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Class action lawsuit(CAL) are fairly common. They are especially common in "Hi-tech niches" : Computer/Software type products. Often the gamers/technology consumers win. CALs are complex but require very little action from the majority. Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) is located in a state which frequently has ruled in favor of consumers. The responsibility of informing the consumer such a suit exists is that of the company. On my own in under a week I have counted over 1,000 unique individuals with similar complaints. I am 100% confident less than 1% of those effected have been found.
Thousands of CALs are filed annually. CALs which individuals have invested much less than 14.95 reoccurring fees. Often in these CALS individuals have invested less time in the product when compared to MMOs. In my opinion many of these suits are frivolous when compared to the claim being discussed here.
In CAL it is not a matter of what the individual has lost, how small amount or how many are involved. It is the "whole" which is relevant.
Tens of millions of dollars are reclaimed by consumers annually. Sometimes this much is claimed in a single settlement. There are hundreds of attorneys, many with direct experience are readily available:
There is no out of pocket expense or real investment, for the majority as mentioned.
It also is not about the amount which you receive - Get back. The agenda of such suits is not for the individual to make money. Nor is it always to reclaim all lost time or money. I was personally involved in a BMG CAL, I received $2.69. The purpose is 'action' against against the company. Action individuals on their own could not afford to take. But can do something together.
As mentioned in the first paragraph the lawsuit would be based on individuals who have been incorrectly accused of cheating/hacking. People SOE simply throws aside, plays judge & jury with. People who are paying SOE customers and often decade long customers of Sony. People who are left with no course of action, until now.
Essentially a settlement for reoccurring monthly fees and potentially time invested wold be sought. The reoccurring fees is probably more reasonable and well documented by SOE. Losing this suit would force SOE management, technical staff and customer service to reevaluate how they treat their customers. It will also bring into the spotlight their "detection" software and how it works. This will be beneficial not so others can hack or cheat. But it will allow some to see and address where the issues lie in this software or their methodology. It will also assist in immediately correcting them
**The intention of this post is not discussion of how such things would be proven/demonstrated (frivolous/incorrect bans). Nor do I want to discuss if it is legally allowed. As mentioned settlements which have been much more frivolous in my opinion have been won. FOR now lets assume it is possible and reasonable. I desire to obtain interest or comments. Please no trolling. I am sure that I just requested that. Now let the trolling begin!
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