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Did a quick search but couldnt turn up a definitive answer to this.
Will NA and EU players be on the same servers? If not will they be accessible by any player or will the different regions have their own region locked version of the game?
I play with people from both sides of the pond and I am really hoping I get to keep the group together without having to jump through too many hoops.
I just dont see how this could possibly happen. The biggest part of the game is the community and having a server with people so wide spread in timezones would be hard. Not to mention the language barriers.
More than likely it will be like every other MMO.. NA Servers, Euro Servers and possibly Asia Servers.
Lets see your Battle Stations /r/battlestations
Battle Station
FFXI has world servers (NA,EU and Asia players on the same server). There is an ingame tool that helps auto translating somes (if not most) names/skills/items to other languages English/German/Japanes/French depending on the language of your client.
FFXIV also had this server types and the auto translating tool. But they have chosen to build server shards/cluster (what you wanna call it) in NA, EU and Asia but you and your friend can choose in which server you want to play. Considering ping and time was never a problem in FFXI and neither in FFXIV
Listed below is publicly known info:
There are data centers located in different parts of the world to allow players to pick a world server and minimize latency issues.
That said, the in-game duty finder is designed to effectively be "worldless", so you can use it to go to any instance, and team up with any player in the other world servers, as long as you have visited the instance before.
FFXI allowed us to play with Japanese players. It was pretty nice too, they had a great tool for translation so you could communicate about basic in game things. The japanese players also seemed to work better together. I kind of miss that translator tool when playing with people speaking other languages now.
Thank you for the answers people, appreciate it.
They released something relating to this today. Personally I thought it was mentioned on the forums already, but I don't see it on the first page. Therefore I'll just make a link for you all.
I'm wondering which regional server i should be on. Im in the USA, but i have odd hours cause i work 3rd shift. My time is 5pm CST, till 8 am CST. Which server should i choose USA or EU?
From what I read ALL NA and EU servers will be in Montreal. EU players will play on the follow EU servers and NA players will play on NA servers.
Cerberus (EU)
Moogle (EU)
Odin (EU)
Shiva (EU)
NA servers
Wrong, there is one Datacenter in the US for both. Here is the IP: in case you want to test your ping. In Montreal.
PS: Just saw the poster before me say the same.
Hmm... I'm on Gungnir. I used to be in 8 link shells, but 7 of those broke off by the time 1.20 came along. I'm not sure if I should stay there or if I should move to a NA/EU server. I like to choose the most populated server... in this case I wouldn't be surprised if Excalibur or Ragnarok take first place for NA.
You must have never played FFXI. The only servers they had for that were located in Japan. The entire world played on the same servers. You can communicate with anyone from any language via the auto translate function, which was basically a library of a few thousand words and phrases that anyone could begin to type in their native language, tab to pull up a list of phrases that match the typed text so far, and choose the appropriate phrase that most closely matches the typer's intended meaning. Everyone who reads that text will then see it in their own language. It essentially became a unique language and vocabulary in itself that players gradually learned while playing the game.
I actually have fond memories of running with Japanese power leveling parties from 1-6am lol.
The biggest disadvantage, of course, was latency issues. There were very few circumstances where this was really an issue though. There was no PvP (at least when I played), so no disadvantage there. There was enough time to communicate and execute player combos (skill chains involving two weapon skills + a magic burst), so that was never an issue. But when it came to tagging Notorious Monsters in the open world, if you saw someone with an Asian name camping the spot, you might as well just leave. You'd never get it before him.
Excalibur would be your NA legacy server then you want. Ragnarok is an EU server.
*sigh* Montréal is in Québec, Canada. It's not in the US...
The Montreal data center pings at 90 ms from where I live in Idaho.
Montreal's data center also pings 100 ms from England.
It is the ideal location due to the high population nearby, its relative distance from Japan, and the very robust fiber network connecting it with the Americas and Europe.
That said, I have a feeling if the game popularity continues to grow, they would consider adding more data centers near other large concentrations of players.
Using Britain and Idaho as comparison for pings is a bit unfair to EU players. Britain is about as close to Montreal as you can get within Europe, and most of the European players will have their connections routed through there so that their ping is time for signal to travel within Europe plus ping from Britain to Montreal.
EU players can expect nearly 100ms worse pings than NA players.
Montreal is not a bad location for data center if you want to have only one, but EU players will suffer a bit if the game requires quick reactions.
Hey, look at it this way. before this you would have to resort to pinging Japan, and as long as the game prospers, I don't see why europe wouldn't be an ideal 3rd site for future expansions.
128 ms ping from central europe... not great, not bad (for a MMO)