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And what I mean by that is that I spend hours in EVEMON and the EVE Fitting Tool (EFT), as well as checking out
Praise the Valar (oops, wrong game) that evemon and eft don't have iPad/iPhone apps otherwise I'm sure I'd get fired from work!
What other great third party eve related tools are out there? There's that map site/jump planner whose name I can't remember...
If you have an andriod phone
But, most tools beyond the ones you mentioned are specialized for industry and stuff.
It's probably good you haven't heard of Neocon than, really wouldn't want to get you fired ...
the one thing I've found most useful are Ombeys 2D Maps, though that has now been super-ceded to a certain extent by dotlan.
But there are many useful tools and apps
I sometimes make spelling and grammar errors but I don't pretend it's because I'm using a phone
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Do you actually play EVE? I doubt those tools would be recommenced to everyone who plays if they broke EULA.
They are not against EULA.
Only if you use the data scraper parts...
The thing the people dont understand is that sometimes you should just not ask. If you ask CCP if its against the EULA to use a scraper, they will allways say yes. But on the other hand we all know they wont go after people who only use that for harmless stuff. People who want CCP to legalize it are the ones that wants to misuse it. And that is why they will always answer that it is against the EULA to do it, but only enforce it as they see fit.
Lesson: It is always easier to get forgiven than ask persmission.
Give me liberty or give me lasers
See here for more information. He's overstating the case just a little bit:
Give me liberty or give me lasers