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Art style and gameplay in those videos has completely ruined this game for me. This is a thread for anyone who feels like I do to vent about how stupid this game looks. Fanboi's go elsewhere please.
What are we all still 12 years old playing this cartoony bullcrap with giant sparkly animations. For the love of God please make a better game. Somebody. PLease.
For once I was thinking there finally wouldn't be any "warcraft clone" topics in a forum after a game was revealed. When I seen there was I couldn't help but lol. This is coming from an unbiased player - I'm going to give the game a try but of course I'm waiting for more information and public hands on.
No, TC, just no.
Same. For me it's not so much the art style, but the fact that this looks like WoW 2.0 and will attract WoW players.
That demographic will ask for a softcore game. It does not cater to EQ1 players.
Plenty of players are already saying "I'm leaving WoW for this"...well I didn't want WoW players in this game to begin with, that's not my demographic.
We did not need yet another WoW clone. Plenty of players want a hardcore game.
Omg, graphics arnt ultra gritty and super realistic! Wow clone!!!
I do understand why the game wouldnt appeal to everyone, but a wow clone it clearly is not.
As for the combat, I think its far to early to judge it to harshly, to me it felt like the small mobs were purposly scaled down in hp during the demostration.
I am not even entirely sure if this will be the game for me, however I am super excited at what eqnext could mean for the future of mmorpgs, its more innovative then anything we've seen since mmorpgs first appeared.
Personally my only issues with the graphics were the oversized shoulder pads on the kittycat, however overall the graphics reminded me more of bioshock then wow, especially the faces.
Between the shallow flashy combat, Disney characters and homogenized multiclassing that will destroy what makes different classes special. I was to be honest, totally heartbroken. You may say that I was to emotionally invested in this, but if you've had the sort of amazing experiences I had in EQ and SWG you would be heartbroken too.
Despite all the incredible innovations this game brings, it will also bring a lot of garbage.
You really can't dictate who can participate in a thread, especially when you offer your opinions.
The game is built upon small chucks of "stuff", so I think they did a great job on the graphics, given the complexity SOE offers. Sparkly animations meaning actual debris from the ground flying loose leaving holes in the terrain? If you think that isn't cool or next-gen, this game isn't for you.
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Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
Considering millions have played WoW at one point or another, any mmo is going to have WoW players. Sure the art style will attract/detract many, but in the end it's the gameplay that a game should be judged, not the art style.
We were showed what the game is aiming to be, either you'll play or you won't.
why do these Disappointed Ones assume we don't care about our games or have "amazing experiences" in them?
"There are at least two kinds of games.
One could be called finite, the other infinite.
A finite game is played for the purpose of winning,
an infinite game for the purpose of continuing play."
Finite and Infinite Games, James Carse
Really?!?!? How can anyone even come close to calling this a WoW clone?
I am speechless.....
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polycount anyone?
I actually have not seen enough screen shots and or vids to make a final judgement
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
Boom, you nailed it. But you wana know the reason we're upset? Because we've been told it was going to be. We expected more. I understand it was going to be different, but this is just not the culture that EQ players expected.
It's a WoW clone. There.
I cannot wait for this game. Looks gorgeous, appealing, different, and fun. I cannot wait.
Pretty much the same for me.
I actually liked WoW's graphics when I played WoW. But, I don't want to see them copy-pasted to another game.
I'm all for EQN having artistic styling instead of realistic graphics, but this one is coming way too close to WoW's style-- Complete with giant shoulderpads and all.
The day/night cycle video was sweet though, so at least they are using some lighting effects.
LOL! Yeah, WoW has multi-classes, and procedural mobs. It's totally ripping off WoW's quest hubs, or the loot grind for purples, and talent trees.
Honestly, I think "WoW clone" is just synonymous with "I don't like it" anymore. Seriously, do people even think when they say these things? Or do they see one aspect that reminds them of WoW, and now suddenly the entire game is a "WoW clone?"
So you're mad because it wasn't like any other mmorpg?
I was already envisioning a world and graphical style similar to EQ all along and then they announced the composer of the Skyrim soundtrack was on board. Now I'm REALLY thinking gritty, mature no-BS gameworld.
And what do we get?? Another cartoon WoW clone. Seriously you cannot put graphics like that into a game and try to tell me that it's not aimed at attracting millions of pre-teens who can barely spell let alone navigate a challenging gameworld. there anything else in development right now??
My youtube MMO gaming channel
One of THE best features of pre-NGE SWG was being able to dabble in classes, and it wasn't even really designed for it. It allowed people to make all kinds of interesting combinations.
You may love static classes where everyone runs around with exact same abilities on their bars, but I sure as hell don't.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
It's apparent that the word "culture" went right over your head.
How is it a wow clone? The combat isn't even the same. People call Warhammer online a wow clone?
Wtf is a wow clone?
If this is a wow clone then every fantasy game in the future will be a wow clone. You're better off just leaving the genre.