well don't call it free-to-play if you want it to be pay-to-play
>appears to be a subset of MMO gamers who look at Free-to-Play games with a sense of entitlement
maybe they are gamers that think free-to-play means free-to-play
>You aren’t blocked from anything and there aren’t cheeky little restrictions on game features or game design that make you reliant on the cash shop.
maybe you should look at the majority of games that do these things instead of the one that doesn't
> The point in all this is that it takes money to actually create and support these games, especially for a smaller studio like Gazillion
it's a valid point, stop calling them free-to-play perhaps?
> I personally know people who will drop $30 in a single day on two Steam games out of sheer boredom
more free-to-play games
Personally, I don't have any problem with this game or any other F2P game, what I object to is calling games free to play when they are not. I play EVE and have played other games that are either P2P or B2P and I know exactly what I'm getting for my money.
This guy is 100% too.
Why are you using the term "Free to play" ?
Free means free. It's time we labeled these Micro Transaction MMORPG's as free to play is so beyond BS it's almost to the point where one can say "You clearly do not know the definition of the word free".
Just saying if this site wants integrity like it used to have it's time to stop using word that pretty much was COINED here for RO (Back in it's beta days) F2P. Just saying it's time you guys stopped using Free to play. Not time for us customers to stop using that word, we're not the ones making our living on informing gamers.
It's your damned jobs, there is a reason you get paid. You make advertising dollars, and for every dumb ass article you gain 1 impression and lose two future impressions, so whatever it's not my job.
Free is Free. Free means free. There is no other term for free other than "Given freely" It never says fully or partially however that's your jobs to label them now. "Partially free to play" for instance.
Because it is free to play. What it isn't is free to access all the content. See the difference? You can play the game, for free, whenever you want. Its free to play.
This does not mean you get everything in the entire game for free. Otherwise what is the point of them publishing it? Like the article said, it isn't a charity, its just a free trial with micro transactions for things you want to pay for.
I am guessing this is where most of the angst comes from. When people use the word free people get narky at spending any money at all, which is not the point of the model. Generally I spend less in F2P than I do in subscription models, although I would be more inclined to spend money on appearance gear than anything else, and would flat out refuse to pay for a game which required expensive payments at endgame to compete.
Most new F2P games seem to understand this, and are just using the money vs time equation with some appearance fluff.
The problem with F2P monetization is that Companies overdo it.
I too pay from time to time the F2P goes which appeal to me and I know I will be playing for a while, but they do overdo it.
Rare are the companies that do a good monetization
Some games are so limited it feels like a money grab.
So ya it is not a charity, we all know it is a business, which requires money to run. But if people complain then it simply means that the price is NOT right, you went too far.
I agree, they are getting better, but it really would be better if a game actually launched with a good payment model. If a brand new AAA game launched with Aion's or TSW's model it would be a smash hit, by being greedy at the start they throw off potential customers who are unwilling to retry the game.
All these F2P / P2P whatever arguments to me always show why I would much rather play a subscription based game rather than F2P. Much rather have the devs focused on the game rather than what they're going to make to get their money. Problem with most of the P2P games as of late (nearly the last decade) is that they just aren't worth the price. Make better games, charge a sub and you won't have to worry.
Just so. Frankly, I think the F2P devs/companies get the players/communities they deserve. Never played a F2P game worth my time, let alone my money. Not that there has been a P2P released in the last few years worth a damn, either.
This is why free to play always has a horrible community. Freeloaders want to be able to get everything free even cosmetic items. I prefer Buying a game for one time fee $40-60 or pay monthly.
The "freeloader" players don't understand the company worked years to make this game(and any game), they need to pay bills.....
If you don't want to buy the items, then play free and earn them, but stop pretending "its too expensive for me." You never had an intent to spend a dime and you are only jealous other people spend it and you are too cheap to support a game you are playing and getting 10s if not 100s of hours of entertainment from.
And if you don't like the game just don't play it. I am speaking in general not about this particular game. Stop expecting things to be handed to you in life for free, its a sickening attitude in today's gamers.
I think that most players don't really expect F2P to be totally free and the devs eating dirt and living in plastic bags.
But the last game i was subbed to offered me access to all content and virtually unlimited characters for 12,99 per month. Now compare that to an F2P title that takes 12$ for one character that then has no access to bags, bank slots, mounts unless i pay even more and you get why about everyone hates F2P.
Add to that the fact that F2P is for games that fail to get people subbed because they never had any quality aspects in first place -and on top of that have the cheekiness to nickel and dime players tenfold compared to sub games.
I don't mind F2P but some of the prices in their shop are a bit on the greedy side. If you wanted to play Ironman, grab two costumes and get some bank space for crafting material you could easily pay $75. Again, I understand F2P games need to make money but a person should be able to get the game, grab a character and outfit they like and get the bank/inventory space they need for $60 which is what a premium single-player game goes for. The company can then sell boosts and gambling items to keep the cash rolling in.
What do you think Gaz is going to charge for Gambit when they release him? My guess is $20 to $25. That is way too much when you consider the actual content of this game which is light and replayablity is almost nill since you just go through the exact same story.
I got the char I wanted in a starter pack, got a bit of store cash for bank space and once I get though the story I doubt I will ever pick it up again.
"Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game." - SEANMCAD
The other issue I have with f2p titles is if the game company decides they haven't made enough roi(return on investment) they will just add crap to the cash shop and make an effective paywall barring advancement unless X amount of $ is spent I don't like being nickel and dimed I prefer box prices, dlc's and subs.
The user and all related content has been deleted.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
The user and all related content has been deleted.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
MH is a total cash grab game. low polish, Over priced Cash shop. Almost no character Custimization ie Gear effecting your look. Enemys are all the same.
Total Cash Grab.
Buyer Beware - I suggest not playing or spending money on this game.
Better Games on the market move along.
Screw leveling games, give me something with "End game" at the beginning of the game.
The user and all related content has been deleted.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
The user and all related content has been deleted.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
I agree. People tend to see F2P games as something given to them and that it should stay free for ever and everything should be free. I don't mind using real money on an mmorpg that's F2P (I don't play P2P because I never get the money I spend on it out of the game).
If I enjoy a game then sure, I can even spend more than the price of a sub on an F2P mmo. In fact, paying for CS items (for me it's mainly costumes or things that make the grind easier, like pets or sometimes exp scrolls) you show that you support the game and that you enjoy it.
Where else should publishers take their money for the time and effort invested in an F2P mmo if not from CS? Just don't overdo it and don't put stuff like gears in the cash shop or stuff that are too easy to make you overpowered. And if you must place stuff in cash shop that allow you to enhance your gears, don't make people pay hundreds of euros/dollars for it but lower the prices, it attracks more people into buying things and you'll sell more then. Plus make those enhance equipment things also drop in game. Like Blade 9 does. It's a heavy cash shop (and P2W game) but you don't have to buy gems from the cs, they also drop in dungeons.
To recap: Paying for an F2P mmo isn't as bad as people tend to say. These days every F2P mmo is P2W for those who just refuse to spend at least a 10 or 15 dollar a month to get something. People expect also too much instead of just enjoying the game.
sigh what yall don't seem to understand here buisness or not it is unfair to those of us that don't have the money to support these games. we shouldn't have to pay 20 dollars or more to be able to unlock a hero or a character class. those things and services should be free up front. not to mention the fact that from my understanding hero token drops are a mere 0.02% which is a poor drop rate indeed to be able to get the hero token or character for free. some of us in reality outside of the game live at poverty level and have to use their money for bills, groceries and real life necessities that require us to be able to live and survive. we can't be spending our money frivolously on in game items, characters or gear. i don't care if it irks you or not. the reality of it is that particular services a free to play game offers should be free. i mean if someone wants a costume or skin for their character then sure charge real money for it but a character or character class that is not something we should be forced to pay for!
I won a car on a game show but complained to the producers that it wasn't really free. Every time it runs out of gas they refuse to fill it back up for me. Then there is road tax, insurance and maintenance. They don't pay that either.
Or am I whigeing and wining like an entitled brat?
Free To Play. Can you download and play the game FOR FREE. Answer Yes. Therefore it is Free To Play.
This business is unfair? You are joking right? Business is BUSINESS. It's about making money or it wouldn't be called BUSINESS.
No one in their right mind is going to make a game worth playing with set up costs and huge ongoing overheads and make 100% of the game 100% free
Likewise - the idea that people will pay a premium just for cosmetic changes also does not stand up. These games want people to stay and NEEDS SOME OF THEM TO PAY for the medium term. Being offered "a different colored hat" isn't something that many could be bothered to pay for.
Folks this is so basic it's face palming simple. Games HAVE TO MAKE MONEY OR THEY DON'T GET DEVELOPED OR SUPPORTED.
If you can't afford to buy faster leveling, a different character, more inventory space
Can you download and play the game indefinitely?
If you can then it is "Free To Play" - that doesn't mean "Free To Expand" "Free To Level Quicker" "Free Extra Characters" or "Free Larger Inventory"
It means...,"Free To Play".... and it is.
How entitled do some of you whiners feel? LIfe is like that - always has been. Can't afford something TOUGH! YOU DON'T GET TO HAVE IT... SIMPLE
I won a car on a game show but complained to the producers that it wasn't really free. Every time it runs out of gas they refuse to fill it back up for me. Then there is road tax, insurance and maintenance. They don't pay that either.
Or am I whigeing and wining like an entitled brat?
Free To Play. Can you download and play the game FOR FREE. Answer Yes. Therefore it is Free To Play.
This business is unfair? You are joking right? Business is BUSINESS. It's about making money or it wouldn't be called BUSINESS.
No one in their right mind is going to make a game worth playing with set up costs and huge ongoing overheads and make 100% of the game 100% free
Likewise - the idea that people will pay a premium just for cosmetic changes also does not stand up. These games want people to stay and NEEDS SOME OF THEM TO PAY for the medium term. Being offered "a different colored hat" isn't something that many could be bothered to pay for.
Folks this is so basic it's face palming simple. Games HAVE TO MAKE MONEY OR THEY DON'T GET DEVELOPED OR SUPPORTED.
If you can't afford to buy faster leveling, a different character, more inventory space
Can you download and play the game indefinitely?
If you can then it is "Free To Play" - that doesn't mean "Free To Expand" "Free To Level Quicker" "Free Extra Characters" or "Free Larger Inventory"
It means...,"Free To Play".... and it is.
How entitled do some of you whiners feel? LIfe is like that - always has been. Can't afford something TOUGH! YOU DON'T GET TO HAVE IT... SIMPLE
Becouse i dont wanne pork some coins out dont mean i can't afford it matter fact i can easly bring in enough to support game by myself hahaha (ok bit exa here) but for me if game is free2 play i won't spent a dime in cashshop but im also never complaining if i dont have it all then or then go to forums whine about, no SIR im not..
I rather pay 15euro a month and buy the game then pay 1 dime in free two play game.
Free two play is free two play for me i always speak with my wallet that is very powerful tool.
Many free two play fail also becouse guys like me dl and play those games but spent ZERO in cashshops im freeloader:P
DRM/CASHSHOPS/DLC only excists becouse of thieves who steal games from net.
Ive on my shelves at home maybe 100+ games all bought and payed for in gameshops or on steam.
So im not willing to pay for games that have those drm restrictions-cs or dlc.
"blah blah blah if it's not free to play don't call it free to play blah blah blah"
They ARE free to play. Case in point: I'm playing the hell out of Neverwinter. I'm level 22. I'm enjoying the game and haven't dropped one dime, save the percentage of my cable bill that covers the bandwidth I used to download and play.
They're not called "Free to play the whole damned thing, all inclusive, pets, mounts, YOU NAME IT, BABY!" They're called "Free to play". And they are.
I swear, there are times when I feel like a sense of entitlement should be a capital crime.
"You'll never win an argument with an idiot because he is too stupid to recognize his own defeat." ~Anonymous
Originally posted by mordaki987 sigh what yall don't seem to understand here buisness or not it is unfair to those of us that don't have the money to support these games. we shouldn't have to pay 20 dollars or more to be able to unlock a hero or a character class. those things and services should be free up front. not to mention the fact that from my understanding hero token drops are a mere 0.02% which is a poor drop rate indeed to be able to get the hero token or character for free. some of us in reality outside of the game live at poverty level and have to use their money for bills, groceries and real life necessities that require us to be able to live and survive. we can't be spending our money frivolously on in game items, characters or gear. i don't care if it irks you or not. the reality of it is that particular services a free to play game offers should be free. i mean if someone wants a costume or skin for their character then sure charge real money for it but a character or character class that is not something we should be forced to pay for!
Then how could you have ever afforded a $60 box + $15 a month? As the title said, its not a charity. If people dont pay for the game, it doesnt get developed. F2P changes it from upfront fees for content you may never use, to paying for exactly what you want.
Like all f2p titles you need to expect to pay more for the flashier items. As it stands you get the game and your choice of starter hero (Thing, Daredevil, Hawkeye, Storm or Scarlet Witch) to adventure with. Now we all have our favorites and if by playing the game you aren't lucky enough to get the hero drop you love just go with it. Chances are one playthrough is all most casual players will do anyway & by then you've seen it all except for future expansions or special events. I do own the Ultimate Pack and still think the whole D2/Marvel idea is pretty cool concept but I can see how people can get upset when seeing high prices in a cash shop. If you really feel everthing is too expensive vote with your dollars by not buying anything unreasonable then either the company lowers prices or offers better deals in general.
Here's a solution to those of you unhappy with what Marvel Heroes has to offer:
Don't play it.
No, I'm serious. At what point does the divergence of a game's features from what you desire relegate the game into "Not something I'm interested in" territory? Now, I don't have a dog in the proverbial fight, because I have no interest in the game, but I'm interested in the mindset here that demands a game conform to desire.
Would you rail against a tricycle manufacturer if what you really want is a bicycle? Would you stand in front of an Olive Garden protesting because they don't sell tacos? Seriously, if the game doesn't meet your expectations and desires, exercise your free market right to not buy into it.
Anyway, see you guys later... I just found out the Madden series isn't a First Person Shooter, and I've got angry emails to write.
"You'll never win an argument with an idiot because he is too stupid to recognize his own defeat." ~Anonymous
Spot on article, a large part of the online community these days feels a sense of entitlement.
I don't mind paying for a few things if I enjoy the game, and it's a way for the game to generate revenue.
So many of the folks ranting in game do not understand how a business works. They expect new games and content to be given to them free, let someone else pay for their free ride.
It is fun how P2P defenders often complain of freeloaders or that they would pay $30 or $50 per month for games that would give them what they want or special servers but then they bash people that spend more than them in fp2 games and whine because they can't have everything in a f2p game.
What if someone spends $200 in MH and likes it so much they play it for 1 year? That is about the same as people spend in a sub MMORPG.
Sure, f2p games lure people to buy stuff early on, but p2p games also lure people to keep paying.
Currently playing: GW2 Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders
Because it is free to play. What it isn't is free to access all the content. See the difference? You can play the game, for free, whenever you want. Its free to play.
This does not mean you get everything in the entire game for free. Otherwise what is the point of them publishing it? Like the article said, it isn't a charity, its just a free trial with micro transactions for things you want to pay for.
I am guessing this is where most of the angst comes from. When people use the word free people get narky at spending any money at all, which is not the point of the model. Generally I spend less in F2P than I do in subscription models, although I would be more inclined to spend money on appearance gear than anything else, and would flat out refuse to pay for a game which required expensive payments at endgame to compete.
Most new F2P games seem to understand this, and are just using the money vs time equation with some appearance fluff.
I agree, they are getting better, but it really would be better if a game actually launched with a good payment model. If a brand new AAA game launched with Aion's or TSW's model it would be a smash hit, by being greedy at the start they throw off potential customers who are unwilling to retry the game.
This is why free to play always has a horrible community. Freeloaders want to be able to get everything free even cosmetic items. I prefer Buying a game for one time fee $40-60 or pay monthly.
The "freeloader" players don't understand the company worked years to make this game(and any game), they need to pay bills.....
If you don't want to buy the items, then play free and earn them, but stop pretending "its too expensive for me." You never had an intent to spend a dime and you are only jealous other people spend it and you are too cheap to support a game you are playing and getting 10s if not 100s of hours of entertainment from.
And if you don't like the game just don't play it. I am speaking in general not about this particular game. Stop expecting things to be handed to you in life for free, its a sickening attitude in today's gamers.
I think that most players don't really expect F2P to be totally free and the devs eating dirt and living in plastic bags.
But the last game i was subbed to offered me access to all content and virtually unlimited characters for 12,99 per month. Now compare that to an F2P title that takes 12$ for one character that then has no access to bags, bank slots, mounts unless i pay even more and you get why about everyone hates F2P.
Add to that the fact that F2P is for games that fail to get people subbed because they never had any quality aspects in first place -and on top of that have the cheekiness to nickel and dime players tenfold compared to sub games.
I don't mind F2P but some of the prices in their shop are a bit on the greedy side. If you wanted to play Ironman, grab two costumes and get some bank space for crafting material you could easily pay $75. Again, I understand F2P games need to make money but a person should be able to get the game, grab a character and outfit they like and get the bank/inventory space they need for $60 which is what a premium single-player game goes for. The company can then sell boosts and gambling items to keep the cash rolling in.
What do you think Gaz is going to charge for Gambit when they release him? My guess is $20 to $25. That is way too much when you consider the actual content of this game which is light and replayablity is almost nill since you just go through the exact same story.
I got the char I wanted in a starter pack, got a bit of store cash for bank space and once I get though the story I doubt I will ever pick it up again.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
MH is a total cash grab game. low polish, Over priced Cash shop. Almost no character Custimization ie Gear effecting your look. Enemys are all the same.
Total Cash Grab.
Buyer Beware - I suggest not playing or spending money on this game.
Better Games on the market move along.
Screw leveling games, give me something with "End game" at the beginning of the game.
I miss the early days of the Internet when ISP plans were $150/m.
Kept all the freeloaders off the net.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
If they aren't willing to develop a revenue stream that fits their game, then they should get every complaint that comes their way.
Why would they copy LOL's cash shop and think it will work fine for an entirely different game?
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
I agree. People tend to see F2P games as something given to them and that it should stay free for ever and everything should be free. I don't mind using real money on an mmorpg that's F2P (I don't play P2P because I never get the money I spend on it out of the game).
If I enjoy a game then sure, I can even spend more than the price of a sub on an F2P mmo. In fact, paying for CS items (for me it's mainly costumes or things that make the grind easier, like pets or sometimes exp scrolls) you show that you support the game and that you enjoy it.
Where else should publishers take their money for the time and effort invested in an F2P mmo if not from CS? Just don't overdo it and don't put stuff like gears in the cash shop or stuff that are too easy to make you overpowered. And if you must place stuff in cash shop that allow you to enhance your gears, don't make people pay hundreds of euros/dollars for it but lower the prices, it attracks more people into buying things and you'll sell more then. Plus make those enhance equipment things also drop in game. Like Blade 9 does. It's a heavy cash shop (and P2W game) but you don't have to buy gems from the cs, they also drop in dungeons.
To recap: Paying for an F2P mmo isn't as bad as people tend to say. These days every F2P mmo is P2W for those who just refuse to spend at least a 10 or 15 dollar a month to get something. People expect also too much instead of just enjoying the game.
I won a car on a game show but complained to the producers that it wasn't really free. Every time it runs out of gas they refuse to fill it back up for me. Then there is road tax, insurance and maintenance. They don't pay that either.
Or am I whigeing and wining like an entitled brat?
Free To Play. Can you download and play the game FOR FREE. Answer Yes. Therefore it is Free To Play.
This business is unfair? You are joking right? Business is BUSINESS. It's about making money or it wouldn't be called BUSINESS.
No one in their right mind is going to make a game worth playing with set up costs and huge ongoing overheads and make 100% of the game 100% free
Likewise - the idea that people will pay a premium just for cosmetic changes also does not stand up. These games want people to stay and NEEDS SOME OF THEM TO PAY for the medium term. Being offered "a different colored hat" isn't something that many could be bothered to pay for.
Folks this is so basic it's face palming simple. Games HAVE TO MAKE MONEY OR THEY DON'T GET DEVELOPED OR SUPPORTED.
If you can't afford to buy faster leveling, a different character, more inventory space
Can you download and play the game indefinitely?
If you can then it is "Free To Play" - that doesn't mean "Free To Expand" "Free To Level Quicker" "Free Extra Characters" or "Free Larger Inventory"
It means...,"Free To Play".... and it is.
How entitled do some of you whiners feel? LIfe is like that - always has been. Can't afford something TOUGH! YOU DON'T GET TO HAVE IT... SIMPLE
Becouse i dont wanne pork some coins out dont mean i can't afford it matter fact i can easly bring in enough to support game by myself hahaha (ok bit exa here) but for me if game is free2 play i won't spent a dime in cashshop but im also never complaining if i dont have it all then or then go to forums whine about, no SIR im not..
I rather pay 15euro a month and buy the game then pay 1 dime in free two play game.
Free two play is free two play for me i always speak with my wallet that is very powerful tool.
Many free two play fail also becouse guys like me dl and play those games but spent ZERO in cashshops im freeloader:P
DRM/CASHSHOPS/DLC only excists becouse of thieves who steal games from net.
Ive on my shelves at home maybe 100+ games all bought and payed for in gameshops or on steam.
So im not willing to pay for games that have those drm restrictions-cs or dlc.
"blah blah blah if it's not free to play don't call it free to play blah blah blah"
They ARE free to play. Case in point: I'm playing the hell out of Neverwinter. I'm level 22. I'm enjoying the game and haven't dropped one dime, save the percentage of my cable bill that covers the bandwidth I used to download and play.
They're not called "Free to play the whole damned thing, all inclusive, pets, mounts, YOU NAME IT, BABY!" They're called "Free to play". And they are.
I swear, there are times when I feel like a sense of entitlement should be a capital crime.
"You'll never win an argument with an idiot because he is too stupid to recognize his own defeat." ~Anonymous
Then how could you have ever afforded a $60 box + $15 a month? As the title said, its not a charity. If people dont pay for the game, it doesnt get developed. F2P changes it from upfront fees for content you may never use, to paying for exactly what you want.
Here's a solution to those of you unhappy with what Marvel Heroes has to offer:
Don't play it.
No, I'm serious. At what point does the divergence of a game's features from what you desire relegate the game into "Not something I'm interested in" territory? Now, I don't have a dog in the proverbial fight, because I have no interest in the game, but I'm interested in the mindset here that demands a game conform to desire.
Would you rail against a tricycle manufacturer if what you really want is a bicycle? Would you stand in front of an Olive Garden protesting because they don't sell tacos? Seriously, if the game doesn't meet your expectations and desires, exercise your free market right to not buy into it.
Anyway, see you guys later... I just found out the Madden series isn't a First Person Shooter, and I've got angry emails to write.
"You'll never win an argument with an idiot because he is too stupid to recognize his own defeat." ~Anonymous
Spot on article, a large part of the online community these days feels a sense of entitlement.
I don't mind paying for a few things if I enjoy the game, and it's a way for the game to generate revenue.
So many of the folks ranting in game do not understand how a business works. They expect new games and content to be given to them free, let someone else pay for their free ride.
It is easy vote with your wallets.
It is fun how P2P defenders often complain of freeloaders or that they would pay $30 or $50 per month for games that would give them what they want or special servers but then they bash people that spend more than them in fp2 games and whine because they can't have everything in a f2p game.
What if someone spends $200 in MH and likes it so much they play it for 1 year? That is about the same as people spend in a sub MMORPG.
Sure, f2p games lure people to buy stuff early on, but p2p games also lure people to keep paying.
Currently playing: GW2
Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders
Their model is fine.
They give you some starter heroes to play for free and see the game and if you want to play another hero you have to pay.
How many off you payed for the diablo 3 60 bucks and you realised in the end that it was not worthy.
Marvel heroes is a great game and you can play the game with only spending money to buy your favorite hero