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Hi I am steamtank, and I'm a recovering mmo gamer. .... I havent touched an mmo in over 3 months.
I feel this new mmo is going to give me the fix I need, and im finally excited once again!
This seems to be a former vanilla WoW raiders paradise.
I was also a former CoX roleplayers... so again... paradise.
i get my 40 man raiding, rp social circles, and pvp rank. I might have to take early retirement from RL.....
What is really selling me is that I can alt up different classes and paths, giving me new quests in old zones, yay!
And the housing! mmmmmmmmm so much to collect and own... Time to blow all my DKP on raid drop house items... screw healing better =P
GRRRRRR! I'm quietly optimistic for this game, don't make my expectations too high! :-)
RIFT - When you copy WoW you should not copy The Boring (tm)
SWTOR - Threw up in my mouth a little
TSW - I am disappoint.
GW2 - Wake me when the fun starts
D3 - oh the humanity, make it stop
PoE - ummm yeah ok, that is some seriously fugly gfx.
Neverwinter - ROFL just no
Defiance - At least drop more Arkfalls cos there's nothing else to do.
Wildstar - here's hoping...
i was being quietly optimistic. I had waited a few months since really first looking into wildstar to come back and check on the new updates.
Now I am rather excited. I tried SWTOR, GW2, D3, and PoE. (first 2 being mmo's)
i had fun for a little while in each of them. I still log PoE every once and a bit and threw some money at it because it is fun, just ugly =P
i sank time into raiding and enjoyed working my personal reputation on my server into something that garnererd me a lot of people seeking my help and wanting to group with me (in vanilla WoW)
i just loved reading that after getting feedback they are offering a "server only" option when searching for a group. (I shift from the original cross-server only search option)
I am all for server only grouping because I think it builds community more than cross-server does.
Granted I also play only tanks and healers, so groups never tend to be an issue for me. (Though the raid pressure is intense some nights ^_^ )
OMG hated those!
Turns out the same is true in reverse, could it be that your love of DKP was that it served your loot needs well? :-)
I raided with DKP for many years, it wasn't perfect, not even close. I benefited from my regular attendance, so no complaints there. We did need to inject commonsense and generoisty though. To quote Pirates of the Carribean, it was more of a guideline thn an actual rule. :-)
Not at all...actually i was one of the Raid leaders back in the time when "Ulduar" opened in WoW so i attended 90% of the time.... but DKPS caused a lot of frustation to A LOT of our guild members since some newcomers...or some casual players knew in advance they were not going to get any loot (even though they were VERY needed and helpfull in some Raiding sessions).... and that´s not very inspiring when you are raiding hard bosses and you know in advance that is going to be a hard wipping session.... most of those simply gave up.
We ended giving up on Dkps and relying more on "solidarity" "friendship" & "generosity"... I know...BIG words...but it worked for us...since we were lucky enough to be a solid guild. And that decission made us even more solid and close to each other.
Some people have A LOT of free time to spend on a video game...some even spend most of the day at it...but some other people simply can´t... And if Raiding requires a lot of time....DKPs simply kills all expectations & hopes for them.
PS: Srry if my grammar is not perfect...english is not my first language...not even my second :P Hope you get my point anyway
zero sum dkp = nearly flawless loot distribution
our guild would give even those waiting to get in on the raid (you know those nights with 43 ppl online) dkp for being online. Everyone on would get a percentage of the dkp the loot winner had spent. This would cause the winner to fall on the dkp charts and every player online to raise.
I cant think of a single argument my guild had over loot following the system.
we had a page on the website with updated charts weekly. everyone knew who they were ahead of and who they were behind. You knew if you got an item you wanted it would be a few kills until you were up to contend for an item again.
ive also played in very casual guilds where we just handed stuff out to who needed it, but its harder to be fair.
im crossing my fingers wildstar will have a 3rd tank option... since my current preferred race cant be a warrior and a stalker tank most likely isnt my playstyle. If not Ill roll heals ^_^
We used to do that too.... our main Tanks & healers had priority over anyone else....but that´s for the sake of progressing... Then we found out some day our Dps were not doing enough dmg and bosses got we changed loot priorities again
I remember it was not a happy day for our Clerics XD
I like a lot of things Wildstar is doing but i never take pvp serious in rpg's ,it is just so poorly done.
Not sure why ALT'ing would make you excited,imo alt playing is a poor game design,i much prefer a sub class system.Simple reason is that alt'ing makes you toss all your hard work from your other player on the shelf.I prefer to make a more versatile player and not toss him aside for an alt.
IMo Wildstar has a solid game design and good content but the make or break will be their decision to go cheap on graphics.There are games from 15 years ago giving graphics more love than this former Blizzard staff and i think that alone is the reason,Blizzard was and still is famous for low end graphics.
I consider it very important because i do not accept a lot of corner cutting on content,so i don't like to cut them slack for cutting corners on graphics.Of course i am NOT talking about art style,i am talking about really bad graphics.I think of it like going to buy a car with a really bad paint job,not many would accept that,just likem i don't accept it in gaming.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Zero Sum DKP is definitely one of the best loot systems out there. I wouldn't say nearly flawless, it has a lot of flaws that may not be immediately obvious. We plan to use a heavily modified Zero-Sum DKP system (unless a better system is proposed) in our Wildstar chapter too.
For those unfamiliar with Zero Sum DKP it is a DKP system where whenever someone buys an item with DKP their DKP spent is split amongst raid members who participated in the kill evenly and added to their DKP values while the DKP is of course subtracted from the member who bought the item. The total sum of all DKP amongst the guild is zero as a result. It helps combat inflation and keeps loot relatively balanced for participation. With modifications and good rules in place it can be one of the fairest systems possible. For instance one of it's faults is it doesn't appropriately award time spent on a raid compared to say EPGP which is a system that pretty much focuses on that. It's possible to make a Zero-Sum DKP system that does this, but it's hard to make it work. It has a few other flaws, but I'm not going to go into a long post with details of them.
the actual animations are smooth
the graphics are an updated WoW style, but it isnt a cut corner, it just allows for a certain feel and increased performance on various machines.
seriously, watch the actual animation cycles. the content isnt being cut, a visual choice was made that will help more people access the game.
Cant wait to get into this game. I love that housing is going to be a big part of the game. About time someone realized that people love to collect their bling and more importantly .. they want to show it off and brag about it. Last game that had housing that I liked was SWG. The housing in Lotro just didnt do it for me.. honestly the lotro housing pissed me off more than anything.. but that is just my opinion of course.
i know we had an "invisible" member that took dkp hits when new content was released to keep morale up on learning the encounters. The guild was very good at recruiting non drama premadonas. Everryone knew that if you didnt show up to learn the fight you were very low priority on the invite during raid formation. Our few casual filler members were fine with this, they raided when they wanted, and usually we had a few spots they could slip into weekly. Our core was solid, a full week of wipes just pushed us to farm harder and learn new strategies.
i REALLY hope wildstar doesnt have a PTR server for raid content..... it ruins all the mystery. Im fine with some imbalance that needs to be tweaked, but knowing guilds are on PTR taking out the raid content that wont be released for 2 months is.... bleh.
we would laugh as our MT and core healers lost months of DKP on new content (i was a core healer) we wouldnt see a dps item until farm status, but i didnt play with douches... no one would dkp poach the maintank... all that dude did was bite the bullet for us every day. Of course he also ran our flag in pvp.... because he was unkillable ^_^
Not a big fan of instanced housing, feels like going into a closet that you design to me. I liked UO/SWG housing, and I am good with area rules, like Vanguard, having plots in housing areas spread out, so you do not clutter everywhere.
Other than that, the game seems like a solid rehash of current mmo offerings.
Yeah, I have a lot of experience with DKP systems and handled setting up all the rules for our new system. We use a bit of a different approach to handle new content. We earn attendance points (sort of like effort points in EGDP) that accumulate till new content is down. These attendance points aren't actually ever spent, but are added to DKP to calculate who gets loot priority only. They decay over time instead, eventually resetting to zero. The idea is that members who help down new content are incentivized by consistently getting a temporary advantage over members who were inactive during new content to promote effort in downing new content, and the advantage is especially present when the a boss is first downed after a long period of time spent learning the encounter.