Hello, and thank you for your interest in Tritan Industries.
We are a small community ( But growing ) looking to play with new faces on a new game and FFXIV looked like the place for us to branch out to. As of right now a few of us are in beta and super eager for Friday to come
so if you would like to join us add me on PSN: SyrupCakeEater
It would be awesome all of us to get to know each other and discuss the game.
I will be posting our web site here soon.
Thanks again.
thank you for your patience here is our link
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
A little history about Tritan:
Tritan Industries started in a game called Dust 514 ( dust514.com ) it is a MMOFPS exclusive for the PS3, dust is also connected to a PC game called eve online ( eveonline.com ). In those games you have what are called Corparations as Dust 514 players we are Mercs hired to claim sections of planets or even whole planets which make it easier for Eve players to own sections of space.
Thats where "Industries" comes from, this game is more than any other MMOFPS it plays by a different set of rules, if ever interested FFXIV players are more than welcome to join us on Dust 514.
Our goal for Tritan or Tritan Industries is to become more than just Dust or even FFXIV we want to become a community of gamers from different games also different places of the world to build relationships with people from all over the world while doing what we love, playing video games. Right now our focus is FFXIV and Dust but, if there is another game we all would like to join we will start to build our community there as well.
We are a small group of people but we are a really close group and we would like more to join our family that we have created. I am positive anyone that joins would get a long with all of us.
If anymore has questions about Tritan sign up for our site and come talk with us there is always someone on our site.