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Eve = Adults
WoW = Children
Me = Adult
Eve = Wins
Serious death penalties makes every close call an adrenaline rush, and every minor achievement a major victory. This alternative rule-set should be in all MMORPGs.
Most senseless post I have seen in a long time. If that is all of your maturity then please go on a quest of self finding. Thread reported.
Originally posted by Mandolin
Designers need to move away from the old D&D level-based model which was never designed for player vs player combat in the first place.
Eve = Detailed and complex
WoW = Simple
Both can be fun but I know which one I prefer.
Well then I must be very a very age confused person since I enjoy both. However I can't say the OP posted in the most mature fashion, makes me wonder if he has WoW envy.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
MMOs Retired From: Earth and Beyond, Project Entropia, There, A Tale in the Desert, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Eve Online, City of Heroes/Villains.
MMOs Currently (worth) Playing: None.
MMO hopefuls: Age of Conan.
very clever... *considers this*
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
There is no Phoon.
Now with 57.3% more flames!
Eve = Boring like a certain hot place.
WoW = Simple but entertaining.
No. I don't play WoW. But I've played both WoW and EVE.
At least wow is fun to play...
Yes cause grinding mobs for hours on end is SOOOOO fun
Yeah I dont think the first post was mature enough to point out maturity issues, and I dont think that saying EVE is boring and WOW is exciting is exactly accurate. I fell asleep while hacking and slashing in WoW, while traveling in EVE I got to browse a market and was always planning out stuff. So in my immature post I'm going to write.
WoW = Grinding mobs to get uber gear.
EVE = ..... ummm whatever you want to do.....
I live to fight, and fight to live.
To compare again these two games, makes poster seem more child than others. They play vastly differently to one another and everyone but few seems to realise this.
Real question for everyone is are you having fun in your current game? Yes grinding mobs is certain aspect in WoW, also agent mission and mining are certain aspect in EvE.
Both are boring in long term, but you dont have to do it everyday have you?
Im playing both of them and having fun.
Question to OP. Have you just reached that age cycle in your life, that you classify things people do as Adult or kids stuff?
Played: Quite a few Mmos
Playing: Something
Why can't EVE and WoW players get along
*burst into song*
well i play EVE on and off lol i have had 4 free trials
and WoW is a fun game it all depends on what your taste on fun is who knew
I hope some day we can all put aside our racisms and prejudices and just laugh at people
I played WoW for a year with my longtime Guildmates (since Shadowbane) Most of them still play WoW some play FFXI and there are 2 of us in EvE We all still get along get together on our TS server and Plan to get together soon in Vegas there just games
Yet another childish EVE fanboi disproving the arguement that so many EVE fans try to use about them being more mature than other player bases out there.
I don't play WoW but your little post is idiotic, at best. I've played both games in the past and neither player base is any more immature or mature than the other. WoW has more kids in it than EVE... then again it has more adults in it than EVE does as well.
I'd say the number of idiots in both games, percentage wise, is about equal.
And comparing the two games at all is assinine since they're completely different genre's of game and a totally different playstyle.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
Elnator, the OP is just an Idiot trying to start a senseless flamewar, in which he partly and sadly succeeded. Ignore the bastard.
Originally posted by Mandolin
Designers need to move away from the old D&D level-based model which was never designed for player vs player combat in the first place.
Everyone is so serious here. I found the post hilarious. No need to analyze the ills of such a thread of words. Just enjoy it at face value.
IMO, the effort (Time, money, corperation, thinking) put into EVE is more worth it then WoW.
Eve is played and controlled by the players, whereas WoW is still like a carebear game with Blizzard still regulating everything. Hell, even battles fought on BGs (Battlegrounds) don't affect the overal story/evolution of the game at all.
I'm level 60, Tauren Shaman. IMO, the game gets stale once you hit 60 with mainly rare and a few epic equips. All down to dungeon runs and luck, isn't it?
Shouldn't it be other way around? I always felt WoW community to be outspoken, vocal, at times childish. Just head over to WoW forums and see their discussions. Some border on questionable sense of humour.
I've played EVE for over a year and a half and and was a frequent visitor to their forums. There was mostly constructive criticism about CCPs new ideas, intelligent questions and a good sense of humor (bar the Corporations and Alliance discussion forum which attracts alot of flaming). On the WoW forum I usually see whining, childish name calling (in some cases quite offensive), and general spam. On my realm forum (Deathwing EU) hardly anything serious is written. Judging by each of the games forums, I'd say EVE has a far more respectable community.
Its also noticeable that the Dev/player relationship on EVE is much better. The devs (and GMs) are always speaking to the players on EVE and provide an excellent dev blog to update the players on whats going on. As a warrior in WoW, its quite shocking to see that we are completely ignored by the developers. Just look at the warrior forum on the European WoW site, theres barely a single dev reply to any questions if any at all.
I'm a true WoW-fan, I admit it. I've been with the Warcraft series since the first clash between Orcs and Humans. I've also tried EVE during the Beta and newly with the free trail.
While I also have to agree the most PuGs (Pick-up Groups) are almost doomed to fail any taks they take on, and that most servers are filled with a-holes, WoW felt more entertaining then EVE did.
When I "played" EVE it felt like the computer played it for me, while I was just watching my skill-timer.
I hope for you EVE-players out there that this isn't true for late-game.
You might understand that I'm currently playing on one of the server wich as gotten farthes overall on the PvE-side of the game (meaning that we have the most guilds who have compeleted the hardest instance in the game, of all realms in the world), and there we have a higher quality of populations overall.
But IMHO, it all goes down into prefferense.
WoW Char: lvl 60 Hunter @ EU Magtheridon
Personally I don't play, or enjoy, either game but I have played both. Thus I would consider myself unbiassed.
I think the DEV/Player relations in EVE are much better than WOW. But that's more because of the fact that CCP is a better developer than Blizzard (yes, it's true). Not so much that the player base is any more "mature". Generally speaking if the devs communicate and keep players informed of what's going on HONESTLY the players will respond with respectful and informative replies. When Developers ignore or just pander to the community (SWG, WOW) the community tends to get a bit riotus.
The communities of both games have proven to me time and again that they aren't really all that much different. Both have excellent people and both have total scumbags. In WoW you may see more problem children but there are more of the other kinds as well. In WOW, however, you can't really 'escape' from problem people because there are only so many places a 'new player' (or even an 'old player') can go. In EVE all you have to do is find another agent or minefield light years away... in just about any direction, to get away from the jerks who annoyed you.
Don't much care for either game, for various reasons. I think that what REALLY sets EVE above WoW for me is the fact that CCP is a MUCH better company.
In the MMORPG industry today there are a grand total of TWO Dev teams that I respect:
1) Mythic
2) CCP
Interestingly enough BOTH treat their customers with respect.
Another has 'potential': Sigil... we'll see how Brad and Co. do with their new title when it comes out.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
See the thing with EVE is that the game is entirely what you make it. The devs don't hold your hand from one point to the next and lead you through the game, after the tutorial you're pretty much on your own in an open world where the rest of the population who are going to be either friends or foes.
It's sometime harsh but any accomplishments you make are actually meaningfull because you got there on your own, and you do everything the way you want to.
As the Devs at CCP have stated many times, there are 2 types of MMO's, one is a sandbox filled with toys where the players have the freedom to do anything they want and the other is a theme park, where the players are led from one ride to the next. Eve is mostly sandbox, with a few rides thrown in here and there.
Blizzard kinda took a nose dive on Wow. Was playing Warcraft Beta when that first came out in the early 90's. Played the same 4 level beta trial for months, Wow sadly heald my attention for a month and a half. The concept of twinking or kiting was horrificaly missed in Wow. Did love the fact that the skills you use are the skills that improve. I'd like to see a hybrid skill setup in a game some day. One that takes into account what you do the most however allows you to put points into skills you'd enjoy having. Level restrictions on item use is the poorest idea I have ever seen. If this was removed then Wow would open right up.
Eve doesn't compare to Wow at all. They are both MMorp's and thats where it ends. Character development is oposit in its thought, trade systems night and day. Economies, danger in traveling and NPC hunting are similarish I suppose. Pvp combat non-simalar. Tomatos and Apples are both fruits, they sure as hadies dont hang off the same kinda tree.