I have no problem with pvp, full loot or not. I have really enjoyed open world pvp in a few games it really brings a sense of involvement and danger. What I don't like is gankers camping noobie zones and self said gamers who get all defensive and angry if a game isn't going to include that mechanic. They are like bullys at school who keep kicking footballs into other kids faces and then can't understand when nobody wants to play with them. Total dicks. Also though it isn't relevant to this conversation so much. I hate duel spammers. Can't stress how much.
It can fixed to the point that it rarely if ever happens to those who do not want to take part for w/e reason. This can be done with one world w/o pvp/pve areas and safe zones/nonsafe zones. This is a discussion for another thread though.
sorry but then you appearently either dont read your own thread or simply dismissing any post that contradict this, because from what i had read in this thread, most frequent reason is some form of "i dont want others to dictate/pick my gameplay for me"
Exactly. People don't need a "reason" to not like PvP. They can just not like it. It's like when you dislike a person and don't have a reason. You just dislike them.
Exactly. No different from the fact that some dislike Jane Austin novels, and some love them.
Poorly written, no plot, poor characterization, metaphors without any subtlety, only marginally better than Mills and Boon. For some reason she is given acclaim purely because she is an early example of a successful female author. Her writing certainly has little merit.
I feel almost as strongly about non-consensual pvp.
Exactly. People don't need a "reason" to not like PvP. They can just not like it. It's like when you dislike a person and don't have a reason. You just dislike them.
Exactly. No different from the fact that some dislike Jane Austin novels, and some love them.
Poorly written, no plot, poor characterization, metaphors without any subtlety, only marginally better than Mills and Boon. For some reason she is given acclaim purely because she is an early example of a successful female author. Her writing certainly has little merit.
I feel almost as strongly about non-consensual pvp.
Another victom of non-consensual Jane Austin, I'm guessing school. Are you sure your not afraid? to much adrenalin? or make you think bad thoughts?
I found this thread late and only had time to read through the first 8 pages or so before I have to head out to work, so if this has been mentioned already, just consider it a "me too" post.
I don't hate PvP. I hate what PvP'ers have turned MMOs into, and it boils down to one thing: Lack of roleplay (and I'm not talking about the "LOL! I roleplay a psychopathic KILLA!!!" kind).
Roleplaying gives context to your actions. PVP without roleplay is just deathmatch. Killing just because. Sadly, this is the status quo.
"You'll never win an argument with an idiot because he is too stupid to recognize his own defeat." ~Anonymous
Exactly. People don't need a "reason" to not like PvP. They can just not like it. It's like when you dislike a person and don't have a reason. You just dislike them.
Exactly. No different from the fact that some dislike Jane Austin novels, and some love them.
Poorly written, no plot, poor characterization, metaphors without any subtlety, only marginally better than Mills and Boon. For some reason she is given acclaim purely because she is an early example of a successful female author. Her writing certainly has little merit.
I feel almost as strongly about non-consensual pvp.
and i am sure while you are entitled to your opinion, you are not changing minds of Ms Austin's fans (note that i am NOT one of them).
The point being people like different things, and no explanation is needed.
I think its a bit wrong to put all mmo's in one category when asking this question.
For me its all about the depth of the game. Is it a rather "shallow" game where the main focus is combat and gear grind with a little bit of, more or less, useless crafting. Then i think forced pvp is ok, not a problem. Its what the game is all about.
If you have a deeper game where ex. crafting skills will have an impact on the combat skills you can have (SWG pre CU kinda thing) Well then i hate the forced PVP. Why? Because i love beeing a crafter. Beeing a crafter makes you an easy target for people playing combat roles.
I know some people will say "Why dont you just hire protection?" Most people dont want to do protection work. If you think its hard to get a group for a specific quest og instance? Well, its way harder to get people to do protection runs.
And with no punishment for killing non combat people, then people like me are "free for all". So either there should be the active choice to join open world pvp or there should be a punishment system for beeing an agressor towards much weaker chars.
For me its all about the depth of the game. Is it a rather "shallow" game where the main focus is combat and gear grind with a little bit of, more or less, useless crafting. Then i think forced pvp is ok, not a problem. Its what the game is all about.
It is not shadow if the combat mechanics is deep and interesting.
Is chess shadow? It is nothing but capture mechanics in a one-on-one pvp (or pve if you play against the computer). You don't need crafting to have a deep game.
For me its all about the depth of the game. Is it a rather "shallow" game where the main focus is combat and gear grind with a little bit of, more or less, useless crafting. Then i think forced pvp is ok, not a problem. Its what the game is all about.
It is not shadow if the combat mechanics is deep and interesting.
Is chess shadow? It is nothing but capture mechanics in a one-on-one pvp (or pve if you play against the computer). You don't need crafting to have a deep game.
Thats why i wrote "shallow". I know combat can be well developed and deep. But that is still just one element of what I consider a true mmorpg. Having one deep feature is still not enough to make a deep mmorpg for me. (im talking about mmorpg's here, not all games)
Originally posted by free2play Nobody hates PvP. People don't like forced PvP. It's a shoddy way to throttle weak PvE content. Having to stop and entertain some jughead when all you logged in to do was chop some trees or farm some hides.
How can it be forced PvP when you bought the game voluntarily?
This thread isn't about any particular game, it's about why people hate PvP in general. I agree, most people who hate PvP would never buy a PvP-centric game.
If you are of the mindset that once is too many, or that any amount of time is too much, then we are at an impasse. We will have to agree to disagree.
I'm of the mindset that once is too many. There should never, ever, ever be a time when one player can force their views or interests on another player and it doesn't even have to be PvP combat. If, in SWG, people were forced, against their will, to sing and dance in cantinas once a night, that would be wholly unacceptable. It's one thing to have things imposed upon you by the game itself, but for people in the games to look at them as their own private shooting galleries, where they can co-opt other players, against their will, for their own fun, that's asinine.
You have no right to impose your wishes, desires or entertainment on anyone but yourself.
My experience with most Open-world PVP in most MMOs that have it tells me it sucks. For most people who Gank, its some means to compensate for real-life inadequacy...no thanks.
The real problem I have with Open-World PVP is that there aren't enough consequences for immoral behavior. In the real world, killers are few are far between...they have to live underground and avoid being recognized. Killing someone is a VERY big deal and there are a crap-load of consequences for doing so.
UO for me is was the one exception. Back in Ultima Online, I remember PvP did have consequences...being red meant you couldn't go into town..the guards would kill you on sight. So being a PK'er meant you have to forgo civilization.
I'd be all for open-world PvP if it meant that those who engaged in the practice had to really live the life of a fugitive. NPC posse's would randomly patrol the woods looking for Reds...towns would be off-limits. Getting caught would lead to jail time and loss of XP and lvl's (skill atrophy).
Cuz right now, there is absolutely nothing to dissuade senor dickhead from corpse camping my lvl 1 ass until i've had enough and log out.
Even-level PvP arenas and such are fine and a lot of fun...plus they are entirely voluntary. The ones would love PvP and hate arenas strike me as players who hate a fair fight. Meaning they are only good when the odds are heavily in their favor.
/2 cents
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone www.spankybus.com -3d Artist & Compositor -Writer -Professional Amature
It can fixed to the point that it rarely if ever happens to those who do not want to take part for w/e reason. This can be done with one world w/o pvp/pve areas and safe zones/nonsafe zones. This is a discussion for another thread though.
But that's just absurd. I don't want to be involved in PvP "rarely", I want to *NEVER* be involved in PvP, the same way I don't ever want to engage in raiding. I shouldn't have to. If you want to PvP, go ahead, I just want the option to opt entirely out of it, I don't want to be attacked, molested, abused or insulted because I choose not so swing my dick around in a game.
Why is that so hard for you to get through your head? This isn't up for agreeing or disagreeing, this isn't up for debate, this is how it is.
Exactly. People don't need a "reason" to not like PvP. They can just not like it. It's like when you dislike a person and don't have a reason. You just dislike them.
Exactly. No different from the fact that some dislike Jane Austin novels, and some love them.
Poorly written, no plot, poor characterization, metaphors without any subtlety, only marginally better than Mills and Boon. For some reason she is given acclaim purely because she is an early example of a successful female author. Her writing certainly has little merit.
I feel almost as strongly about non-consensual pvp.
and i am sure while you are entitled to your opinion, you are not changing minds of Ms Austin's fans (note that i am NOT one of them).
The point being people like different things, and no explanation is needed.
My problem with Jane Austin is she basically kept writing the same book till she got it right story wise with Pride and Prejudice,her writing style is another story.
But yes I agree with the point and tried making it before but it will fall on deaf ears again.
My problem with Jane Austin is she basically kept writing the same book till she got it right story wise with Pride and Prejudice,her writing style is another story.
But yes I agree with the point and tried making it before but it will fall on deaf ears again.
Yes it will, I don't understand why PvPers seem to think that people who don't want to engage in their gameplay have to justify themselves before they think they can impose it upon us against our will.
We don't want to play their stupid shit. Leave us alone. It's not that hard for normal people to understand.
My problem with Jane Austin is she basically kept writing the same book till she got it right story wise with Pride and Prejudice,her writing style is another story.
But yes I agree with the point and tried making it before but it will fall on deaf ears again.
Yes it will, I don't understand why PvPers seem to think that people who don't want to engage in their gameplay have to justify themselves before they think they can impose it upon us against our will.
We don't want to play their stupid shit. Leave us alone. It's not that hard for normal people to understand.
Originally posted by bcbully As I have said earlier. There has never been an mmorpg that has forced you to pvp, and no player has ever been forced to pvp. You have always had choice.
I just do not understand this. If an MMO has Open World PvP, in order to play said MMO one needs to log in.
Darkfall sounds like it may have some interesting features in it. In order to play, I HAVE to PvP, right? Otherwise, no playing DF for me. There is so much more to many MMOs besides PvP that when wanting to play a game for those other reasons is dictated by PvP, it is forced PvP.
I could play EQ or WoW without "having to PvP." I cannot in Darkfall or Mortal Online.
When the choice is PvP or don't play, it is "forced" PvP. In many cases, it is "forcing me" to not play, forgoing all the other features it may offer that I may actually enjoy. Isn't that the very definition of forced PvP - PvP or don't play.
PS: I have found that it is a rare PvP player that actually "looks for a challenge" from human players. Why are they not attacking players higher level, groups of other players, or players better equipped than them to truly "challenge" their skills and overcome these odds they espouse to want? Most of the time, I see PvP players NOT attack unless they have a definite advantage. Where is the "challenge" they are supposedly seeking in that?
- Al
Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse. - FARGIN_WAR
I started MMORPGs with UO when your corpse could be looted for everything !!! except newbie stuff by PKers. That was real non consensual PvP. Today it is just a bunch of wimps ambushing recreational gamers for some juvenile thrills ... like pulling wings off a fly. Let the PvP crowd have their own zone where they can be looted if they lose and let them then try to pluck the wings off a dragon.
Originally posted by bcbully It can fixed to the point that it rarely if ever happens to those who do not want to take part for w/e reason. This can be done with one world w/o pvp/pve areas and safe zones/nonsafe zones. This is a discussion for another thread though.
There's nothing to fix...
Ah, but there is... Players who do not like PvP need to be "fixed."
- Al
Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse. - FARGIN_WAR
It's not like you die IRL. It's a game sometimes you win sometimes you lose. Is it because -
You lose a lot?
You can't get better?
It's scary?
To much adrenalin?
It makes you angry?
PvP'rs are mean?
Outside of "I just don't like it" which is not an explanation, this is what I ask myself when I hear someone say "I wish there was no pvp"
I mean to me PVP is the pinnacle off multiplayer gaming. You test your skills against mine. We use what we found in the world and see if it works.
Why, please tell me. Maybe developers have done studies and stuff, but I haven't, I really don't get it.
Update - Top reasons
Lack of time
Mean player/ Nasty attitudes
Not a competitive person
OBSERVATION - Every scenario given by those against PvP involves being the person that gets killed. Check it out for yourself.
There's some really good stuff in here Thank you to those who are giving their time.
edit- they red text is not meant to demean. It's an observation, a true observation. If we reach the heart of the problem maybe it can be fixed. I made the observation text smaller and changed it back to white from red, for sake of civility.
Underlying Issue -The main cause of resentment seems to be bad game designs, with no risk of punishment for the griefer. In the scenarios given people are getting killed/camped with no recourse, and the camper has no fear of punishment. Who would want that? Come on devs you can do better!
Well I am a competitive person in real life, also I am a competitive person in multiplayers FPS/RTS games.
MMORPG's however should never ever force one playstyle upon it's players. To me that's just lazy and bad design, they take out the world and place you into a smaller area similar to that of normal multiplayer games.
I don't really mind PVP in MMORPG's aslong it's by player choice. I do like the thrill of it, had some great times in SWG and Fallen Earth in PVP.
But in MMORPG's I mostly love PVE and being social when possible. I also can be competitive with crafting/harvesting/sell/buy as a crafter/trader. You see I look for things in a MMORPG I often can not find in other genre of games.
I believe PVP has its place in certain games. Some games I play to be competitive and get my adrenaline pumping, other games I play to kick back, relax, and enjoy.
To name a few, here's some games where I enjoyed (or still enjoy) PVP: Counter Strike (1.6/Source), DOD (1.6/Source), PlanetSide (1 & 2), Battlefield (2 & 2142), MechWarrior (old games and new), GW2 (WvWvW), WAR (Scenarios and RvR lakes), EVE (exploration).
That doesn't cover the entirety of the games where I enjoy PVP, but those are the ones which stick out for me. You'll notice the majority of those games are First Person Shooters. PlanetSide being the only MMOFPS. EVE, GW2 and WAR are the only MMORPGs.
I have played my fair share of competitive multiplayer games. Almost all of my free time (and disposable income) goes to PC gaming, because it's a hobby that I have thoroughly enjoyed for most of my life. Whether or not I am participating in PVP is really dependent on which game I'm playing, and in what situation I find myself.
Games with heavy emphasis on PVE and story typically have the worst PVP. These types of games (SWTOR, WOW, RIFT) I avoid the PVP as a rule.
I will partake in PVP if it's polished, fun and/or beneficial to the progression of my character or my allies (guild/faction/group/friends). I don't PVP for cheap thrills, griefing, or for the sake of being an "evil character." Sometimes I need a change of pace from the PVE grind, so I'll partake in some form of consensual PVP.
Another factor in my decision to participate in PVP is how well I understand the game's mechanics. Some games are easy to pick up and go (Counter Strike). Other games require much more time and dedication (EVE). I am more likely to participate in PVP if I understand the mechanics. In games such as EVE, I will avoid PVP until I am comfortable or confident in my ability to defend myself.
"Why do I hate PVP?" I don't. But I will avoid PVP in some games and some circumstances.
Primary reason I would probably tire quickly of a PvP server (of a PvE game) is hackers. Take any top guild of any server and odds are good that several of its members are hacking.
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon. In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
sorry but then you appearently either dont read your own thread or simply dismissing any post that contradict this, because from what i had read in this thread, most frequent reason is some form of "i dont want others to dictate/pick my gameplay for me"
Poorly written, no plot, poor characterization, metaphors without any subtlety, only marginally better than Mills and Boon. For some reason she is given acclaim purely because she is an early example of a successful female author. Her writing certainly has little merit.
I feel almost as strongly about non-consensual pvp.
Another victom of non-consensual Jane Austin, I'm guessing school. Are you sure your not afraid? to much adrenalin? or make you think bad thoughts?
I found this thread late and only had time to read through the first 8 pages or so before I have to head out to work, so if this has been mentioned already, just consider it a "me too" post.
I don't hate PvP. I hate what PvP'ers have turned MMOs into, and it boils down to one thing: Lack of roleplay (and I'm not talking about the "LOL! I roleplay a psychopathic KILLA!!!" kind).
Roleplaying gives context to your actions. PVP without roleplay is just deathmatch. Killing just because. Sadly, this is the status quo.
"You'll never win an argument with an idiot because he is too stupid to recognize his own defeat." ~Anonymous
war brings new life and destroys those that are weak, praise be to the war god!
and i am sure while you are entitled to your opinion, you are not changing minds of Ms Austin's fans (note that i am NOT one of them).
The point being people like different things, and no explanation is needed.
I think its a bit wrong to put all mmo's in one category when asking this question.
For me its all about the depth of the game. Is it a rather "shallow" game where the main focus is combat and gear grind with a little bit of, more or less, useless crafting. Then i think forced pvp is ok, not a problem. Its what the game is all about.
If you have a deeper game where ex. crafting skills will have an impact on the combat skills you can have (SWG pre CU kinda thing) Well then i hate the forced PVP. Why? Because i love beeing a crafter. Beeing a crafter makes you an easy target for people playing combat roles.
I know some people will say "Why dont you just hire protection?" Most people dont want to do protection work. If you think its hard to get a group for a specific quest og instance? Well, its way harder to get people to do protection runs.
And with no punishment for killing non combat people, then people like me are "free for all". So either there should be the active choice to join open world pvp or there should be a punishment system for beeing an agressor towards much weaker chars.
Just my thoughts on the subject..
It is not shadow if the combat mechanics is deep and interesting.
Is chess shadow? It is nothing but capture mechanics in a one-on-one pvp (or pve if you play against the computer). You don't need crafting to have a deep game.
Thats why i wrote "shallow". I know combat can be well developed and deep. But that is still just one element of what I consider a true mmorpg. Having one deep feature is still not enough to make a deep mmorpg for me. (im talking about mmorpg's here, not all games)
This thread isn't about any particular game, it's about why people hate PvP in general. I agree, most people who hate PvP would never buy a PvP-centric game.
Played: UO, EQ, WoW, DDO, SWG, AO, CoH, EvE, TR, AoC, GW, GA, Aion, Allods, lots more
Relatively Recently (Re)Played: HL2 (all), Halo (PC, all), Batman:AA; AC, ME, BS, DA, FO3, DS, Doom (all), LFD1&2, KOTOR, Portal 1&2, Blink, Elder Scrolls (all), lots more
Now Playing: None
Hope: None
I'm of the mindset that once is too many. There should never, ever, ever be a time when one player can force their views or interests on another player and it doesn't even have to be PvP combat. If, in SWG, people were forced, against their will, to sing and dance in cantinas once a night, that would be wholly unacceptable. It's one thing to have things imposed upon you by the game itself, but for people in the games to look at them as their own private shooting galleries, where they can co-opt other players, against their will, for their own fun, that's asinine.
You have no right to impose your wishes, desires or entertainment on anyone but yourself.
Played: UO, EQ, WoW, DDO, SWG, AO, CoH, EvE, TR, AoC, GW, GA, Aion, Allods, lots more
Relatively Recently (Re)Played: HL2 (all), Halo (PC, all), Batman:AA; AC, ME, BS, DA, FO3, DS, Doom (all), LFD1&2, KOTOR, Portal 1&2, Blink, Elder Scrolls (all), lots more
Now Playing: None
Hope: None
My experience with most Open-world PVP in most MMOs that have it tells me it sucks. For most people who Gank, its some means to compensate for real-life inadequacy...no thanks.
The real problem I have with Open-World PVP is that there aren't enough consequences for immoral behavior. In the real world, killers are few are far between...they have to live underground and avoid being recognized. Killing someone is a VERY big deal and there are a crap-load of consequences for doing so.
UO for me is was the one exception. Back in Ultima Online, I remember PvP did have consequences...being red meant you couldn't go into town..the guards would kill you on sight. So being a PK'er meant you have to forgo civilization.
I'd be all for open-world PvP if it meant that those who engaged in the practice had to really live the life of a fugitive. NPC posse's would randomly patrol the woods looking for Reds...towns would be off-limits. Getting caught would lead to jail time and loss of XP and lvl's (skill atrophy).
Cuz right now, there is absolutely nothing to dissuade senor dickhead from corpse camping my lvl 1 ass until i've had enough and log out.
Even-level PvP arenas and such are fine and a lot of fun...plus they are entirely voluntary. The ones would love PvP and hate arenas strike me as players who hate a fair fight. Meaning they are only good when the odds are heavily in their favor.
/2 cents
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
-3d Artist & Compositor
-Professional Amature
But that's just absurd. I don't want to be involved in PvP "rarely", I want to *NEVER* be involved in PvP, the same way I don't ever want to engage in raiding. I shouldn't have to. If you want to PvP, go ahead, I just want the option to opt entirely out of it, I don't want to be attacked, molested, abused or insulted because I choose not so swing my dick around in a game.
Why is that so hard for you to get through your head? This isn't up for agreeing or disagreeing, this isn't up for debate, this is how it is.
Played: UO, EQ, WoW, DDO, SWG, AO, CoH, EvE, TR, AoC, GW, GA, Aion, Allods, lots more
Relatively Recently (Re)Played: HL2 (all), Halo (PC, all), Batman:AA; AC, ME, BS, DA, FO3, DS, Doom (all), LFD1&2, KOTOR, Portal 1&2, Blink, Elder Scrolls (all), lots more
Now Playing: None
Hope: None
My problem with Jane Austin is she basically kept writing the same book till she got it right story wise with Pride and Prejudice,her writing style is another story.
But yes I agree with the point and tried making it before but it will fall on deaf ears again.
Why can't we live in peace and harmony and nurture those around us?
Would you like a flower?
Yes it will, I don't understand why PvPers seem to think that people who don't want to engage in their gameplay have to justify themselves before they think they can impose it upon us against our will.
We don't want to play their stupid shit. Leave us alone. It's not that hard for normal people to understand.
Played: UO, EQ, WoW, DDO, SWG, AO, CoH, EvE, TR, AoC, GW, GA, Aion, Allods, lots more
Relatively Recently (Re)Played: HL2 (all), Halo (PC, all), Batman:AA; AC, ME, BS, DA, FO3, DS, Doom (all), LFD1&2, KOTOR, Portal 1&2, Blink, Elder Scrolls (all), lots more
Now Playing: None
Hope: None
Is there any proof that PvPers are "normal"?
Darkfall sounds like it may have some interesting features in it. In order to play, I HAVE to PvP, right? Otherwise, no playing DF for me. There is so much more to many MMOs besides PvP that when wanting to play a game for those other reasons is dictated by PvP, it is forced PvP.
I could play EQ or WoW without "having to PvP." I cannot in Darkfall or Mortal Online.
When the choice is PvP or don't play, it is "forced" PvP. In many cases, it is "forcing me" to not play, forgoing all the other features it may offer that I may actually enjoy. Isn't that the very definition of forced PvP - PvP or don't play.
PS: I have found that it is a rare PvP player that actually "looks for a challenge" from human players. Why are they not attacking players higher level, groups of other players, or players better equipped than them to truly "challenge" their skills and overcome these odds they espouse to want? Most of the time, I see PvP players NOT attack unless they have a definite advantage. Where is the "challenge" they are supposedly seeking in that?
- Al
Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.- FARGIN_WAR
I started MMORPGs with UO when your corpse could be looted for everything !!! except newbie stuff by PKers. That was real non consensual PvP. Today it is just a bunch of wimps ambushing recreational gamers for some juvenile thrills ... like pulling wings off a fly. Let the PvP crowd have their own zone where they can be looted if they lose and let them then try to pluck the wings off a dragon.
- Al
Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.- FARGIN_WAR
Well I am a competitive person in real life, also I am a competitive person in multiplayers FPS/RTS games.
MMORPG's however should never ever force one playstyle upon it's players. To me that's just lazy and bad design, they take out the world and place you into a smaller area similar to that of normal multiplayer games.
I don't really mind PVP in MMORPG's aslong it's by player choice. I do like the thrill of it, had some great times in SWG and Fallen Earth in PVP.
But in MMORPG's I mostly love PVE and being social when possible. I also can be competitive with crafting/harvesting/sell/buy as a crafter/trader. You see I look for things in a MMORPG I often can not find in other genre of games.
I believe PVP has its place in certain games. Some games I play to be competitive and get my adrenaline pumping, other games I play to kick back, relax, and enjoy.
To name a few, here's some games where I enjoyed (or still enjoy) PVP: Counter Strike (1.6/Source), DOD (1.6/Source), PlanetSide (1 & 2), Battlefield (2 & 2142), MechWarrior (old games and new), GW2 (WvWvW), WAR (Scenarios and RvR lakes), EVE (exploration).
That doesn't cover the entirety of the games where I enjoy PVP, but those are the ones which stick out for me. You'll notice the majority of those games are First Person Shooters. PlanetSide being the only MMOFPS. EVE, GW2 and WAR are the only MMORPGs.
I have played my fair share of competitive multiplayer games. Almost all of my free time (and disposable income) goes to PC gaming, because it's a hobby that I have thoroughly enjoyed for most of my life. Whether or not I am participating in PVP is really dependent on which game I'm playing, and in what situation I find myself.
Games with heavy emphasis on PVE and story typically have the worst PVP. These types of games (SWTOR, WOW, RIFT) I avoid the PVP as a rule.
I will partake in PVP if it's polished, fun and/or beneficial to the progression of my character or my allies (guild/faction/group/friends). I don't PVP for cheap thrills, griefing, or for the sake of being an "evil character." Sometimes I need a change of pace from the PVE grind, so I'll partake in some form of consensual PVP.
Another factor in my decision to participate in PVP is how well I understand the game's mechanics. Some games are easy to pick up and go (Counter Strike). Other games require much more time and dedication (EVE). I am more likely to participate in PVP if I understand the mechanics. In games such as EVE, I will avoid PVP until I am comfortable or confident in my ability to defend myself.
"Why do I hate PVP?" I don't. But I will avoid PVP in some games and some circumstances.
Primary reason I would probably tire quickly of a PvP server (of a PvE game) is hackers. Take any top guild of any server and odds are good that several of its members are hacking.
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit