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Hello, friends!
My name is Serru, and I am literally gyrating in excitement for the relaunch of FFXIV. I was an avid fan of FFXI and the changes that are being made look incredibly promising. I cannot wait to dive in.
I will be a newbie to FFXIV, and I am looking for a linkshell/FC (whatever they'll be called) to call home. I'm not interested in hopping around until I find somthing that fits. I'm hoping to go into the game with a family that I can enjoy the game with.
I recently unsubscribed to World of Warcraft after my 6 years of playing it, much of that time being spent raiding on the cutting edge of content with top 100 world guilds (my greatest achievement being Vodka). Despite the fact that I have not played FFXIV before, I have a great wealth of experience healing (I played a holy priest) at the highest level of competitive play. I have held numerous world-first healing records on many encounters, primarily during Wrath of the Lich King.
My goal is to transfer my experience healing in WoW to FFXIV, where I hope to play a White Mage. I have raided with extremely high-end guilds in WoW and I am NOT looking for something like that. I am not interested in elitist/arrogant attitudes or people with a superiority complex. My search is mainly for a family-like socially active guild, but end-game progression is certainly a plus.
Ideally, I am looking for:
Hello Serru,
In reading your comment I see you're looking for a nice linkshell to join for your FFXIV experience. Possibly one that is intent on raiding the Crystal Tower and Bahamut's Lair? There are many linkshells here that are trying to recruit, and who are in the same boat as you. I'm not sure if they're hardcore raiders or plan to do the hard modes (if they exist) of these end game raids. Though I will give you some advice as to how FFXIV was, and how we presume it to be (in addition to answering any questions you have.
In Final Fantasy XIV there will essentially be two new types of servers. Ones that have the old niche community of well mannered and helpful individuals, and another of all new players (I cannot say what type of people will be attracted to it as I'm not a seer, but I'd imagine many people from games such as WoW and others will join these servers). The former will likely have characters who are interested in the community (there will be well established linkshells), with the latter being interested in leveling as fast as they can and paying little attention to community aspects. So if you want a relatively new community that can become anything, a new server will probably be best whilst the older servers will have an established core of older players who (from my experience) are more than happy to help you in any way possible ( answering questions, training, static groups, free items, help with crafting, whole sale items, etc).
If you're solely interested in raiding I would highly recommend one of the older servers as you will more than likely have a much easier time finding groups for dungeons, good sales on if not free items (which will be highly contested and inflated on new servers with everyone wanting the same things) and overall be raid ready much faster than you would on a new server (I would especially recommend the Legacy RP Server as that has a massive amount of helpful people who are all about the community). Many linkshells will know what to do with raids and be the first to challenge them on legacy servers as well (the cooperations of linkshells that I've seen in the past is second to none in this community).
If you're the type who has a lot of time to waste, and want to powergame, you may in fact find newer servers to your liking as people with 18+ hours to play a day will dominate the economy and set the trend for elitists that will form (with no one to regulate prices as there have been in 1.0 with linkshells dedicated to keeping level 1-49 items cheap for newer players). Don't take offense if nobody stops to wave or say "hi" and start a conversation on this realm, as many will just be out for themselves as history has shown us in new MMORPGs.
If you'd like I could help you when the game comes out if you're interested in joining the RP Legacy server. You don't have to be a Role Player, as everyone is accepted and welcomed so long as they don't want to ruin the fun of other players. Just drop me a message in my MMORPG mailbox if you want.
Now I'm incredibly bias towards my own servers as I have seen a community unlike any other; such nice people that made even my time in FFXI and Ultima Online filled with envy. The assumption that the new servers will be full of people just wanting to get the next great item, grind gil and get more power is just experience from partaking in new MMO cultures (or the expansions thereof). It may be that new servers tend to have a great community as well.
But one thing I know for sure is that the 1.0 community was simply awesome, and if you're interested in quickly becoming "raid ready" and want to be a part of an excellent community full of cooperation, then am older server will be a perfect fit. It is kind've ironic, though, as most who power game in the new servers likely won't even be able to compete with how fast one would gear up and find groups in the older servers. xD
If you want to be a white mage, then you'll definitely want a cloth crafter to help you. Just happens to be my main craft. ;3
To become such you will need to level up Conjuror to level 30 and then unlock the class. Unlocking classes and getting Artifact armor will also be much easier on an older server, as there will be many more people at higher levels willing to help you out.
But also! You might find it helpful to level other classes as well. This is because the White Mage will essentially be the best for grouping content. For solo content, you'll likely still be a conjuror. This is because you will be given limited slots (depending on your level) to allow you to use skills from other classes. So you could very well just equip yourself with several blackmage spells as a white mage (in addition to an unlimited amount of white mage spells so long as you unlocked them). Your stats will also be slightly different as conjuror will have a higher attack rating than White Mage (but white mage will have exclusive group based spells to make up for their inability to use skills from other classes).
White Mage:
Base Class: Conjurer (30)
Sub-class: Gladiator (15)
Well, that would be my hope. I mainly played a paladin in both XI and XIV (also WoW and UO when they came out xD), so I have to level white mage a bit as well to get access to most of the support and healing spells. Who knows, maybe I'll tank for you one day? Haha.
I'm usually a Tank in Final Fantasy games, and a main healer / off tank in other games (if applicable).
Feel free to ask any questions. I could even provide links to a few hours of cutscenes and story of what occurred in 1.0 as the story is advanced several years in A Realm Reborn.
Aside from all that, feel free to drop me a message in my inbox any time you'd like.
Edit: I forgot to mention that the servers don't have official names yet. But there will likely only be one old RP server (some refer to old servers as Legacy servers).
Hi Serru,
I'm Bedlam, leader of Fulcrum. Our post is actually just one post under this one..:0) Anyway, I was part of a great raiding guild, myself; Justice on Windrunner. I thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere that was created by its members. That's what I've decided to create with Fulcrum. If you'd like to read through our post below this one and then maybe check our site and forums here, I'd be happy to answer any questions you have. I'm not going to waist your time by shmoozing you with false promises. Just wanted to say hello and ask you to look us over. Good luck in your search!