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I found this build on the official forums. Now I want your views on it. Any tweaks or is this a good build worth trying?
Level: 50
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Martial Arts
Secondary: Regeneration
01) --> Thunder Kick==> Acc(1) Rechg(3) Dmg(3) Dmg(5) Dmg(5) EndRdx(7)
01) --> Fast Healing==> Heal(1) Heal(7) Heal(9)
02) --> Reconstruction==> Rechg(2) Rechg(9) Rechg(11) Heal(13) Heal(13) Heal(19)
04) --> Storm Kick==> Acc(4) Rechg(15) Dmg(15) Dmg(11) Dmg(17) EndRdx(17)
06) --> Quick Recovery==> EndRec(6) EndRec(19) EndRec(21)
08) --> Crane Kick==> Acc(8) Dmg(21) Dmg(23) Dmg(23) Rechg(25) EndRdx(25)
10) --> Dull Pain==> Rechg(10) Rechg(27) Rechg(27) Heal(29) Heal(29) Heal(31)
12) --> Combat Jumping==> Jump(12)
14) --> Super Jump==> Jump(14) Jump(46)
16) --> Integration==> Heal(16) Heal(31) Heal(31) EndRdx(46)
18) --> Crippling Axe Kick==> Acc(18) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Rechg(34)
20) --> Hurdle==> Jump(20)
22) --> Resilience==> DmgRes(22)
24) --> Health==> Heal(24) Heal(34) Heal(36)
26) --> Dragon's Tail==> Acc(26) Dmg(36) Dmg(36) Dmg(37) Rechg(37) EndRdx(34)
28) --> Stamina==> EndRec(28) EndRec(37) EndRec(39)
30) --> Instant Healing==> Rechg(30) Rechg(39) Rechg(39)
32) --> Eagle's Claw==> Acc(32) Dmg(40) Dmg(40) Dmg(40) Rechg(42) EndRdx(42)
35) --> Focus Chi==> Rechg(35) Rechg(48) Rechg(50)
38) --> Recall Friend==> IntRdx(38)
41) --> Focused Accuracy==> EndRdx(41) EndRdx(42) EndRdx(43) TH_Buf(43) TH_Buf(43) TH_Buf(46)
44) --> Laser Beam Eyes==> Acc(44) Dmg(45) Dmg(45) Dmg(45)
47) --> Energy Torrent==> Acc(47) Rechg(48) KB_Dist(48)
49) --> Conserve Power==> Rechg(49) Rechg(50) Rechg(50)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Dmg(1)
01) --> Critical Hit==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)
Stamina needs 6 slots
Do not get focused accuracy, it sucks end very very badly, plus u already have ACC's in ur attacks.
id put 6 rechgs in Conserve Power
I would only put one slot in Super Jump, putting more is a waste
only put one slot into Health as well, you are a regen scrapper
Laser Beam eyes and Energy torrent suck really, plus the knock back is bad seeing as you are melee
Put 6 slots of end rec in quick recovery
Add another damage in all of your attacks by replacing the end rdx
I would also say get tough/weave, regen wont help much if ur already dead :P
Your advice doesn't take into consideration the Enhancement Diversification changes of I6. Essentially, slotting any more than three of the same type of enhancers in any power is now a waste. DO NOT six-slot Stamina OR Quick Recovery any more. Put only three in each. Same for Conserve Power.
Only thing I'd change is to add three heal inspirations to Instant Healing. Take one out of Super Jump and the two out of Health and you'll be all set. Good, solid build.
Thanks for the observation, mate. Regarding Combat Jumping and Super Jump. Is there any essential gains from choosing these? I mean, choosing these above ie. Flight. Should I go with what I find the most fun?
As you can probably sense, I am new to CoH
I wont comment on martial arts choices, I havent play them.
Don't take health, take swift and then stamina, health is pointless for you, running faster is fun and improve your gameplay. (so take power 1, 2 and 4, leave health alone) Unless you want to be the BEST at regen, then take it for principles, but not because it is good, you take it for principles only (like I do). take that ASAP, not at 30, at 28! (unless they change the level you get it?)
I always find reconstruction useless myself, Dull pain and inspiration are plenty. So you take the attack instead at level 2 (much appreciated back there), at level 4 quick recovery, at 6 hasten, combat jumping, build up, boxing, swift/hurdle or whatever have no shortage of choice at 6.
I agree with the Super Jump choice, but trash that at around level 40+ and respec it for fly as you will need it in some zones like Firebase Zulu and fly by level 40 is definitely nice and acceptable speed. Sujer Jump is the faster way to travel around, period (especially with swift and hurdle, I even outmatch some super speed who are on a straight line if their connect is bad and they don't have swift, but let's face it, super speed can't run up a cliff). Fly at level 40+ become a nice to have and is slower than super jump, but not that much slower, yet it is always good.
Since I6 and the trash against IH, you want Moment of Glory for when IH is not up.
Hasten is still nice to have, definitely nicer than teleport, since it means you can use your best attack more often. Assault and tactics are also options to increase your group appeal, but I never like it much myself.
Boxing, Though and Weave are lacking inside this template and they are a MUST have for a regen scrapper. Especially Thought, it really make a HUGE difference, especially after I6, it will come more handy than ever now that you are much weaker.
Revive is not a must, but it could definitely ease your life if you wonder what to take in the last levels. Take anything you think will improve your character before, but before taking teleport or something you find useless, think have a self res for you and can give your awaken to whoever need them.
This guys waste to much slots on attacks, you only need to slot 3-4 attacks...not all of them. Integration deserve more slots. IH deserve more slots. hasten would need a 3 recharges as well. Moment of Glory would also need some slots. Thought as well.
This guy only put 1 accuracy on every attack, while this is fine and optimal in many situation, if you end up fightin mobs who are 5 levels higher than you, you will regret to not have at least 1 attack with 2 accuracy (put on your weakest attack who reduce your opponent defense if martial arts have such an attack). As a Broadsword, my weakest attack was always with 2 accuracy, even back when you can 6 slot anyway you want, while my second best attack was a pure 6 damage slot back then...and let's me tell you, folks where impress with how well I dispacth about anything...start with the 2 accuracy and decrease AV defense, follow with my best attack with only 1 accuracy and decrease defense more...second best attack with 6 slots damage back then and yes, the AVs where suffering badly...but that was prior many nerfs...anyway, my point is, 1 of your attack need 2 accuracy especially with ED removing the usefullness of having more than 3 damage. Recharge speed is good, but hasten (3 recharge on hasten) will still do a better overall job than that slot on your power and we are not even considering the benefit of accuracy rarely missing. Accuracy is underated by many folks. (now don't put 2 accuracy on all attack, 1 attack is plenty, 2 attacks is not bad but unecessary IMO, 3 attacks with 2 accuracy is pointless overkill)
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Anyway, here is how I would build a broadsword/regen...just change the attack and figure for yourself if you care for my advice.
1- Hack (2nd attack) acc-dam-dam-dam-acc-speed
1- Fast healing heal-heal-heal
2- Slice (3rd attack) acc-dam-dam-dam
4- Quick Recovery End-End-End
6- Build Up tohitbuff-
8- Hasten speed-speed-speed-defensebuff-defensebuff-defensebuff
10- Combat jumping defensebuff-defensebuff-defensebuff-end
12- Hurdle jump
14- Super Jump jump
16- Integration heal-heal-heal-end-end-end
18- Swift enhancerunspeed
20- Stamina end-end-end
22- Boxing acc
24- though endres-endres-endres
26- Disembowel (8th attack) acc-dam-dam-dam-?-? (use to be my attack with 6 damages)
28- Instant Healing recharge-recharge-recharge-heal-heal-heal
30- Resilience damres-damres-damres
32- Head Splitter (9th attack) acc-dam-dam-dam-?-?
35- Weave end-end-end-def-def-def
38- Moment of Glory ?-?-?-?-?-?
41- Whatever make you happy (revive myself)
44- Whatever make you happy (super speed myself)
47- Whatever make you happy
49- Whatever make you happy
I didnt even use all the slots, but I put those that are priorities IMO. ? stand for I am not sure, but yes, take it and figure whatever is best there.
I somehow forget dull pain, get it FAST, maybe not asap, but need it. You don't need to slot it however, but slots are nice in DP. Dull pain will come in a slot where there is power that is not a primary or secondary and put move farther most of those powers, resilience will goes with this list...but other primary and secondary are set in stone, don't move them ever, get them ASAP.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Thanks for the observation, mate. Regarding Combat Jumping and Super Jump. Is there any essential gains from choosing these? I mean, choosing these above ie. Flight. Should I go with what I find the most fun?
As you can probably sense, I am new to CoH
All the travel powers have their benefits and drawbacks, so yeah...just go with what you think is most fun. I really enjoy Super Jump myself.
I've always found Reconstruction to be a staple of Regen. Don't skip that one.
Don't put more slots into Integration than you have already. One endurance reducer and three heals is all it needs with the Enhancement Diversification changes.
I generally do put two accuracy enhancements in each attack. I don't like to miss.
Hasten is still useful, but not necessary. Martial Arts attacks recycle pretty quickly, and the recharge enhancemnet in each will make Hasten less beneficial. It will still help bring back your regen powers faster though.
Boxing and Tough are worth taking for a regen. Not a necessity at all, but nice to have. (Boxing is just a prereq to get Tough.
At any rate, there are some minor details here and there that you can tweak depending on your own preferences, but what you've got is a pretty solid start. As you learn the game you can decide what to change to suit your own playstyle.
Great game! Hope you enjoy it!
umm, 6 slotting Stamina is still better than 3 slotting it.After 3 enhancements, the next ones that you put dont give +30% anymore. That doesnt seem like a waste to me seeing as Martial Arts is heavy on endurance.
As a player of a DM/Regen Scrapper I would have to disagree with the choice of not having laser beam eyes or the energy torrent. Having them is great .... better when you get mobs that like to run when they get nice and low. If they do ... Bamm hit them with the shot and they go down. Also the reduction to Defense is good when dealing with an AV.
Energy torrent is good when you are hunting low level mobs for badges. Energy torrent is also good if you want to thin out a group of mobs on you. If you set up a bit of Knockdown or knock back it can be useful at times.
Well I can tell you that my nearly 29 Ninja/Ninja stalker is still kicking ass at will solo. Orange bosses are like fodder, sometimes I can one shot them but always no more than 3 or 4 hits. Red bosses require a little more work but if I dont miss i can solo them no drama. Yelow elite bosses are not beyond my ability to solo but anything after yellow probably is... not that I couldnt do it... just takes to long waiting for uber attacks to regenerate.
As for PvP, if I said how well she goes in PvP no one would believe me. When I finish compiling my movie of one and 2 shot PvP kills I will make my claims then and back them up with evidence. Im currently handicapped in this project by sucking woefully at using mindows movie maker.
Stalkers are a great class, very fun to play. I may even start another after I cap this one... I actually dont think it matter a hell of a lot which type you play, if you work your tactics around your strenghts youll be fine. I have seen just about every type of CoV stalker in action and they all seem to kick ass especially MA.
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
Just for the sake of arguing...
Without ever taking reconstruction, I was always having to much green inspirations have no refresh downtime, they are available now, they doesn't cost endurance and they are FAST.
It really depend on the person, but myself skip it and never miss not having it. Basically, the time you heal yourself, you don't ditch damage, which means longer fight, more time healing Dull Pain before a battle if you can guess right, it save you time DURING a battle, which means you kill faster and take less damage.
Reconstruction is pretty much admitting you lose before you even start the in PvP it would be usefull, but I have 0 consideration for PvP.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
umm, 6 slotting Stamina is still better than 3 slotting it.After 3 enhancements, the next ones that you put dont give +30% anymore. That doesnt seem like a waste to me seeing as Martial Arts is heavy on endurance.
Umm...each slot after the third only gives you an additional 5%. If that seems worth the slots to you, knock yourself out. I find with an endurance reducer in each attack/toggle and three slots in Stamina, I never run out of endurance. Your mileage may vary, of course.
Your build will do about as well as any Regen in the age of ED. A few things:
Fast Healing should be a lower priority for slotting. I'd definitely slot Reconstruction ahead of that.
If you can, slot Integration much sooner. Both slots at 17 should go right into that power. Add the last slot whenever.
Also, try and get some more slots in Dull Pain sooner. It may not be permeable anymore, but it will boost your regen by a noticeable amount when it is up.
Technically, Stamina can wait 'til level 38. You'll likely not run into any endurance issues until you start running Focused Accuracy.
umm, 6 slotting Stamina is still better than 3 slotting it.After 3 enhancements, the next ones that you put dont give +30% anymore. That doesnt seem like a waste to me seeing as Martial Arts is heavy on endurance.
Umm...each slot after the third only gives you an additional 5%. If that seems worth the slots to you, knock yourself out. I find with an endurance reducer in each attack/toggle and three slots in Stamina, I never run out of endurance. Your mileage may vary, of course.
This is not true at all...
Quoted from CoH forums
So you can have a Damage bonus of 66.66%, and an Accuracy bonus of 66.66% (from 2 SO Damage and 2 SO Accuracy Enhancements) and you will not be affected in any way. Adding in another SO Damage Enhancement will not give you a 99% bonus, but a 94% bonus, because the damage bonus now exceeds 70%.
Think/read before you post..
EDIT: go here if you dont believe me
CoH Forums: Enhancement Diversification
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
umm, 6 slotting Stamina is still better than 3 slotting it.After 3 enhancements, the next ones that you put dont give +30% anymore. That doesnt seem like a waste to me seeing as Martial Arts is heavy on endurance.
Umm...each slot after the third only gives you an additional 5%. If that seems worth the slots to you, knock yourself out. I find with an endurance reducer in each attack/toggle and three slots in Stamina, I never run out of endurance. Your mileage may vary, of course.
This is not true at all...
Quoted from CoH forums
So you can have a Damage bonus of 66.66%, and an Accuracy bonus of 66.66% (from 2 SO Damage and 2 SO Accuracy Enhancements) and you will not be affected in any way. Adding in another SO Damage Enhancement will not give you a 99% bonus, but a 94% bonus, because the damage bonus now exceeds 70%.
Think/read before you post..
EDIT: go here if you dont believe me
CoH Forums: Enhancement Diversification
Yeah, the first two enhancements of the same type are unaffected by ED, the third is worth slightly less, the fourth, fifth and sixth are almost worthless. 3 endurance modification enhancements in Stamina (which only accepts one type of enhancement) gets you a 94% bonus, while adding a fourth only bumps it to 99%, a fifth and sixth will only get you to 110%.
Again, not worth it IMO.
And don't be an ass.
Definitely not a priority, but might still be worth it (not worth it for a regen scrapper). Your goal is to get the first 3 ASAP in every important power (+ any additional like accuracy or side effect you judge you need)...once that is done, it might be better to get a 5% in a good power than a 33% in something useless...I would definitely make sure my 3 recurrent attack have 6 slots (can be 3 accuracy and 3 damage at worst) before 4+ slotting something like Stamina...but well...might be worth it.
Since I delete all my CoH toons, I find it hard to judge...anyway I never adapt them to the I4, I5 and I6(ED) since I was right, the game was wrong, I was not adapting to the new game, ever.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
> I found this build on the official forums.
> Now I want your views on it. Any tweaks or is this a good build worth trying?
I've seen the original post. This seems to be a pre-issue #6 build. Pre-enhancement diversification.
Someone mentioned this isnt optimized before issue #6. I would not follow this build format.
The build in the original post focuses on getting defenses early on in his/her hero cycle.
I would STRONGLY not recommend following this build. This build is very defensive heavy in
the lower levels.
After issue #6, I would recommend playing scrappers to:
- get primary powers first for faster killing. Since the issue #5/#6 nerfs, secondary defenses dont do
much in my opinion. It just makes you a little bit better than a blaster. Because defenses/regeneration was nerf'd hard, you can't rely on defenses to help you much.
- playing a scrapper post issue #5 means, killing faster = not dying as much.
- slot damage attacks for 1 accuracy, 3 damage, 1 attack/recharge speed, 1 end reduction.
- never slot more than 3 of the same kind of enhancements. that means, if you want to slot in damage,
do NOT put in more than 3 damage enhancements in. otherwise its a waste.
I hope some of this helps.
I was doing a little bit more thinking on this build post #6.
Here is my take on a MA/Regen build post issue #6.
Build is below.
Basically, I focused on getting attack powers first. Scrappers are slightly
better blasters these days. They die just a little slower than a blaster.
So, focus on attack powers first! Faster killing = less death/debt.
Also following the new rules as of issue #6, most powers that take single enhancements
(like heals only or damage resistance only). I slotted those powers for 3 slots only.
With enhancement diversification, the rule is NEVER slot more than 3 enhancements of
the SAME type. Though, sometimes its okay to break this rule, depending if you need a
little more help (like in stamina or healing)
This is a regeneration build, so, no need to slot the inherent rest power.
I chose super speed as the travel power, as it comes with hasten. I didnt want
to waste another power pool slot just to get it.
Its your choice to follow the lvl 41 mastery power set, but i chose the dark mastery
set here so you can control fights better. You can hold a running mob or immobilize
a group with a cone attack.
Feel free to change it anyway you want. This is a a build i would use rather than
the original one that was originally posted. Especially after issue #6.
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary Powers - Ranged : Martial Arts
Secondary Powers - Support : Regeneration
01 : Fast Healing Empty(01) Empty(9) Empty(9)
01 : Storm Kick Empty(01) Empty(3) Empty(5) Empty(7) Empty(19) Empty(23)
02 : Thunder Kick Empty(02) Empty(3) Empty(5) Empty(7) Empty(23) Empty(25)
04 : Cobra Strike Empty(04) Empty(21) Empty(21) Empty(45) Empty(45) Empty(45)
06 : Focus Chi Empty(06) Empty(42) Empty(43)
08 : Crane Kick Empty(08) Empty(11) Empty(11) Empty(17) Empty(17) Empty(19)
10 : Quick Recovery Empty(10) Empty(13) Empty(13)
12 : Hasten Empty(12) Empty(15) Empty(15)
14 : Super Speed Empty(14)
16 : Integration Empty(16) Empty(33) Empty(34) Empty(36) Empty(37) Empty(39)
18 : Swift Empty(18)
20 : Health Empty(20) Empty(39) Empty(40)
22 : Resilience Empty(22) Empty(42) Empty(42)
24 : Stamina Empty(24) Empty(25) Empty(29) Empty(46)
26 : Dragons Tail Empty(26) Empty(27) Empty(27) Empty(31) Empty(31) Empty(36)
28 : Instant Healing Empty(28) Empty(29) Empty(31) Empty(37) Empty(37) Empty(39)
30 : Grant Invisibility Empty(30)
32 : Eagles Claw Empty(32) Empty(33) Empty(33) Empty(34) Empty(34) Empty(36)
35 : Invisibility Empty(35)
38 : Moment of Glory Empty(38) Empty(40) Empty(40)
41 : Petrifying Gaze Empty(41) Empty(43) Empty(43)
44 : Dark Blast Empty(44) Empty(46) Empty(46) Empty(48) Empty(50)
47 : Tenebrous Tentacles Empty(47) Empty(48) Empty(48) Empty(50) Empty(50)
49 : Revive Empty(49)
01 : Brawl enhancement(01)
01 : Sprint enhancement(01)
02 : Rest enhancement(02)
Thx for the suggestions.
Following the posted build with a few alterations, i have a question.
I am using Flight instead of Jump. The lvl 20 power in Hurdle. Is it still needed for me then? Or should I spent the power elsewhere as I am Flight-traveller?
I think Hurdle is the best 1st power to take in the path to Stamina, but Swift is pretty good as well (running faster is always active except when you jump, while Hurdle you need to jump for it to be active). Hurdle make you jump higher, everytime you would have appreciate to jump slightly higher, Hurdle would have made the difference.
You have to take either Hurdle or Swift if you want to take Stamina 1 day, me I personnally take both rather than Health.
Fly is the best power to end your career with, but I think you are missing much, Super Jump is great fun and quite fast overall.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Thats fine using hurdle for 20 if you want to get a little bit more of a verticle leap.
But flight takes care of the verticle part when you need to jump, so its not really necessary.
So, if your taking hurdle, you going through the fitness power pool.
Your going to either take swift or hurdle to eventually get stamina. (earliest im guessing your getting it
is at 26) Since your using flight, i would suggest swift. As sprint adds +spd bonus whenever your running. I also believe having swift increases your flying speed as well.
Thx. Hadn't noticed that Hurdle was a prereq. for Stamina.
I will think about which to choose when I get to that point.
I will definitly try SJ some time. But prolly on an alt. I made this char (my first serious) build on stuff I find cool about being a hero. And I want my hero to fly :P