crashing and rollbacks, as well as a less stable game with plenty of bugs. Which is very different from what the marketers would seem to want people to think, playable game with maybe more bugs and missing features than you'd expect from launch but you'll be more forgiving because it's called "beta", even though you're paying for it. Personally this kind of mislabeling con game leaves a bad taste in my mouth, much in the same way as the "gently-used" trend.
That being said, I found Neverwinter to be in a very playable state, and fun, even during beta 3 and I will be playing it come "open beta".
This same topic comes up everytime a game enters into open beta. For f2p games (majority, not all), open beta means soft launch. For p2p games open beta has meant either anyone can play (stress test, marketing), and/or everyone playing can be 'open' and talk about their experiences. In the p2p versions it was typically followed by a wipe, rarely has a f2p game gone from open beta to launch and had a wipe. This has been standard practice for f2p for awhile now, it's just that f2p games have been relatively small in the west and are just recently picking up steam in the west.
Cryptic games have always been easy to jump into at anytime since they do not use your ingame name as unique handle. So you can name yourself whatever you want, whenever you want (within their naming policy guidelines). Founder's get 3-5 days headstart that they paid for, and honestly I would not say it is much of an advantage for a game that has tiered instance pvp and is pve focused with no raids.
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
Why does playing an MMO have to be a competition? I am sure there will be tons of people who don't power level straight through. Just enjoy the game.
James T. Kirk: All she's got isn't good enough! What else ya got?
What are you talking about? You can start playing on the 30th, without paying any money at all. Whats this talk about months? I'm sure there will be plenty of others starting on the 30th as well.
Play and dont spend any money.
And for the OP, no wipes after the 25th, the game is essencially launched
Just shut up. Boo hoo, you work. So do most people. Stop crying about it.
Ye why the is a mmo..
Not sure if serious.....
I don't get it either. Why worry about someone having a couple day headstart on you? You will all end up in the same place eventually. It's days, not years or even months.
You would love GW2!
what am i talking about in general about beta testers wich was quite ovious , dont have any clue about what going to happen with your fanboys dreamed neverwinter title. i might try it myself but as i said i was generally stating my opinion about deleting or not deleting in any game beta characters, read carefully before attack dood.
Its kind of hard to understand what your point was when it was so poorly written. I read it a few times and still don't really know what it is you're talking about.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.