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I have friends that were telling me for years about how awesome Final Fantasy XI was. I decided I wanted to jump in on the new game, Final Fantasy XIV, right at launch. I had never been more disappointed with a game. I tried playing for a few days, decided that it was BS and quit. Square Enix and Final Fantasy franchise could rot in hell for all I care.
Fast forward to last weekend.
I logged in and saw the usual beautiful graphics. "Okay game," I said to myself, "Let's see what you got."
After about an hour plus of cut scene after cut scene with copious amounts of dialog, I finally got out in the world and started fighting. I had chosen Thaumaturg for a class and it was slow as heck. I pushed through a few levels. My guildmates have played the previous betas and absolutely LOVE this game, so I must be missing something.
I learn a few new actions and keep doing 'kill 10 rats quests.' I find that I'm looking at the map a lot and trying to figure out where I need to go. I have a little popup window for quest items that I have to choose to hand in to NPCs. It made me pause for a second and reread the quest to make sure I'm turning in the right thing.
My guildmates told me about this level 15 quest I was coming up on and that for a Thaumaturg it might be difficult. One suggested that I go to another town and learn Conjurer to help out. So I set off on my own adventure to learn Conjurer. Another guildmate (when I was in Central Shroud I think the name was) asked if he could come along. I agreed and waited for him. While I was waiting at a bridge I saw players running around, night turn to day and storm clouds moved in the area. The whole thing had me pulled in as I started exploring a little. I saw, but couldn't reach a giant statue surrounded by a crumbling structure embedded in the cliff in the horizon. My concentration broke for a second as my friend had caught up to me. Together we ran across the zone and towards Gridania. We pushed pass some high levels, hit a small village and rented a Chocobo for the rest of the ride into the city.
I talked to the Conjurer Guildmaster to learn that class. Switching my weapons to change from a level 15 Thaumaturg to a level 1 Conjurer, I began to level my new class. I had forgotten to save my Thaumaturg Gear Setup, but quickly remembered to do so in the future.
After hitting level 8 on Conjurer, I teleported back to my level 15 quest. I found a huge line of people there at the quest objective. Apparently there was a bug when more than one person tried to click on it, so people were taking turns. I made sure I was set. I had my new cure spell and protect for my Thaumaturgy build, thanks to the Conjurer leveling and I had healing potions just in case. I forgot antidotes though. Luckily an entrepreneurial player was selling them while we waited in line.
I did my quest. It was challenging and it was probably a good thing that I went and learned the Conjurer. It helped a lot. The antidote was quite handy as well. The game by being a little difficult forced me to have this tiny adventure I'm recalling to you now. Nothing beyond amazing, but certainly something you don't get in many MMOs today. If any.
I Love A Realm Reborn.
People whom bought the first version of the game don't have to buy it again. Very smart of them. I wouldn't of bought the game again, especially without seeing what they've done with the game. They made good on their promise in my eyes.
Challenge is good, today MMORPG are nobrain spamfest actionrpg.
Prepare your battle, buy useables, tune up your gear, and try it.. u cant? then improve gear with Materia, search for better gear, ask for advices, etc... This is a MMORPG, not these things u see out there today.
It's a good write up of what you like about it, but at the same time kind've gives a bad impression to those who only read titles (be it on the front page or in the dedicated forum). Might be best to add "; I love A Realm Reborn" in that context. This is especially true since it is a long post.
I feel ya. But honestly, those people whom can't be bothered to scratch the surface of a post to find its contents are the same people I feel that will hate A Realm Reborn anyways.
Great read.
I love those type of self-imposed adventures.
I am glad you have found a game you enjoy. I hope to try it out someday myself.
There were many moments of ... "OMG where is the gear I just got!?!? FFFF THIS GAME... Oh! there is a different inventory just for gear. Cool! " and other like it.
I've been trolled, kudos to you.
Not to derail your thread too much, but speaking of that 15 quest. I know exactly which you are speaking of but I have yet to do it. As a gladiator would you recommend me getting some conjurer spells as well?
Pots and antidotes and you should be fine.
You are a tank sir. You will strip butt ass nekkid and charge into that damn thing. Such is the way of the tank.
but seriously im Glad too, bring an antidote.
The Deep Web is sca-ry.
Any graphical, audio, or gameplay restrictions not seen in other mmos but found in FFXIV can be blamed on one thing.
You're the person that couldn't be bothered to scratch the surface of a game. You barely played the original FFXIV and wrote it off as being something crappy.
Aye many people where extremely sceptical if they could turn the tide.
I never played XIV but i heared the story's and readed revieuws.
Naoki Yoshida deserves much respect for what he pulled off on this one.
Good read OP
If you knew anything about the game.. you'll know you won't have that many 50s in that amount of time.....
I'll just leave it at that.
If I could do it in 1.0 which was way more a grind I can do it in 2.0
Any graphical, audio, or gameplay restrictions not seen in other mmos but found in FFXIV can be blamed on one thing.
You could also dual-box PL in 1.0
Big whoop