I am coming from DAoC, which was my very first mmorpg and loved it. I have crafted in all 6 of the trades alchemist being my favorite. They had big benefits for being a crafter I was wondering how the crafting system works, what did each trade bring to the table?
This just may be the beta economy, but people make things way way way too expensive. It's to the point where you must just craft your own stuff or go "gil farming", as it is called, (fighting low level monsters with thief subbed) for several hours. That is just pointless to me. The benefits of crafting is being able to control the market a bit. Also, being a ranger, it's nice to be able to make your own arrows since going through thousands of arrows can be costly if you buy them. I'm not really sure what to tell you, though. Perhaps if you asked a more specific question?
Okay i will try. In alchemy i was able to make poisons colors for armor procs for weapons and armor not to mention many types of potions for power, endurance, damage add, speed. I was looking on main site to figure what each crafting skill brought to the game for I want something that will benefit me as i plan on going as a stealther type. It just gave an overview but no depth.
Ok, so a ranger can make arrows as long as he finds an arrow woodlog. But... at which stage of the game can you achieve the ability to craft arrows? I mean at what level? It's great to be able to craft arrows instead of buying them, but it may be useless if I can only craft it after I reach level 30 or something.
Another thing (quite out of topic) but I want to mention here cuz I don't want to create too many posts: how do you receive the items after a monster die and drop (ex:a boss)? Are the items distributed equaly to all party members or it depends on how much damage is done by a player to the monster. Or anybody who stand near the monster's dead body could do the loot? I think, kind of the second rule is kind of the right answer.
I am a DeathKnight who didn't die in battle. I died because I sliped on a banana lip and fell over...
-=[ STAFF ]=-
What will he do next?
the second loot rule is crap. how would that help anybody out?
say u have a group of 3.. a warrior with elite equipment. a warrior with underpar equipment, and a caster with decent equpment. say a longsword drops.. and because the caster did the most dmg, they get it. uhh, thats crap, the not-so-good warrior should get it because its better then what he's doing, and its just nice to help someone out. If you give it to whoever did the most dmg there will be tons of loot given to classes that cant use it, it would make the rich richer, and wont benefit the poor.
You can make stone arrows at a very low level in carpentry. You can also make the arrowheads at level 0 goldsmithing and the fletchings at level 0 weaving. You can make bone arrows at a fairly low level also. The arrowheads you can make at level 0 bonecrafting, but you will have much better success at level 2 bonecrafting. The fletchings for the bone arrows you can make at level 9 or so weaving. Then, to make iron arrows, you need to be level 25 or so carpentry (I'm not completely sure about this, my carpenter friend told me he could make them at this level - could be earlier). The arrowheads I'm not sure what level you must be to make them, but I know they require iron ingots and smithing. The bird fletchings are also around level 25, I think. Past chocobo fletchings I just had my friend make me the fletchings for my arrows. Also, there are two options for attaining the treasure you get. You can have the leader distribute the items as he sees fit, or you can use the lot system. With this, you cast lots for each item and the highest lot wins. You can also pass on items. This is the system used WAY more often. I've never been in a party where the other system was used. Hardware, you're still going to have to be more specific in asking a question about crafting.
Thank you. The materials needed for crafting can be bought, or must you go out and search for it out in the wild, or both?
I would like more information on alchemist too, im not sure what DAoC is, but i think alchemy would be really cool, but not if you make tonic's and high potions anyway.
Cant you make stuff like invincibility potions?, or extra HP potions?...you know, really awesome stuff.
I still have a question: how do I level up my crafting skill? By crafting a lot? Thanks
I am a DeathKnight who didn't die in battle. I died because I sliped on a banana lip and fell over...