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Hello fellow online gamers.
Hello everybody! I'm new to this site, this is my 1st post. I have just been having a look around the forums, and like what i see. Currently i have been deeply engrossed in WoW, and loving every minute, as a result i'll probably spend most of my time in the WoW section of the forums.
My first post is really about asking members of this forum to participate in my Online Gaming Survey, I'm looking for like minded online gamers to help me collect information for my final year project, i'm conducting a research paper on gaming habits, with particular focus on what makes a good online game, this includes aspects such as game design, interaction, social aspects and various other key elements of online gaming. The survey will only take around 10 minutes of your time and would help me immensely. Plus its a good excuse to take ten minutes away from your work.;)
Your participation in this survey would be much appreciated. The results will be published after Christmas on a dedicated website; i will post the link on the MMORPG forums closer to the time.
Please however do bare in mind the questions are aimed at online gaming in general, not just MMORPG's, it does not cover Online gambling, or Flash/Shockwave type games.
Here's the link.
I have completed the Survey and I hope it helps
"The True North Strong and Free"
"Faith Manages"
I took it.
Hope it helps!
Took it.
Also let me suggest a change if you can edit. On question 10. you ask:
Which of the following methods (if any) do you use to communicate with other players outside of the game environment? (Tick those that apply)
IM (Instant Messenger)
Message Board
I suggest you replace either Message Board or Forums, since they are pretty much the same thing, with Voice Chat (Ventrilo or Teamspeak).
hey, completed ur survey, hope it helps.
Thanks for all the help guys, please keep them coming in, the more people take the survey the more valid the results, as is the case with all surveys.
Took the survey and hope it helps. More acedemic analysis of On-Line gaming will produce better on-line games in the future.
-- Xix
"I know what you're thinking: 'Why, oh WHY, didn't I take the BLUE pill?'"
I took it, I'm interested to see how it turns out