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quote :
these are games that let you pay $200.
(Firefall is only $100)
(Path of Exile offers a $12,500 pack though!)
(Also, some MMOs, such as LOTRO and STO, offered Lifetime subscriptions for $200)
Of course, these are all F2P: a small portion of the players will pay the $200, and other players pay other amounts. So I guess your point remains valid: would anyone pay $200 for a non-F2P?
Mind blown, how can you call these game free-to-play when they allow this?
I sometimes make spelling and grammar errors but I don't pretend it's because I'm using a phone
Uhh, maybe because paying anything at all for them is completely voluntary, and not at all required to enjoy the game?
But yes, how DARE they give people the OPTION to pay for something they enjoy! The NERVE of these people, honestly!
If people would start focusing on what they're spending their own money on, and less on how / what other people are purchasing with theirs, maybe we'd have less folks in dire financial straits these days. Oh, but that's just crazy talk. Everybody knows that people aren't responsible for their own fuck-ups anymore...
It's a sad day indeed when a family is too afraid of reprisals to publicly thank somebody for saving their lives.
The reason cash shops and premium memberships exist, is because there are people who are willing to pay, and there are deadbeats who aren't.
What business *ever*, would create a product that takes millions or tens of millions of dollars to create, and then just hand it over to consumers for free, with no expectation of making money at all?
[mod edit]
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
It's almost too ironic to point out that the OP's sig is about not using excuses for spelling errors, yet blames 'F2p' for his lack of self-control.
It is free to play, but you chose to pay. A sub game by definition is not playable unless you pay.
You pay 12500 dollars in Path of Exile because you can afford it and because you want to support the company. Noone does it to get ingame advantages in the main aspects of the game; because you don't get any significant such.
Also, some MMOs, such as LOTRO and STO, offered Lifetime subscriptions for $200
Paid for Lifetime subs for both game long before either was so-called f2p. Had I known they were to become so-called f2p, I would not have spent a penny on either. If a game says "free" I now expect it to be just that FREE. If they charge any amount of money for anyone to play the game IT IS NOT FREE!
Let's party like it is 1863!
" forum admins are all TROLLS and losers in real life"
My opinion
I don't understand.
is not the title
I just paid $12,500 for a F2P game
And yet I see no receipt. . .
My mind is blown that this forum that is know for its integrity would allow such deceit. . .
( I of course, am joking )
Can't that sarcasm be turned right back on you though? How dare people want entertainment that is free of advertising and behaviour manipulation?
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
The people that pay out $100's to these games are what are mostly called Whales.These people seem to be passionate gamers and have disposable income,so they drop it on gaming.
It's really no different than people that drop a few hundred k on a car they always wanted,or some other item that is collectible or needs to supported.People support different things.
Some day I'm going to put a sword through your eye and out the back of your skull!
Arya Stark
Next they'll call you a witch and try to burn you.
Want some ice cream?
Oh and we have napkins and other flavors of ice cream available, but you'll need a loan approval to even see those prices...
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Whoever here who says anything bad about the "whales" or people who pay funding for your games are beyond redemption. Remember, those people are here for *our* entertainment.
So, like Jim Carrey once said "fire away with all you got cause I ain't movin' no where. You're stuck with me like mud on a mudfish."
In other words, the cash is in our wallets, not theirs and they don't deserve any of our cash so our choices are our own they have no say.
Discuss. Reason. Society.
Become a Dragon. Take your world back.
I agree.
I mean - why are people acting like the company is somehow evil for providing these options - shouldn't we be shaking our heads at the consumers who make poor decisions with their money? Or saving that, like InsaneDalek says, who are we to judge the right and wrong between a transaction between a company and an individual who is not us? Let people spend their money the way they want. Let companies try to make a profit from their fan base. Let us worry about our own decisions and pocket books and stop judging others for their personal decisions we happen to think are boneheaded.
Free to play is called pay to win for a reason.
I love how people make the arguement " you dont have to pay for anything, nobody forces you to spend x amount of money" But the truth is, if the game is competitve, with pvp or what not, youre going to have to spend money. Even if you only pve you have to spend money.
Tired of having to go back to town or discard items, buy another bag, want to move faster buy another mount, want that new class buy it in the cash shop! The game is free to play, but what people dont want to admit is the devs go out of their way to strip features that should be core and move it tot he cash shop.
I read someone state that "Free to play is basically for people who want someone else to pay for their gaming" and i always agreed with that statement.
I see people bitch all the time about how subs arent worth it, but honestly when you look at it, subs are cheaper. And the truth is, devs need to be paid, but paying to much is just as bad as paying to little. Why would i want to play along side a guy who has the option to spend 1000+ dollars.
Games like star citizen scare the hell out of me, serious pvp games with $5000, $10000. $15000 packages. Yet everyone is defending these so called "free to play" titles. I know for a fact i wont spend 1000 bucks on a free to play game, but i have friends who have. And dont fucking tell me it doesnt make a difference because it does.
Quotations Those Who make peaceful resolutions impossible, make violent resolutions inevitable. John F. Kennedy
Life... is the shit that happens while you wait for moments that never come - Lester Freeman
Lie to no one. If there 's somebody close to you, you'll ruin it with a lie. If they're a stranger, who the fuck are they you gotta lie to them? - Willy Nelson
In EVE, in WoW and in all other B2P and P2P MMOs out there there are (or shortly will be) options to augment your gaming power by investing real hard earned cash.
Also to the OP: 12500$ sounds like much if the game (PoE) has no barriers whatsoever? Back in the pre-Plex days of EVE a very wealthy very dedicated russian businessman pumped enough GTCs into the in-game market to bankroll his own alliance (whom are still around to this day in one form or another) to such a degree that back then 30 days of in-game time was legally sold for around 100 mil isk. To put this in perspective modern post-plex/post-russian insanity plex prices (30 days of game time per plex) hover between 300 mil and 550 mil isk on average. Rough guestimates put that guy's investment into the game in the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of USD over the span of quite a few years.
@CyberRommel above my post: F2P games don't sell power, P2W ones do, get that straight or stop talking about the subject ( bank space, toon space, etc are optional and in most games don't cost that much anyway, if you're smart, which in this case means two functioning neurons and at least 4 years of schooling, you know that you can get allot for free or allot and a bit more fun for 15$/month, ex: firefly, not a mature game yet yes but you can bypass the grind for slightly better gear with real world money but the game still has allot of skill and is quite fun even completely free, given time it'll be a great game and a great example of F2P).
Because they also allow you to play without spending a dime?
I played some of those, and i paid nothing. Tell me, is that the definition of free?
I was not aware that people donating $12,500 to Path of Exile made it not free to play.
Little forum boys with their polished cyber toys: whine whine, boo-hoo, talk talk.