Just FYI those are from the original 1.0 version of the game as far as I can tell. The graphics were much more robust then, and the terrain mapping is from 1.0. Also the pictures of LL and old Coerthas give it away. Still awesome though.
Originally posted by MisterSr Just FYI those are from the original 1.0 version of the game as far as I can tell. The graphics were much more robust then, and the terrain mapping is from 1.0. Also the pictures of LL and old Coerthas give it away. Still awesome though.
Amazing work..but I don't know how you can say "the graphics were much more robust then"...because 2.0 has improved apon those disgusting grainy models they used to have xD Although these pictures are very beautiful, but none of these are actual live screenshots of the game..I wish though...I wish it was that beautiful back then :P
Originally posted by MisterSr Just FYI those are from the original 1.0 version of the game as far as I can tell. The graphics were much more robust then, and the terrain mapping is from 1.0. Also the pictures of LL and old Coerthas give it away. Still awesome though.
Amazing work..but I don't know how you can say "the graphics were much more robust then"...because 2.0 has improved apon those disgusting grainy models they used to have xD Although these pictures are very beautiful, but none of these are actual live screenshots of the game..I wish though...I wish it was that beautiful back then :P
are you kidding me? 1.0 textures were many times better than current texture, sure the current color palette is more "colorful" but they cutted out so much detail.
Well we cant really judge the over graphics until they put in DX11 which im guessing will be with the first major update
Actually, I think some of the awesome stuff seen in these photos could be recreated with SweetFX. I thought about it at the very end of Phase 3, and I'm definitely going to try it out and see what I can come up with in Phase 4/open.
Originally posted by MisterSr Just FYI those are from the original 1.0 version of the game as far as I can tell. The graphics were much more robust then, and the terrain mapping is from 1.0. Also the pictures of LL and old Coerthas give it away. Still awesome though.
Amazing work..but I don't know how you can say "the graphics were much more robust then"...because 2.0 has improved apon those disgusting grainy models they used to have xD Although these pictures are very beautiful, but none of these are actual live screenshots of the game..I wish though...I wish it was that beautiful back then :P
are you kidding me? 1.0 textures were many times better than current texture, sure the current color palette is more "colorful" but they cutted out so much detail.
Well we cant really judge the over graphics until they put in DX11 which im guessing will be with the first major update
na some time around the time the ps4 version comes out maybe ( i have to do job hunting today ugh)
I just had to post again and say thank you for giving me something to enjoy for the hour of free time I have this evening. You may not have done these but you put them together. Thanks again.
I think some of it could be done with sweetfx if you knew what your doing with the software. If modding was aloud than it really could be possible like they did with Skyrim ENBs.
Amazing work..but I don't know how you can say "the graphics were much more robust then"...because 2.0 has improved apon those disgusting grainy models they used to have xD Although these pictures are very beautiful, but none of these are actual live screenshots of the game..I wish though...I wish it was that beautiful back then :P
haha no..this is some heavily modified images..Photoshop and probably a 3d software to get the smooth character models.
Well we cant really judge the over graphics until they put in DX11 which im guessing will be with the first major update
na some time around the time the ps4 version comes out maybe ( i have to do job hunting today ugh)
Aerowyn's Video Compilation of ALL things Guild Wars 2
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