Gawd I hope I'm not too late. Dear OP, now that your girlfriend wants you to stop...DO NOT STOP! ONce you reveal that you are weak and spineless, she will trample/leave you. Do you really think after all this time she hasn't noticed that you smoke. NExt time, light up in front of her and say something like "Tough luck baby, you know you love it." This will send her into a loop and give her some drama to whine to her girlfriends about. Trust me on this one.
Originally posted by Wakizashi Gawd I hope I'm not too late. Dear OP, now that your girlfriend wants you to stop...DO NOT STOP! ONce you reveal that you are weak and spineless, she will trample/leave you. Do you really think after all this time she hasn't noticed that you smoke. NExt time, light up in front of her and say something like "Tough luck baby, you know you love it." This will send her into a loop and give her some drama to whine to her girlfriends about. Trust me on this one.
My advice is to go with what puotry said, it wont be easy, but keep at it, follow the routine he set up. also you may want to get a good friend that hates the fact that you smoke and have him make sure that you stop. BTW girls think it is unattractive to smoke so dont listen to that idiot wakizashi. Any way it is important to quit, and Good luck
Originally posted by Puoltry Ok here it goes: I smoked a pack and a half a day for 15 years.I quit in 3 months time.I do not reccomend that you quit cold turkey it will not work for most people.This is a VERY addictive substance and is not easily put down.The method i am suggesting requires an immense amount of willpower. Your 1st month: 1.Smoke no more than 5 a day.This will be 35 a week and 140 a month. 2.Dont use the patch or gum whatsoever(regular gum is ok it helped me a lot).Using this method the patch and nicotine gum actually deliver more nicotine into your system. Your 2nd month: 1.Ok here is where we begin to ramp it up a bit more.In your 1st week smoke 4 a day.In your 2nd week smoke 3 a day.In your 3rd week smoke 2 a day.In your 4th week smoke 1 a day. 2.Chew gum like it is going out of style. Your 3rd month: 1.Continue with smoking 1 a day through this month.Eventually you will see that you no longer need this to live on a daily basis.
It is human nature to want to see others fail.Any "smoking buddies" you have will want to see you fail.I know this from 1st hand experience when i quit.....10 years ago.These people are STILL smoking and a few of them are having health issues now. Have no doubt that smoking is a filthy disgusting habit that is very unattractive.
Your buddies will tempt you.Here is what you do to remove that temptation.When offered a ciggarette simply take it and crush it in front of them.Once you do this and they realize you will not smoke it but crush it up they will stop offering. The above method works but it requires willpower and the ability to stick to the plan.Good luck once you accomplish this you will be a better person for it.Especially if your parents own a smoke shop.Quit now when your young man dont make this a life long habit. I know a a guy who started smoking when he was my age (15) he now has 2 kids (like me) but has lung cancer.He has 6 months to live and will NEVER see his kids grow up because of his selfish addiction.
BTW i too was told my whole life i had an addictive personality.I dont smoke pot or ciggs and i dont drink at all anymore.The whole "addictive personality" is BS imho.If you want to quit you can do it.Dont let anyone else tell you what you CANT do.
thats the most helpful advice in this thread with the possible exception of kiamde's awesomely sensitive advice.
but this cancer thing is starting to scare me cus i smoked for like 2 and a half years....
i dont know if thats enough but i know it cant be good....
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Dont look at it like it may be too late.If you go into this with a self defeatist attitude then your getting off on the wrong foot.
Trust me on this man you can do it.You are better off quitting when you are young and better able to recover from it.
BTW if your girlfriend see's that you are giving it your best effort and you accomplish this not only will you be better off healthwise but she will be impressed.Dont do it for her though do it for yourself AND your future.
Dont listen to that last joker with the bad advice.If he is following his own advice id bet ya he is really lonely at this very moment.
Here are more reasons NOT to smoke:
1.Smells bad to the opposite sex.
2.You dont EVEN get high from it.It is a hollow addiction at best.We all know why drug addicts like drugs right?
3.Cancer and other health related issues.
4.Oh yeah studies show that the older you get if you continue to smoke you become LESS sexually active.
Seriously though you can do this man if you follow my plan.I did it and i smoked for 15 years.Keep it positive and be aware that other people will WANT to see you fail.
The only reason for this is that they will not be able to deal with THEIR lack of willpower.They cant stand that you will be able to accomplish this and they will STILL be addicted over time.Dont let anyone drag you down and you can do this.
Hang in there dude and keep us updated!!Email me through the website if ya want you got my full support!!
Want to ENJOY an mmo?
Dont start a guild and dont be a leader or volunteer to be coleader or captain.
OMG, I used to smoke and I totally understand how hard it can be to quit. What's weird is how some people can quit easily and others have a lot of trouble. I had a lot of trouble. Here's what finally worked for me.
Tell yourself your going to quit, and be serious with yourself. I know that sounds cliche, but you've got to want to quit.
Go to the gym and work out as hard as you can everyday. You'll start feeling better. And you'll want to quit even more. This is what helped me the most. Once my body started changing and I could run further and bench and lift more I didn't want to smoke. I wanted to be a titan. It's cool looking in the mirror and seeing yourself with big pecs. And it is the most awesome feeling when you finally bench 225. Then it's on from there to lift even more! Plus for your girlfriend you're no longer smoking AND you are a building a nice body for her to play with.
Don't drink alcohol for a while. That will get you back to smoking quicker than anything. So just stay away from the booze for a few months. Until you're sure you can handle it. And when you do have a drink again, don't drink it around your friends who smoke.
Don't ever say I'll smoke just one. You won't. The next day you'll start again.
I hope you are successful. It took me a lot of tries, but I haven't smoked in over 8 years now and I smoked for just about 10 straight, about a pack a day. The gym and working out have changed my life and were the most effective tool. Oh, and after you quit wait until you see how much other peoples smoke bothers you. It's funny.
Seriously though, I wish you good luck and good health.
I had a cigarette every level. Then once I hit the higher levels, it took a day or so for me to get one.
But, it wasn't just that, I was just so addicted to games that it came to my monthly bills. Internet 50 dollars, FFXI 20 a month (sometimes more), cable tv, house payments with room mates.
In my experience the most addictive part to break is not the nicotine but the "hand to mouth" habit. After 4-5 days I won't crave the nicotine. Being able to purchase smokes anywhere and everywhere doesn't help either.
The way I quit is when I joined the military. Boot camp. hehehe. You have no choice there. It royally sucked for the first 2 weeks, plus it showed me how really really out of shape I was. Regardless I started back up right after I got out of boot but it wasn't cause of addiction, just cause I like smoking.
But your best bet is cold turkey IMO. Find something that distracts you from it (for me it's eating mints). Nicotine supplements can be expensive over time. Exercise can help too (your distracted, plus its making you healthier). Don't drink alcohol. I don't know about anybody else, but drinking always makes me want to smoke even more then normal.
"I turned to speak to God about the worlds despair, but to make matters worse I found God wasn't there." --Robert Frost
what you need is one of those electronic fences...
you know the one where you put the collar on the dog and you put these rods in the area you dont want them near....just put them near your cigarettes....If it doesnt least your friends will get a good laugh
after spending 2 weeks babysitting my friends tazer and tazing the shit out of myself and friends with it. im near immune or in the list significantly resistant to electricity. so the electric route wouldnt work....
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Gawd I hope I'm not too late. Dear OP, now that your girlfriend wants you to stop...DO NOT STOP! ONce you reveal that you are weak and spineless, she will trample/leave you. Do you really think after all this time she hasn't noticed that you smoke. NExt time, light up in front of her and say something like "Tough luck baby, you know you love it." This will send her into a loop and give her some drama to whine to her girlfriends about. Trust me on this one.
My advice is to go with what puotry said, it wont be easy, but keep at it, follow the routine he set up. also you may want to get a good friend that hates the fact that you smoke and have him make sure that you stop. BTW girls think it is unattractive to smoke so dont listen to that idiot wakizashi. Any way it is important to quit, and Good luck
ya id say whet the others said but im not quiting lol.
as a joke if you were a girl id sugest sucking on things but thats just to be humorous.
Orky Name Generator, only at
thats the most helpful advice in this thread with the possible exception of kiamde's awesomely sensitive advice.
but this cancer thing is starting to scare me cus i smoked for like 2 and a half years....
i dont know if thats enough but i know it cant be good....
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Dont look at it like it may be too late.If you go into this with a self defeatist attitude then your getting off on the wrong foot.
Trust me on this man you can do it.You are better off quitting when you are young and better able to recover from it.
BTW if your girlfriend see's that you are giving it your best effort and you accomplish this not only will you be better off healthwise but she will be impressed.Dont do it for her though do it for yourself AND your future.
Dont listen to that last joker with the bad advice.If he is following his own advice id bet ya he is really lonely at this very moment.
Here are more reasons NOT to smoke:
1.Smells bad to the opposite sex.
2.You dont EVEN get high from it.It is a hollow addiction at best.We all know why drug addicts like drugs right?
3.Cancer and other health related issues.
4.Oh yeah studies show that the older you get if you continue to smoke you become LESS sexually active.
Seriously though you can do this man if you follow my plan.I did it and i smoked for 15 years.Keep it positive and be aware that other people will WANT to see you fail.
The only reason for this is that they will not be able to deal with THEIR lack of willpower.They cant stand that you will be able to accomplish this and they will STILL be addicted over time.Dont let anyone drag you down and you can do this.
Hang in there dude and keep us updated!!Email me through the website if ya want you got my full support!!
Want to ENJOY an mmo?
Dont start a guild and dont be a leader or volunteer to be coleader or captain.
Just play the damn game:)
Just an intersting aside...every time this post gets bumped i see it and need to go have a smoke
OMG, I used to smoke and I totally understand how hard it can be to quit. What's weird is how some people can quit easily and others have a lot of trouble. I had a lot of trouble. Here's what finally worked for me.
Tell yourself your going to quit, and be serious with yourself. I know that sounds cliche, but you've got to want to quit.
Go to the gym and work out as hard as you can everyday. You'll start feeling better. And you'll want to quit even more. This is what helped me the most. Once my body started changing and I could run further and bench and lift more I didn't want to smoke. I wanted to be a titan. It's cool looking in the mirror and seeing yourself with big pecs. And it is the most awesome feeling when you finally bench 225. Then it's on from there to lift even more! Plus for your girlfriend you're no longer smoking AND you are a building a nice body for her to play with.
Don't drink alcohol for a while. That will get you back to smoking quicker than anything. So just stay away from the booze for a few months. Until you're sure you can handle it. And when you do have a drink again, don't drink it around your friends who smoke.
Don't ever say I'll smoke just one. You won't. The next day you'll start again.
I hope you are successful. It took me a lot of tries, but I haven't smoked in over 8 years now and I smoked for just about 10 straight, about a pack a day. The gym and working out have changed my life and were the most effective tool. Oh, and after you quit wait until you see how much other peoples smoke bothers you. It's funny.
Seriously though, I wish you good luck and good health.
I quit because of FFXI.
I had a cigarette every level. Then once I hit the higher levels, it took a day or so for me to get one.
But, it wasn't just that, I was just so addicted to games that it came to my monthly bills. Internet 50 dollars, FFXI 20 a month (sometimes more), cable tv, house payments with room mates.
Couldn't do it....I chose to have the internet.
Neptus - FFXI - Pandemonium
Neptus - WoW - Detheroc
In my experience the most addictive part to break is not the nicotine but the "hand to mouth" habit. After 4-5 days I won't crave the nicotine. Being able to purchase smokes anywhere and everywhere doesn't help either.
The way I quit is when I joined the military. Boot camp. hehehe. You have no choice there. It royally sucked for the first 2 weeks, plus it showed me how really really out of shape I was. Regardless I started back up right after I got out of boot but it wasn't cause of addiction, just cause I like smoking.
But your best bet is cold turkey IMO. Find something that distracts you from it (for me it's eating mints). Nicotine supplements can be expensive over time. Exercise can help too (your distracted, plus its making you healthier). Don't drink alcohol. I don't know about anybody else, but drinking always makes me want to smoke even more then normal.
"I turned to speak to God about the worlds despair, but to make matters worse I found God wasn't there." --Robert Frost
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
ill quit tonight. we can have a bet, loser has to play flyff :P
if that don't get you to quit i dont know what will
what you need is one of those electronic fences...
you know the one where you put the collar on the dog and you put these rods in the area you dont want them near....just put them near your cigarettes....If it doesnt least your friends will get a good laugh
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Wasn't there a post about this a couple weeks ago? Just google and tons of crap will come up man, you have the internet at your fingertips.
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.
2 days 4 ciggarrettes. threw the rest in a porta potta then tipped it into someones lawn.........
im doing ok i think....
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Heroin is my anti-drug