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Can we as backers hold off the incoming flood of hateraid ?
As of this posting we are less than 100k from funding, so for me thats pretty much funded, what i am more apprehensive is the oncoming flood of hate spam in this forum and plenty of others.
I am thinking it will be on par with the GW2 hate campaigns or maybe worse.
It will be a long two years though.
edit: meant 100k not 10k
Lolipops !
I am just happy that all of the people who said, many times, "It will never fund!" will be proven wrong in $40,000, which we will have in two hours, tops.
I am glad the trolls and haters get their first slice of humble pie now, and will hopefully get another in two years. Don't worry, though - you can come play with us, but hopefully with a better attitude.
It can still fail damnit! *stomps feet*
All the naysayers who didn't pledge, can go flock to another game now.
Camelot Unchained Fanpage
Under an hour at this point.
We're pulling in over 50k an hour.
Camelot Unchained Fanpage
It will be worse than GW2. But then the CU fans here seem to enjoy the negativity, so isnt that what you want? If it wasn't you wouldnt be posting stuff like this.
As an avid GW2 fan, and one that notices alot of familiar "GW2 haters" promoting CU, I would be rather disappointed to find it is any easier on this project than what GW2 went through.
That being said, GW2 is proving to be an excellent game, hopefully you end up as satisfied with CU.
All of my posts are either intelligent, thought provoking, funny, satirical, sarcastic or intentionally disrespectful. Take your pick.
I get banned in the forums for games I love, so lets see if I do better in the forums for games I hate.
I enjoy the serenity of not caring what your opinion is.
I don't hate much, but I hate Apple© with a passion. If Steve Jobs was alive, I would punch him in the face.
I don't get why peopel think CU is a special and unique snowflake and needs to be protected from the usual goings on every game goes through here.
When this game funds then the real pressure will fall on the develpers because if they don't deliver on most of their promises or implement them too poorly,then your gonan find a lot of today's current CU evangilists will turn on the game in a heartbeat.We've seen this in games that peopel haven't spent moeny on yet so I can only imagine it'll be worse for this lol.
Living free, doing drugs and pissing against the wind, thats just the kind of people we are. Not necessarily in that order though.
If you guys would not be zo zealous about the whole thing you would have a much less negative response.
But because of it i actually kinda want it to fail.
Don't get me wrong the ideas etc sound great it is my kind of game. But im not backing a project wich is not even off the ground yet. Every other kickstarter in any genre (games art you name it) they all have some sort of prototype or something to show. Whereas this is simply a idea and people are trowing tons of money at it. that is pretty wrong tbh. That and all the fanboi's here makes me feel like it should Fail to get to the goal.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
Please show me Torment's prototype, the game that raised over $4M. Oh, wait, you can't? That's right, it does not exist.
in my opinion its the fanboism that brings out the hate. GW2 fanboys were the worst of any game ive seen yet. that is why it got all the negativity. hell i bought the game at release and was looking forward to it but i was anti the fanboys and their blind faith and hype because it was annoying to me that people can be so naieve that they preffessed it as the best thing ever.
I did feel quit happy when i uninstalled after 4 hours of playing and the rampant "GW2 is the best EVAH" posts stopped almost immidietly.
I feel CU will be the same only way worse as the blind faith is so much worse than with GW2.
since the CU fanboys are worse, the hate with be worse as well
kkind alike how people always find themselves rooting fo the underdog.....well GW2 and CU were/are clearly the favorites. so of course any with flock to the underdog(them failing)
I don't think it will, because unlike GW2, CU is doing more than one new idea and is actually willing to take risks.
This has been discussed ad nauseum.There are a myriad of reasons that Torment funded so well that I've already gone through and those reasons have no application to CU,but peopel love to bring it up over and over.
how about Project Eternity no demo that i know of during KS and made 4 million as well
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Look, some ppl have been flooding the forum with how wonderful CU is and that it's the best thing to ask for besides world peace, so don't be surprised that there are people in the world out there that have a different opinion.
No need to hold them off, you get to tell your story, they get to tell theirs.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"