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Maybe something has been posted about this, somewhere out there, but I'm curious how the naming system will work for Camelot Unchained.
Will it be a unique naming system for each server? If so will it be first name or first/last name?
If not, will it be an account based gamename@playeraccountalias system?
As someone who always rolls on RP servers (not to RP necessarily, but for the atmosphere), I absolutely loathe unique player name systems such as GW2, LoTRO, RIFT, CxO, EVE, WoW, WAR, SWG, SWToR, DAoC, etc. etc.
In every single case, I can recall trying to make a new character only to have every single decent lore-friendly name taken, to the point that I have to take some jumbled up nonsensical name or add extra consonants and vowels, which tends to look ridiculous. That's if I don't just say frak it and go do something else instead. It makes each of the games quite difficult to return to, knowing that every single decent name is taken by some level 1 rogue who hasn't played in 10 years. Especially so if servers were merged and your old ones were claimed.
I've always found games with the other system like STO and CO to be much more acceptable. If you want to name yourself Bilbo, you can name yourself Bilbo. You don't have to worry about the dreaded "Name Unavailable" response and neither does the other person who wants to name themselves Bilbo. The other upside is that if you want to friend someone, ignore someone, or kick someone from a guild and make sure they never come back under any name, you can do so for every single character they make because it's bound to a player account alias.
pretty sure that you won't be happy with CU naming conventions either, given that players can reserve names with Founder Points.
I like Unique name or atleast unique to a server....i think its good to have some sort global @ or something system though...and i better be able to capitalise my name like : SKYeXile....or ill be mad.
TRF - GM - GW2, PS2, WAR, AION, Rift, WoW, WOT....etc...
Future Crew - High Council. Planetside 1 & 2.
I guess that answers the question then.
I had hoped that CU would jump off the naming exclusivity bandwagon, but I guess not.
Hopefully the rest of the game makes up for the guaranteed annoyances.
Everyone needs to have a name they can be identified with.
Basically what you are asking for is a separate "RP name" that is just fluff and associated with an "account name" that identifies you. But in that case the account name is your "actual name".
For example if someone kills me, in that case I'd want their account name to show up because I need a name that actually identifies them as an individual. Basically the "RP name" just becomes something that never shows up in actual gameplay if its not an identifiable name. You cant even use it for targeting or group windows because you'll get people with the same names.
That sort of system also hurts people who want to have alt characters that arent known to everyone who knows their main character (which is a group that often overlaps with the RP community).
Also, if you think all the good names in most games are taken, have you considered that maybe you are just incredibly unoriginal? Especially since you cant even think up a better throwaway name for your example than "Bilbo", a well known literary character.
Are you that guy who just makes horribly misspelled versions of canon characters? Dont be that guy. Everyone hates that guy.
I once had to include 12 X's to get Legolas. :P
TRF - GM - GW2, PS2, WAR, AION, Rift, WoW, WOT....etc...
Future Crew - High Council. Planetside 1 & 2.
You want to share a name with someone else? Ugh
I've quit using names because I found out that someone had a name that was similar and it took away from the unique feeling that I prefer to enjoy.
All of my posts are either intelligent, thought provoking, funny, satirical, sarcastic or intentionally disrespectful. Take your pick.
I get banned in the forums for games I love, so lets see if I do better in the forums for games I hate.
I enjoy the serenity of not caring what your opinion is.
I don't hate much, but I hate Apple© with a passion. If Steve Jobs was alive, I would punch him in the face.
So what do you use binary or morse code?
This is actually one thing that drew my attention about ESO when I saw a video clip of character creation. They seem to have a pretty structured naming system that will ward off alot of the l33t speak names..
I like seeing this type of thing come into play for MMORPGs in general. FPS's are another thing but this type of naming policy they seem to be using over in ESO will be good for the community overall in maintaining the atmosphere that is supposed to be Elder Scrolls I guess..
Someone somewhere will use some completly derp ass name tho, it's just the way primates minds work sometimes.
PM before you report at least or you could just block.
God forbid people like to use a unique name and be known for it across all games.
TRF - GM - GW2, PS2, WAR, AION, Rift, WoW, WOT....etc...
Future Crew - High Council. Planetside 1 & 2.
You're taking what I'm trying to say a little far. I'm not talking about Unique names really.. more so your names that would obvioulsy be used by bot players or goldsellers..
your vtsghss's, zzrwwfrx's, things like that..
A little hard to explain fully without that actual video clip where I could point out the little restrictions that had on naming stuff that just absolutely makes no sense..
I myself use my moniker in most games I play so I'm not trying to tred on anyones naming rights when it comes to character creation.
PM before you report at least or you could just block.
Typically I use names which sound like something else, but are spelt like regular names. For example, I had a character which was named Maiden Thai Wan, but then I seen a character named Maiden China and that spoiled the name for me so I figured out another. I really haven't had a problem with coming up with unique names, Me and my wife kind of play a game about it and even have a book with a bunch we like.
All of my posts are either intelligent, thought provoking, funny, satirical, sarcastic or intentionally disrespectful. Take your pick.
I get banned in the forums for games I love, so lets see if I do better in the forums for games I hate.
I enjoy the serenity of not caring what your opinion is.
I don't hate much, but I hate Apple© with a passion. If Steve Jobs was alive, I would punch him in the face.
I prefer a series of unintelligible grunts. Not only does it provide an excellent representation of my typical mental state, it also reminds me fondly of the forums.
Seriously, I like flowery, pretty names for females characters (e.g., Aubriella) and short, simple names for males (e.g., Maneck). Sometimes, I opt for normal English words (e.g., Robust). I never reuse a name. Each is a character to itself, not an extension of my ego. Although, I will admit to the embarrassing practice of naming my main and alts with a rhyming name scheme in one well-known themepark.
So I am pretty flexible in this regard. I do like options for capitalization and surnames (e.g., Ragnar Angmarson).
I think some of you may do well with Prima Donna...
Everyone should just use some verion of Barcode (combination of only i and l) for their names.
Imagine the kill spam:
illllilllilll was killed by iililllliiiiiii
ilililliilli was killed by iililllliiiiiii
illiilllilii was killed by iililllliiiiiii
would be awesome!
I healed Mistwraith and all I got was this stupid tee-shirt!
I prefer unique names for each character. And I am definitely hoping for an RP server where immersive names are a rule... or at least names which break immersion are not allowed, i.e. l337ranjah, Stabbity McStabsalot, Ipwndyermom AndallIgotwasherpes
I do recall seeing this deathspam in DAoC:
Essence was just killed by Essence Schredder
I about pissed myself from laughing so hard.
Emeryc Eightdrakes - Ranger of DragonMyst Keep - Percival
I enjoyed what Global Agenda did. One name across the whole server no matter what class. It lead to people caring about their reputation and you know who was good if they were on their main class or not. I also enjoy the typical naming non-RP convention we've seen in the past. When paired will kill spam it can lead humorous situations. Nothing like XXXX was just killed by Hisownstupidity. Either of those ways are fine honestly I'm not a fan of having 14 people with the exact same name. Hopefully they will have something like what does and you will friend or block people entire accounts regardless of their name.
I still hold a place in my heart for my VWer humbly named Stdees. The kill spam always made people laugh.
"Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth."
I want to give each of my characters a unique name. You're supposed to have character pride in CU. It's tougher to have pride in a particular character if all your characters share the same name. It also ruins the immersion because in real life different people have different names.
Although it makes picking a name harder, it would be best to have character and guild names be unique across the entire game. Then you wouldn't have to deal with renaming them when the inevitable server mergers/transfers/clustering happen.
I liked how in DAOC you could change your last name. Maybe let you pick a character name that can't change that includes spaces but also let you have another part of your name that you can change at will.
DAOC Live (inactive): R11 Cleric R11 Druid R11 Minstrel R9 Eldritch R6 Sorc R6 Scout R6 Healer
Without any due respect, I don't think you understand what I prefer nor the system I was advocating.
I'm not asking for an "RP name" as I don't even RP. I just prefer having lore-appropriate names. However, I would prefer that those names didn't take hours of throwing possibilities in a box and sighing in disappointment when every single one is unavailable.
The @account name system is easy to understand. You make a unique account alias when you create your account. This doesn't have to be your actual account name, but just an identifying alias which identifies who the characters belong to.
For example, if you have ever played Star Trek Online, in certain instances where it is warranted (chat, guild list, friends list, a player search) your name would appear as Captain Kirk (@ hesdeadjim8472). Targeting and macros are not affected.
This alias, this handle, can be hidden through the options so that you don't have to view these handles. They only really present themselves when you place someone on ignore, add them to your friends list, or you choose to display them in order to recognize everyone by said alias. This means that if you kill someone, you will know who they are as an individual, which you stated was a problem. If you want to add someone to a group, you can click on their name (this isn't the 90s anymore) in chat and invite them to your group, or click on their character, or type the handle if you've exhausted your other options.
I find it ridiculous to assume it hurts those who have alts. If you make a friend and you are on their friends list, you would all of a sudden wish to remain anonymous to that person? If anything, the only people the @system directly "hurts" are those who are complete jerks, as they would be ignored (for being a jerk) even when they made a new character. If someone managed to steal (empty) the guild bank, wouldn't you like to be able to prevent that person from joining as a new character and attempting to do so again?
As for what else you said, it doesn't make much sense to claim roleplayers can't roleplay if they know the other person's main character beforehand. After all, aren't they roleplaying? Have you ever been on an RP server anyway? Most of the roleplayers make multiple characters and routinely roleplay with the same groups (guilds), often in the same exact locations.
No I don't name myself after canon characters, and Bilbo was an example, just as Captain Kirk was an example above...
I must say, that's the first time I've ever been called unoriginal for choosing a well known name for a random example that needed any random name. You sir are a very unique and baseless assumer.
If you didn't consider this, you can remove certain canon names from the name availability list to prevent canon naming. A common practice for massively multiplayer online games.
The primary reason I prefer the @account system, and was hoping this game would have that system, is to dispel the need to waste a ridiculous amount of time searching for those lore-appropriate names when every relevant name is already taken. Anyone who has ever tried to make a lore-appropriate character on a highly populated MMO server knows exactly what I'm talking about.
You're explaining the system games like Global Agenda use. A unique global where every single character has the same name.
The @account name doesn't mean every single character is the same name. It's basically the same thing as a steam ID which is used to identify you as an account owner. For example...
If you named your character Arthur Pendragon, that would be the characters name. Your chosen account alias ihatemidguard123 (which is unique) is placed after that name in certain incidences (chat, friends list, ignore list, guild list, search list).
This means if you have multiple characters, the names would look like so in those incidences...
Arthur Pendragon (@ihatemidguard123): Hello everyone, do you like my new armor?
Sir Galahad (@ihatemidguard123): It looks nice Arthur.
Julius Caesar (@romavictor10): Stop talking to yourself you pleb
Abraham Lincoln (@vampirehunter666): Arthur pls go
As for targeting, if your name was Slim Shady (@therealslimshady8), the name above your actual character would simply be Slim Shady, nothing else. If anyone else was named Slim Shady, that would be displayed as Slim Shady as well. There would be two people with the same name which, while highly unlikely, would ultimately be possible. However, the distinguishing factor is the unique alias, so there wouldn't be any confusion as to which is the real Slim Shady if you clicked on them to see. Most players (player models) are pretty distinguishable anyway.
You could change your last name in DAoC. With this system you could change your entire name.
Also, it doesn't apply to guild names, only player names. Guild Names are always unique.
You seem to have missed my point, which was that if there is an "account naming system", and that is the unique identifier, that is the identifier that you have to use for every single game mechanic.
This is a PvP game, if you dont use a unique identifier, every single hardcore PvP group WILL give their characters all the same names in an attempt to gain an advantage vs enemies trying to target or tell them apart. People already try to do it in some games using similarly spelled names. And thats just the intentional abuse. If youre just randomly in a group with people who use the same name, you cant refer to them by their names, which is annoying.
Basically you can never turn the account names off and still function, which makes the character names useless.
Whatever name the game uses to identify you needs to be unique. If your "character name" is not a unique identifier, then yes its just an "RP name", because then you cant use it for anything else.
Also, yes sometimes when someone is on your friend list you dont want them to know all of your alts. Like maybe youre a guild leader and dont need that stress on you every single second of free time you have? Not everyone wants to be totally connected to all of their friends all of the time.