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Dragon Bash Achievement Run Pt.II
It's a double post I know. But I'll say this off the bat I love this patch. The addition of new traits and build potential alone. Gives me hope for the build balance in the game. Hopefully the new dungeon is a worthy addition. Even if it's temp for a few weeks , please let that be a good few weeks. Some pretty good words were used in the description for it. But we will see how much "skill" is involved
Also we're getting a new scavenger hunt. This is fluff but a good kind of fluff. The key to this content for me is the trait and build upgrades. We really needed a boost to this. I'm a build guy I made some really popular builds. And everyone asked me why did I stop? Well I'm not the kind of person to make uncalled for things. Any building on what I made would have been fluff videos. Now We may all be able to get out there and rethink relearn. Just plain have some fun fighting again.
Dragon Bash Part 2
This is the other half of the achievements for dragon bash. Hurry and try to get done all you can to get those wings. Time is running out on you. You have 5 days left so hop to it. You will basically get to See the final Storyline for the event as well
Dragon Effigies
Dragon Pinata
Ceremony and Acrimony.
Hard Boiled
Every Piece Matters
No More Secrets
Case Closed
Also as you will see I have my wings now. If you have done everything I have up to this point you should be sporting them around as well.
Good Luck and happy hunting.
Come on now one thing at a time grass hopper.
You can't just gut and redo something that big. You may see something like that maybe 3-4 months from now.
Then why reply? That's not even relevant to the topic of this discussion.
As to the topic..
This new Sky Pirates update seems really nice. I'm still not a fan of the temporary content though, but at least they are adding some permanent stuff lately. It will be interesting to see how they tweak the trait system too. The only thing i dislike about it, is that we can't save our builds.
I hope they don't completely gut and redesign it. A lot of us are having an absolute blast in there. Albeit slowly, they're constantly refining and adding things to improve it overall. The trait and skill redesign SS mentions will be an interesting change, I'm looking forwards to testing out Torment with my mesmer. Mortar mastery... that makes me oddly giddy. I'm really good on a mortar.
Oderint, dum metuant.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Southsun says "Hi". The point of the living story is that it's a constantly evolving, changing story that's going on in the world. Things happen, then they're done. One thing you're not getting with this is stale, overused content that sits around unused anymore as new stuff comes along. If the Super Adventure Box was still open it would be nearly vacant now because people would have moved on to new things but instead it's something people are looking forwards to seeing come back with its new level as well. Remember, they're adding stuff every few weeks or so. Without retiring things you'd have so much clutter in the game that it would start to get messy.
Oderint, dum metuant.
Play the game and enjoy the new content every month or play the forums and cry
I love WvW right now. I like finding random battles or a person. At that point you have no excuses win or back to the respawn point. A lot of people don't like the zerg trains big time.
The thing is about that is people will always do that. Any game you con congregate and run along with people. You're going to see zerg trains. I'm not sure if any design can stop that mentality or method of play.
As far as the content. As long as it's a move forward every patch I'm content. I just don't like those patches where the headliner is shop content. I think that's bad form in the gaming community. We will buy from the shops, but patches shouldn't be about shop items.
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Well we have 4 days until "Glee" or "Rage". I'm calling both because you can never keep everyone happy. I am interested in how much the balance is changed between classes. Main reason for my interest is the lack of open testing. Arena net uses a focus group. Which mainly consists of fan boys and friends.
Problem with that is you need critics and haters. Because the focus group isn't going to tell the truth. They're afraid of losing the job, which means things come out broken content wise a lot.
Is the dungeon permanant?
Or more go in for 3 weeks, and it's done?
Because fractals need a refresh I can't bear another swamp run....yuck
Typical new generation attitude just ignore, who cares what they say.
Seems very well done dungeon and alot fun to do.
I agree. I'm enjoying WvW a lot. It still needs work, but they've done a lot so far and will continue to work to improve it.
As to Sky Pirates. Not sure. I hate having 5 man dungeons as a requirement for a monthly event and it seems like in this case, the dungeon will be the featured content. I'm extremely happy that they are finally going to sell new armor skins on the gem store, but I'm sad that I'm not really sure how much I like them. (I like the Heavy armor a lot, but am very happy with the look of my War and Guardian. I desperately want to buy good light and medium skins, but both in this update have several features that, for me, ruin the look).
Most people have already given up on the holo projectors, with the odds of getting s weapon skin ticket 1 in 2,000, so I'm not sure how many people will bother doing them with added Aetherblade Pirates around the spawns.
The class re-balance could be a big deal. I'm optimistic, but we'll have to see how the meta changes as a result.
I'm trying to be hopeful for the update, but I'm expecting a dud so that anything more will seem a pleasant surprise.
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Living content bro. Get the concept into your head.
Living world never is the same, is it? That is the point - blink and you miss it. Many have complained there is not a living world, well, A.Net is trying. They may not be totally succeeding but they are trying. It doesn't take houses, etc. to make a world living, after all earth was living before all us Humans were on it. That is part of a living world - 17 year cicadas coming out this year and won't see them for another 17 years.
I swear people never really are ever happy on this forum.
Well, yes, that's kind of the point. Instead of hoarding players into running the same content over and over for months until pretty much everyone hates every second of it, you let them play with it for a month (actually two weeks now), then give them something new.
By god, it better be Wenches!
Well they did give us Holo Strippers in the new instance lol.....
"Sky Pirates of Tyria"
Am I the only one who has major flashbacks to the 1970's hit "Afternoon Delight" (Skyrockets in Flight)? I find I cannot read about this without the song going through my head! And to curse you all, here is a video!
- Al
Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.- FARGIN_WAR