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I don't think they gave away 10,000 key in 15 seconds. I think they gave away a few hundred to maybe a thousand. I think most of the keys went to Snailgame. Here is why:
2,768(current page, the other one was bigger)*10,000=27,680,000 bytes @ 30 seconds equals 7,381,333.33 bits per second plus 333 database lookups per second plus 333 database updates per second all with no lag.
You expct me to believe AD/Farlan/NPCube can handle all this with no crash and no lag. I mean they can't even keep their server cluster in sync and we are expected to believe this happened without a hitch.
So, In the words of the game I so loved as a kid "Bull_hit!".
We've been god slapped,
You are right! They didn't SELL a single key today!
Is that supposed to be sarcasim? Sold/gave out whatever, that is not the point, the point is it happened to fast and happend to perfectly. I just can't believe they some how got it right.
There's even more proof! If you take the diameter of the base of the Great Pyramid, multiply by pi and divide by 8,881 (the year SoG is set) you get 392. And if you turn to page 392 in the Da Vinci Code, you see a paragraph that explains how it's all a hoax and these 20 guys scammed us all for four years to make 500,000 dollars. Which works out to an annual income of 25k per each of them. lolol
Ever think that maybe they might care more about 1,000,000,000 people who speak one language than a bunch of whinny American and Europeans? Plus, who do you think gave them millions of dollars? Hint it wasn't the Americas, Europe, Africa, or Austraila. They are going to concentrate on Aisa with this game.
You figured it out! They are scamming people by not giving away FREE keys!
I am a prepaid member, and I can't even get in because I had to work this morning and missed the window. Talk about royal suckage, this really takes the cake. The bad taste after this makes me not even want to play their stupid game.
If you are a prepaid member then you shouldn't even worry about getting in to get a key. You already have one.
Hmm. I feel slightly ... er, either silly and sheepish or gullible and foolish, I can't decide which.
If what you say is true, then DnL needs to hire better CRM people to get their story out, because that's surely not what I understood. But it does make sense. I hope you're right.
You don't get it. It has nothing to do with how many people are where, it has to do with the practicality of AD/NP3Cube/Farlan pulling it off with out any lag, without a crash, without any mishap. It has nothing to do with a scam. It has to do with the 10,000 free keys, did not got to people who used the web site to get them. They went another way.
You realize there was only two pages.. right? They shut down the rest of their site for this. It stopped all other pages from being loaded, so that there was absolutely no other traffic to the site. There were no posts being made.. no people logging in except for that one tiny section to flag your account.
And yet this is so obviously false. Many people have posted here saying they DID get keys. And those are only the English speakers, not the French, German, Spanish, Swedish, etc. that post at And it doesn't reflect the people who know of but don't post. And definitely doesn't reflect the people who are not even aware of So extrapolate from the handful of people that posted here that they did get a key to the entire world (leaving out China, as so many seem to want to do) and it's really not hard to beleive that 10k keys did disappear almost instantly.
Edit-this was in reply to dimaryp, not the person directly above me.
WHEW! I just received my answer from DnL support:
Keep in mind, they experienced a HUGE problem with the Pioneer pre-order, it was 18 hours after launch before I could purchase mine due to the issues they had. It took 3 days to purchase 8,881 keys, and that was with all of the traffic caused by people F5'ing every 3 seconds, people flooding the forums, whatnot.
They stripped the site down to about 3 static pages of info, one interactive page where you simply typed in a username and password, and all they had to do was verify your account information, and flag you as 'in'. I work in IT, and work a lot with Internet tech and web application programming (although not php like their site, I work in c#). Do I think they could pull off 10,000 keys in 80 seconds? Yeah, easily, with the right setup in place.
I think they learned their lesson from the pre-order and worked extra hard to make sure they'd get the signup right this time. They may have dropped the ball with other information on the game, plus delaying the client download by a day, but they got the signup right, and I'm not going to bash them for that.
Yeah your right 10k keys did go to the west.
this should help alot out on the 13th
Ni men hao = Hey Everyone
Zen mo la = Whats up
Xie xie bu xie = No thanks
feel free to add more.
Yeah.. I had no trouble getting a key. I had just woken up. Logged onto my computer, loaded up the page.. clicked it once and they weren't up yet. Refreshed, clicked it again and got my key. Went back to bed.
People did get keys, I got a key(at least I think so). I just do not believe NP3/Farlan/AD did it correctly. I have not seen them handle their web site well. I think keys were givin, I just think most of the keys we're given to Asia. I think through some trick of translation, they are going to come back and say, we told you the whole world was going to get them, even though the SoG offer says it will only be in French and English. I think when the dust clears, this game will clearly be dominated by Asian guilds and that is fine. Like I said we think the game sucks by and large.
the 10000 keys today were freebies, for SoG only, in ADDITION TO the 8881 pioneer keys that were SOLD last week for SoG/DnL combo.
My clock says December 9th, EST. So where's my download?...
Moron am I? Admittedly I haven't been hung up on every written word from the dev's. Jumping to conclusions, making assumptions based on limited info...ok, I'll concede.
I just want my game!
Ok so where do you suppose they went? Where is this "another way"? It is some conspiracy to keep them from the people who use the web site?
almost exactly what i did.
- Dec 8th: Subscriptions for SoG
- Dec 9th: The launcher and the client for SoG are available
on www.darkandlight/sog/download. Be sure to download the client through
Bit Torrent as soon as it is available to be ready for the servers
opening. Download file size: 1.3 Gb
- Dec 13th : The server is up. At this time you can enter the
world of Ganareth.
this is straight from my confirmation email. i only put in my info once and got it the first time, i was surprised.