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pvp is sux because is not open world pvp
and when you pvp whit random grupa always 1-2afk and only 1 pvp ugly arena :S
unbalaced class
foundry now sux nerfed xp /drop
for more bags you need pay whit realy money for respect Powers/Feats you need pay whit realy money....
bank whit only 16slot is this joke?
for 59/60 and epics dungeons you need w8 1-4h at queue for get pt
and no endgame
gold is for? you cant buy anything good whit gold
+not sure if pw care for players or only care for money
sorry for my bad englis
I've got 3 characters to 20-25 range and even I know there's more then 1 PvP map so I'm confused how you made it to 59/60 epic maps without knowing this but at the same time have the education to claim imbalance. Calling BS troll thread. As that happens in every game when you exploit your way to the top or rush through the content... you sit there, twiddle your thumbs and do nothing
honestly your only valid complain is 16 slot bank space, they should definitely double it but I forgive them because when you press "I" you have multiple bags one for crafting mats and then your inventory so... Game was made by Cryptic.
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I think it's rather decent, considering you don't have to pay a damn cent/penny/chocolate button to play it!
Also, the Foundry is a system that all MMO developers should have these days. Making stuff in the Foundry is the giggedy.
It is a PvE game and like in all PvE games they put in a little PvP just for the sake of it, but if you want to PvP choose a PvP focused game instead.
I have to agree with you though that the cashshop seems to be a bit greedy making gold not so useful.
But the main point of NWN is the foundry, the game is made for people who like playing and making playermade content.
cool story bro
pvp is sux - so? just stick to pve, which is great. It solves the next one as well, unbalaced class
foundry now sux nerfed xp /drop - Foundry should be about stories and lore, not farming
for more bags you need pay whit realy money for respect Powers/Feats you need pay whit realy money.... - you can get Zen in-game if you don't mind AD farming. I personally think that real money is maybe a better way.
bank whit only 16slot is this joke? - agree with this one, just as SupportPlayerMM wrote it's maybe worth reviewing by Cryptic.
you need w8 1-4h at queue for get pt - when more and more people reaching cap, it will be better, the game is only open beta since a week...
and no endgame - for me the Foundry is a pretty good endgame, but I guess everyone's different
gold is for? - agreed again, it's even less significant than EC in STO. But does it really makes the game sux and meh?
+not sure if pw care for players or only care for money - PWE is obviously care about the money, it's Cryptic's job to care about the players. imo.
If you go into Neverwinter expecting a nice big open world MMO with deep systems like the Forgotten Realms IP deserved, you will hate this game.
But for a free little dungeon diver that allows player created stuff, it's not bad. I've played worse. It's even got some tacked on pvp for a distraction. It's bad pvp, but it's better than nothing....I guess.
The cash shop can kiss my ass though, the prices are just plain stupid. I don't mind paying for a game that I'm enjoying, but I don't like getting completely gouged while I'm doing it. Thankfully, you don't really NEED any of it.
I read this and all I'm seeing is:
I exploited the foundry, now they fixed it I'm going to qq
I can't kill scissors playing paper in pvp.
I don't get enough pocket money to play a subscription game so I want everything in NW for free.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
They get banned. Oh yes, they do.
No I'm not bitter.
1. Not everyone likes open world pvp. Get over it
2. Maybe you just had bad luck?
3. How so?
4. To avoid it from being abused, yes. You act as though it is a bad thing.
5. For the bags, yea thats annoying, but for respecs, thats par for the course
6. Then buy more clots
7. Maybe you just had bad luck?
8. How so?
9. Its annoying, but it helps avoid gold spammers (kinda)
10. Really? That outdated complaint again?
Since when is Tuesday a direction?
No matter how cynical you become, its never enough to keep up - Lily Tomlin
Which I also happen to agree with. And I didn't rush to cap, just played a few hours a day since open beta began. The stuck in place combat system is lame, but then again, I've beaten bosses that entire groups failed to beat.
Only trolls I saw were the negative replies from all the MMORPG'ers thinking their adolescent opinions were better than his.
i think its just that you didnt know what you getting into and got surprised maybe ? thats what they offered , its a free game . you are welcome to try the beta or soft lunch .
I actually enjoy it. yes it needs work of course ..there are way bigger problems that you didnt mention. but so far so good .
I think he's being gangsta...
+1 haha yes!
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