Lineage 2 has an amazing pvp system. Pvpers and pveers can live both in the same server with no problem. Clan war system ,flag/flag back and pk system makes the difference. I remember when I was low level I was in a pve clan and I didint have any real problem. After I got some levels joined a pvp clan and had fun. Someone else could stay forever pve. So many pve clans having fun in l2.
Another great thing with the l2 open world pvp and the clan war's is tha you used to know your enemies names. You had the satisfaction when you kill someone you knew that he killed you 2 days ago and trash talk to you. Nothing of these things happen with the stupid WvW or battlegrounds, you're just killing randoms.
Heck, you could even buff and heal mobs in L2, that another person was fighting even (though it would flag you and open up possibility of you getting killed by a player). Running mob trains on parties and wiping them out was hella easy. There were a lot of mechanisms that made griefing easy but it was fairly uncommon because of the ultimate pvp freedom, economical freedom, political freedom, and community dependency that was given to players. Generally if you were a dick, you never really got high level, had good gear or friends to back you up when you needed it
L2 was one of those "either excel or fail" hardcore mmo games. The game itself, did little as far as catering to casuals or the weak, that was left up to the players to do. Much dignity and pride comes along with playing a mmo like that. Honor as well, as youre pretty forced into creating relationships and communities with other players if you were to be successful. Get shunned as a liar or dishonorable and be known as that.
I've mentioned it several times btw. You're right too, L2 does have an amazing pvp system. Really though, its not just the pvp system itself that made it work so well. It was the leveling curve, the chance to drop items upon death, the strong and complex economy, crafting system, mob loot systems, the political depth and player culture that complimented the pvp system so well.
People that think open-pvp systems set the stage for mass griefing, never played a well designed hardcore mmo. Its only when the game is solo-friendly, has instances and its easy to obtain gear, do you see that in open-pvp systems (aka: casual nooby mmos).
I played L2 from BETA until it went Fee to play. There was griefing, heaps of it. On my server there was an entire clan of griefers called Red Army (in L2 your name turns red when you kill someone in a non consensual fight or a gank) and they made sure you paid your dues. They were so good for a time no one could do anything about them. eventually they got bored and left but the point being, had they not, no one would have made it very far on that server.
Open PvP without flagging by choice is not a good idea. The leveling curve in L2 was horrid as well. It was a open gank grind fest. Obviously I did enjoy it for a time, but I would never go back now.
If you want a new idea, go read an old book.
In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.
Its a known fact that the official NCsoft servers exaggerate their forums numbers.
Btw. Like 99% (exaggeration itself - only slightly though) of players play on private servers, that use earlier versions of the game that were more hardcore than current official expansions. I can name like 20 private srervers that have 5,000+ members logged into each server this very moment. L2 is a huge game, one of the most played mmos, world-wide.
I played L2 since launch myself, in very famous clans btw. I think I remember hearing about red army, I was on Bartz at the time. Very short-lived small pk clan, that was mostly mid-level and weak, if memory serves me correctly. They essentially burned all of their bridges and became even weaker.
Anyhow, I know for a fact that an army of pkers could never shut down a server, it is impossible. Not even close... An army of hundreds of pkers couldn't shut down the Chinese and Korean gold farmers - and they were killing bots that never really fought back LOL - and most importantly, had mad respect from most of the community.