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Hey all,
Has anyone heard ANYTHING about the state of development for this title? I've been trying to find a glimpse of recent news anywhere but with no avail. The game looks promising, especially the gory screenies, skill-based advancement, and open pvp system. However, it seems they have hit a major stagnation in development or else the project is nearing termination.
Any word? Have they given up or just not talking?
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
The devs for this game have never ask for, nor wanted hype. They in fact have said they don't want hype... They spend their time programing the game, not talking about it on the forums.
I wouldn't expect to hear any news till the beta starts. None whatsoever...
But, in the last few months they have started clan beta registration. Clans have registered and submitted lists of players who want to play. Once they have the beta ready, invites will go out, and I'm sure at that point they will start talking more.
Its not that the news has "slowed down", they never in all the time they have been in developement really done more then post an update, or a few screenshots every 3 - 6 months.
At least The Noob updates its ever developing story of suspense every few days Well, I guess things will unfold the way they unfold. I'm currently watching several games in development right now, most of all Roma Victor and Pirates of the Burning Sea. I hope Darkfall makes it, it is right up at the top of my list with the two aforementioned titles!
If anyone hears anything new, please update!
a month!? That's nothing for us who roams the boards, there where times when the last info where more than 6 months away. But they have always come back and proving that they are still working so I belive in them.
I guess that kinda makes me "Fanboi" in many peoples eyes, but even if DF get cancelled I still have had some nice time on the forums. And I will have to find something else to do than mmorpgs becouse none other intresses me. (maybe EVE but a maybe on that one.)