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I have a few ides here that explain how to procure free food, oxygen, water, and electricity. If these ideas were implemented there would be peace on Earth. It might take a few months to get everything set up but but the end is near for evil.
You can use the universe's vacuum to create energy. I have 2 methods for this the first is a tube in outer space
no matter the size you can probably go however big you want depending on how much power you want.
Put a generator in the tube and oxygen in 1 end of the tube, open the half way point and let the oxygen or water,
water would be better now that I think about it, and let the water slide past the turbine into the vacuumed area
but after that open the complete end and let space suck out the water, but close it before it reaches the end,
then pump all the water back into the other end. Rinse. Repeat. Use the energy you get from the turbine to
charge the magnet inside the generator to keep it magnetized and power the pump or gravity force to suck the
water to the other end, a gravity force would save more energy considering you only have to charge the magnet
every now and then. More generators means ALOT MORE power. Next is a...
tube running from 2 feet above the surface to outer space, i don't know how long it would take to keep earth's
gravitational field from imbalancing from the gravity of the tube but 40,000 miles is a decent sized vacuum. Put
generators inside the 40,000 mile long tube or pipe. The vacuum will suck air or water whatever you need past
these turbines but the turbines will provide resistance holding up the pipe or tube as well that's 40,000 miles
long. So basically you have a 40,000 mile long power station, put a tesla coil at the top and you could probably
give electricity to things as far as Pluto. and that's just one tube, you could even create one with just a giant bo
of water or air in space, no need for the atmosphere.
Anyways with electricity and water out of the way you can create positive things like food and water and peace of
mind because we have never ending supply of electricity. We can use the water and air to colonize space, the
moon, or mars, pump it back down to Earth using almost nothing of the energy it produced on the way up past
the generators, or farm crops and give oxygen to farms, plants, expirements, technology, research, space craft,
ships, star bases, mother ships, fellow alien races, foreign planets, needy aliens, the list never ends.
Water is made out of hydrogen and oxygen, the basics of rocket fuel, don't burn hydrogen, there's a reason we
can't find water any beyond earth hardly anywhere.. Use pressurized oxygen that plants make to give thrust to
things and You will have endless plants making oxygen to prevent starvation until research and technology and
studies prevents needs like air, food, and water and alternatives to those. Stem cell research would be good to
as they can completely grow an entire body from one body cell.
If you run out of water use a condensation method from the air your plants produce (plants only need oxygen to
produce more oxygen, else there wouldn't be any trees or plant life on Earth,) Cool down a surface using man
made wind from some of your free electricty, this is easy in outer space as it's - 450 degrees fahrenheit in the
shade. Heat up air using electric coils and blow this wind at the collection of - 450 degree fahrenheit metal
plates or surfaces, this creates water, which is hydrogen and oxygen, the water can be used to drink as it will be
100% pure or give to plants and vegetables and fruits, animals, humans, reervoirs, ect. ect. ect. ect. ect...
You can seperate hydrogen and oxygen from water using very low volatage and putting a small 2% amount of
salt in that water. Let this pressure build up and go past a turbine on an electric generator and it will create
enough electricity to power the voltage to the water seperating the hydrogen and oxygen and provide electricity
for technology research, food, water and air, as well as lights, we won't need the sun. It's possible to run a
pump to pump the air past these generator and turbines too which is a never ending supply of electricity.
If you didn't know hydrogen is the lightest gas on universe, putting it in tires and putting the tires on things like
cars or whatever you want to float or save gas mileage will fly, with sufficient light gas, just be sure to recycle it
because it CAN NEVER be made. And don't drive on the tires, attach a propeller and fly, hydrogen is more
flamable than hell... . .
You can also get power from burning hydrogen, simply ignite the hydrogen and it will create a force that will
power the voltage to seperate the oxygen and hydrogen as well as create a surplus amount of energy for better
uses. But don't burn it for long, once it's burned you can't get it back, so put all the hydrogen you make back into
earth's atmosphere in case we need it one day and used pressurized air or burn fossil fuels for thrust if you
absolutely need them, but we don't need hydrogen right now.
We'd eventually come up with ways to prevent dieing, need for air, water, and food, as well as many other
things, the cures for death and diseases will be the first to go, then we can launch platforms to outer space for
room for the population, we don't need gravity anyways, it just weighs you down, but ecercise to prevent
vegetation, and we will actually want to exercise from having such good lives and not having to work or do
Flash forward 6 months when everybody knows about these ideas and breakthroughs in technology, people will
be receiving there first shipments of FREE food, water, and electricity, as well as peace of mind from everything
being pretty much totally free and a gigantic enormous sense of security from free stuff. Nobody will be racist,
sexist, there will be no money, politics, there will be religion but people will stop pestering there gods with
requests as much because there will be abundant supplies of basic needs. I don't know if you've ever been
100% high and drunk on the beach one night listening to the waves and you're not even there because
everythinng is 200% perfect but this is basically what things will be like once we don't need anything (multiple by
never ending). If you're wondering whether or not you will go to hell for living like this, drugs are not a sin, no
where in the bible does it say you will go to hell for getting high, sex is a sin unless you're married, but this can
be eliminated by everybody married everybody, crossed that hurdle, then you have rock and roll, my favorite thing
to listen to when drunk and stoned, Sometimes I beleive rock and roll music and rock music might be a sin to
listen to because it makes me feel so dam good but I've read the entire bible 5 times trying to see if it's a sin or
not and whether I'll be damned but unless it's hidden I can't see it. The end. There are no evil and bad people
on the Earth. People don't give a damn about anybody but theirselves, they occasionally help other people to
make themselves feel better but everybody is normal and the same, some are better than others but if you really
think about bad people for a second and put yourself in their shoes, and think about WHY they did what they did
and see the positive side of things, you'll undrstand everybody does stuff for good reasons, people steal for
money for drugs to get high (feeling good), but people don't kill someone so they can buy a gun and a few more
days worth of food to kill another person, they kill people for ggood reasons, this is money alot of times, the
average price for hiring a hit man in the United States is $20,000.00, if he's not a cop. But the point is a bullet
and a few days wotrth of food only costs about $50.00 dollars
What the hit man is doing is using this money for good reasons, the $10,000.00
More than likely he has a family to feed or wants them to have very GOOD things or to get high, (feeling
'GOOD'), or donating to charity, which is a good thing. Take notice of the words 'GOOD' , everybody wants good
things, nobody WANTS to go to hell...........Peace of mind.
I have a good idea.
Run two very long wires to the power !