So I just preorder my copy of final fantasy xiv. I can't wait when it release. I can't wait for open beta and early access whenever that will be. I hope later on after the released I hope they will adds new jobs. I'm really hoping for ninja and dancer. I'm probably only person that want dancer.
So.anyways are you guys excited for Final Fantasy XIV Realm Reborn?
What is you're plans for open beta and early access?
" forum admins are all TROLLS and losers in real life"
My opinion
I am looking forward to release, but it hasn't stopped me from enjoying some Skryim & RIFT.
I'm ready.
So, so ready.
Bring on OB!
Im ready!
HOWEVER SE needs to get their management system together.. Its so bad and im having the worst luck with trying to get my PS3 CE code...
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
Are you talking about your game serial numbers for registration, or are there separate pre-order codes on top of that?
I used to be in the same boat , but I figured I will play it for storyline - crafting while making lots of Gil ready to be spent on w/e pvp system gives.
I'm ready and hoping this game keeps me busy for a while. Being between MMORPGs is bleh.
The worst part is not knowing what's going on (other than release on the 27th). I'm hoping they do give some info tomorrow to dispel the uncertainty.
Premium MMORPGs do not feature built-in cheating via cash for gold pay 2 win. PLAY to win or don't play.
Legit all I've been doing is staring at the countdown timer and watching youtube video's.
Haven't been this excited for a video game in a while.