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NCsoft and the Aion team announced late yesterday that the upcoming 4.5 patch for their game brings with it the new Aethertech class. The Aethertech "utilizes magical mechanical mounts to unleash both short- and long-distance attacks, making it an ideal class to add to any raid, PvP or boss battle deep in the world of Atria. By pulsing aether through these armored suits, the Aethertech can form Gatling guns, rail guns, blades, electric whips, gigantic fists, and even rocket launchers to devastate their opponents."
Source - NCsoft Press Release
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
OMG... I must download and try this again! That just seems over the top awesome!
:? can i pick the class right from the begining