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Welcome SWG refugees

admriker444admriker444 Member Posts: 1,526

If your looking for another mmorpg but cant stand the whole orc / elf thingie this mmorpg might be your cup of tea ! Complex crafting....yes, able to effect the world around you....yes, excellent pvp....yes, unique character customization to include tattoos...yes   and a whole lot more.

In short, if you ever liked the freedom old-school games allowed (Like fallout series for example) then you'll love this game.

Sign up for their newsletter for more info here...

Thunderbolt - jedi knight nov 03

Icebolt - MDE, MA

Both from permanently retired



  • VenaliciusVenalicius Member Posts: 33

    Welcome guys and gals

  • Hardware-DCHardware-DC Member Posts: 95

    /salute from Hardware of Flurry to those that left SWG.


    image DC Main Page Sci-Fi / Apoc Theme Forums DnD Style Theme forums (coming soon)

  • GrimCreepGrimCreep Member Posts: 121

    After that new CU to SWG I couldn't play the game anymore and thought I was lost to MMO's but, this Fallen Earth stuff has totally changed my mind. Good luck Icarus on this masterpiece of a game.

    Formerly Joboo Master Commando and total Bada$$

    Lead with your face and role with the punches.

  • FEdev1FEdev1 Fallen Earth DesignerMember Posts: 12

    Hi Everyone,

    Just wanted to welcome all the ex-SWG players and say that we're truly flattered you're taking a look at Fallen Earth. As you may have read, this forum seems to be the most used/active for the time being, and we thank for providing a great service. We are in the process of redesigning and will make it and our own forums fully active at about the time we're ready for beta.

    In the meantime, we're always watching your posts and looking for what you guys want to see in terms of features and content. Don't be shy. We've already been following the thread on what people didn't like about the SWG changes. More perspective from avid players is always welcome.

    And as always, to all of you who have been faithful posters, thanks a ton for your patience and your enthusiasm. We're cranking away and things are coming together really nicely! I actually put our character customization to the ultimate test. I let my 67 year old aunt, whose idea of a video game is Pong, have a go at it. After bristling at the various eyebrow piercings availabe ("hooligans!"), but apparently having no problem with facial tats and green hair, she chose a bright red thong and said "My goodness, I could just do this for hours!" So, ummm, if you ever happen to see a green haired chick in a thong looking like she has no idea what she's doing, be nice. Don't shoot her.


  • StowawayStowaway Member Posts: 165

    HAHAHA that's awesome fedev

    really glad to hear that stuff bout customisation.

    Oh, and welcome SWG peeps, im a 2 year vet myself and still there, only for the RP.

    Welcome, welcome.

  • adriradrir Member Posts: 101

    Thanks again FEDev1 ::::08::

    And hello & welcome to all the newcomers, hope you like what Fallen Earth has to offer and have a great time while you're here ::::02::

  • ajmstiltajmstilt Member Posts: 30

    Yes welcome refugees.

    I've been followign FE since a fellow Rper mentioned it to me in SWG almost a year ago.


    ....and am i the only who think Iron every time i see FE?

  • sinothsinoth Member Posts: 175

    I am also a SWG refugee. I quit right after the combat medic fiasco, and resubscribed to test out the CU. Bad idea. I do have some great memories from SWG though, they honestly did a lot of things right, it just went downhill after a while. The Star Wars universe is great, but post-apoc is definitely higher on my preference list. FE is gonna rock our worlds ::::31::

    Ajmstilt, I didn't associate FE with iron until you mentioned it, and now I can't make it go away ::::16:: I hated chem... - Your source for Fallen Earth information

  • SlagathorSlagathor Member Posts: 37
    Thanks for the welcome, although I feel more like a pilgrim than a refugee. Although with SWG, I felt more like a prison rape victim than a disgruntled player.
  • drycatdrycat Member Posts: 119

    Originally posted by Slagathor
    Thanks for the welcome, although I feel more like a pilgrim than a refugee. Although with SWG, I felt more like a prison rape victim than a disgruntled player.

    I like to equate any experience with SOE in the following way:

    SOE's philosophy is more or less like herding a large group of sheep(the player base/market) using sheepdogs(community relations) and stun batons(hype) to corral them inside the fenceline(subscriptions). Here they can wile away their days eating whatever oats or feed is determined to be healthy(dev changes and fixes) and necessary for their survival. Not to mention that they are constantly being fleeced by the owners of the bartee(SOE).

    After enduring this insult as long as able, the sheep is finally traded off to a new ranch(you find a new MMPORG). But, just when the sheep thinks it has found the perfect alternative pasture(new MMPORG) that doesn't require it to be fleeced, the owners back at the bartee(SOE) decide to purchase additional pastures, namely its new home. And, the fleecing soon begins anew.


    I sincerely hope that this does not happen to Fallen Earth. Though, it is difficult to foresee these events, since they are economic and not related to the quality of the game itself. And, it is a bit early to fear this kind of event. Though, it is well known that SOE squashes innovation and enjoyment in favor of the dollar, and it loves to do it to particularly novel MMPORGs that are in niche markets.

    So, heres to hoping that this doesn't happen to Fallen Earth!  image


  • drycatdrycat Member Posts: 119

    Oopsie, sorry about the double post!

  • drycatdrycat Member Posts: 119

    Originally posted by FEdev1

    Hi Everyone,
    Just wanted to welcome all the ex-SWG players and say that we're truly flattered you're taking a look at Fallen Earth. As you may have read, this forum seems to be the most used/active for the time being, and we thank for providing a great service. We are in the process of redesigning and will make it and our own forums fully active at about the time we're ready for beta.
    In the meantime, we're always watching your posts and looking for what you guys want to see in terms of features and content. Don't be shy. We've already been following the thread on what people didn't like about the SWG changes. More perspective from avid players is always welcome.
    And as always, to all of you who have been faithful posters, thanks a ton for your patience and your enthusiasm. We're cranking away and things are coming together really nicely! I actually put our character customization to the ultimate test. I let my 67 year old aunt, whose idea of a video game is Pong, have a go at it. After bristling at the various eyebrow piercings availabe ("hooligans!"), but apparently having no problem with facial tats and green hair, she chose a bright red thong and said "My goodness, I could just do this for hours!" So, ummm, if you ever happen to see a green haired chick in a thong looking like she has no idea what she's doing, be nice. Don't shoot her.

    Excellent and very funny at the same time! Thanks FEDev! image
  • ordeithordeith Member Posts: 36

    I'm a refugee from AO/WOW, am I still welcome? image

    And I think it's awesome that developers reply in the threads, shows that someone is listening to our ranting. anyways, cheers from Sweden (yeah, we do play MMO's aswell) image

  • mogge666mogge666 Member Posts: 10

    Originally posted by ordeith
    I'm a refugee from AO/WOW, am I still welcome? image
    And I think it's awesome that developers reply in the threads, shows that someone is listening to our ranting. anyways, cheers from Sweden (yeah, we do play MMO's aswell) image

    Sweden for the win! ::::17::

  • sinothsinoth Member Posts: 175

    Drycat, triple post! Get out the flogging noodle! ::::39:: - Your source for Fallen Earth information

  • AtheraalAtheraal Member Posts: 90

    One thing I don't understand; You 'refugees' are leaving SWG because they're making a switch from a click-and-wait combat system to a more action-oriented FPS-based system, yes? Then why switch to Fallen Earth? I mean, of course, it's an amazing looking game, but am I the only one who sees something just a tad bit odd here? Or are you leaving SWG more as a result of their constant lack of proper player support and other issues?

    Not trying to dissuade you from playing, just curious! ::::02::


  • XatrosXatros Member Posts: 24

    Originally posted by Atheraal

    One thing I don't understand; You 'refugees' are leaving SWG because they're making a switch from a click-and-wait combat system to a more action-oriented FPS-based system, yes? Then why switch to Fallen Earth? I mean, of course, it's an amazing looking game, but am I the only one who sees something just a tad bit odd here? Or are you leaving SWG more as a result of their constant lack of proper player support and other issues?
    Not trying to dissuade you from playing, just curious! ::::02::

    Its more the so-called "Dumbing-down" of the game from a PC MMORPG to more of a console-style game. As well, the previous 30-plus professions and the ability to mix and match them has been crushed to just 9...and you can't change professions without deleting your character or having a one per account reset kit, or if you're lucky enough to be pre-change, a respec kit with charges left on it.

    All of the classes have been made equal in power, so choosing to be, say, commando over jedi is more of a cosmetic decision. Jedi itself is now a starting profession, making the previous population of players that worked for months to become one a bit...upset.

    I personally left because of boredom and lack of customization...mixing and matching professions was the life of the game, and its now an impossibility. That, and the changes to the combat system and interface were a pain in the rear to try and relearn. Its tough pressing one button out of habit and having your character do something else entirely.

    -Xatros Ketosha

  • sinothsinoth Member Posts: 175

    Its also not an FPS-based system at all. The old system is made more annoying by removing the queue and forcing you to push attack buttons over and over during combat. I realize we are wanting more involved combat, but that is the wrong way to go. They dumbed it down to something more WoW style, which is far from what we are hoping for in FE. We want more twitch based, not just action based. - Your source for Fallen Earth information

  • AtheraalAtheraal Member Posts: 90

    Ah, okay. Makes much more sense now.


  • allthereallthere Member Posts: 26

    Hello too all former SWG players, My name was canadian and i was on the Ahazi server and i lived in Deadwood.

    Hope to see you all in this game when it comes out. image

  • allthereallthere Member Posts: 26

    SOE never cared what the players in the game thought, they changed the game so much...that is was just not fun to play anymore.

    And the main reason they changed it this time is that they are getting it ready for XBOX 360 and the New image

  • AoscadAoscad Member Posts: 1

    I'm Aoscad from Lowca; I haven’t canceled my account yet but am probably about to.

    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 

    I came on here to ask all you from SWG to please send a complaint to Lucas about what SOE has done. SOE's contract is due to be reviewed next year and if we make Lucas realize what is happening we may have someone new directing SWG. You can reach Lucas arts at , Please tell them your name and why you left.  


                               Thanks from the Last of the SWG players

  • Hardware-DCHardware-DC Member Posts: 95
    Anyone from FLURRY?

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  • SuldaSulda Member Posts: 24

    I guess its just you and me Hardware.

    I retired from SWG BEFORE all the crap took place, simply because I couldnt bare to see the game I had played and loved turn into something that didnt even resemble the original in functionality.  Heres an example...

    When I first started out, I was alone and became a miner/crafter and sold my stuff on the local markets for cash to support myself and my operation.  A year later I was a Jedi.  I also held alot of different proffessions during that time.  What I enjoyed was the ability to grow within the game equally with my interests.  Someone who starts the game as a crafter, shouldnt have to delete his character and start over simply to have a new profession.  Skill points were available, but you could only have so many.  In this way, you were able to spend certain points on different skills and even mix and match different professions to be more individual and unique.  For example, you could be a Master Bounty Hunter, who was also a Master Pistoleer, which gave you bonuses to using pistols while Bounty Hunting.  Or you could be a Master Engineer and a Master Shipwright and get engineering bonuses to the spaceships you built.  You could basically master about 3 different professions, however, there were SO many that even after mastering seveal, you could then surrender those points and continue going in another direction.  This gives the player the freedom to adapt and grow.  Situations change and so do peoples interests.  The character should be an extension of player, not just a tool used to interract in the MMORPG.  It also gives great depth and range to clans who group together and use their different mastry to benefit the group and allows them to cohese together better.

    Bottom line is.. SOE totally screwed SWG up out of their own greed.  I considered it to be a real tradgedy because it was something I loved and spent money to do.  To nerf it to death and change everything because of whinners was weak and I will NEVER go with another SOE run game.  EVER.

    The Jedi was a very specific beef.  Many players spent 6 months to a year or more to become a Jedi, and even after becoming one, it was still very hard work to continue to become more powerful.  Now by creating a starting Jedi position to allow any noob to walk in from their local software store and give them the title of Jedi is an insult and slap in the face to everyone who played the game before.  Its hands down the biggest dissapointment in gaming for me that I have ever experienced.

    I assume that FE is also going to require monthly subscription.  Can anyone link me to prior discussion on this, and do the FE Devs have an idea how much they plan to charge yet?

  • Hardware-DCHardware-DC Member Posts: 95

    Originally posted by allthere

    SOE never cared what the players in the game thought, they changed the game so much...that is was just not fun to play anymore.
    And the main reason they changed it this time is that they are getting it ready for XBOX 360 and the New image

    Never really thought about that, but I think that is probibly true.  /cryimage

    image DC Main Page Sci-Fi / Apoc Theme Forums DnD Style Theme forums (coming soon)

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